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  • Feeling so confused... Or I'm really getting too weak at socializing and my radar is a bit jammed, or then there's something else... I struggle to understand some situations sometimes
    Maybe you just getting tired, not sure why but that the signs of burnout.
    Oh no, it's not much in a negative way, rather that I start to struggle reading someone I'm in good terms with and I always fear to be too clingy or energy-draining @_@"'
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    SeeU has arrived ! Welcome to France !
    Woaaaah in the beginning I was a bit worried about the very simple setting (though it was more elaborated and livelier than the simple one in the first clip shown on TV) but JESUS, SLIMANE YOU DARED DOING IT THE NOUGARO WAY AND SINGING THE BLASTING BEFORE-END CHORUS AFAR FROM THE MIC LIKE AN OPERA SINGER, RESPECT !!! I got the shivers!!

    Edit : Also got slapped a second time, this time by Kaleen
    Usually there's that one song of Soprano that is really moving, but today it hurts even much more and I do hope I won't add anyone more to the list...
    As Eurovision is within two weeks or so, just a reminder I personally feel this one is so slept on, even though I do admit there are better and more memorable songs but iunno why it hypnotizes me (and I still miss the random weird ice cream cones dancers from the original video it would have been lolzier)
    Even though she likes Erasure, strangely my mother never knew about this song, and I feel like I'm bringing nostalgia to the whole fandom with just linking this song mdr
    Only discovered Koi wa à la mode had a remix called Love Extended and that all the mewmews sang it along with Ichigo (I was a bit sad though because I thought they'd sing the original one though with some manipulation it could be possible) and man, this is so addicting
    Welp, update about my galaco talk + broken shell Win 8.1 Pro lappy : couldn't charge the battery so I guess the shell disocnnected compltely so it cannot charge and thus, I cannot turn it on back and quick install gala talk... Seems Imma have to either ask for renders or go to the wayback machine for her demo page, or go the grey area abandonware (that I hope not to follow because it'd be really sad) if I ever want to use her... It's sorrowful =<
    Oh ? =o Can you please explain me more precisely and if possible, with pics or vids please ?

    (Also yeah, it feels sorrowful that that old laptop is a Windows 8.1 Pro so perfect for galaco talk, but yeah, I had to move to this laptop i'm currently typing on a few years ago)
    sure ^-^ but first, what is the model of your Acer laptop??
    (on the bottom/back there should be a label about the model)
    edit: it's an Acer Aspire V11, correct?

    and about the hdd/ssd case, you can easily buy it from amazon or any pc shop, it is called "hard drive 2.5" enclosure", but let's keep that as an option of worst case scenario that the laptop won't turn on and you need to save the data from the drive ^^

    here's a video about the laptop (not really your same model, but it can gives you a better idea)
    good thing is, on the back there is the HDMI video output, so it's possible to connect it to an external display (or even your TV) by using a normal hdmi cable. that's a good news because the shell issue might have damaged the flat cable of the monitor itself, so it might turn on but since is a fanless pc, if the monitor is not working, it feels like the pc is turned off.
    1)so.. the first thing I'd suggest is try to connect the laptop to external display by hdmi cable (you can use any hdmi cable you have, for example of a console): connect, turn on first the display/tv (set the hdmi channel in case of tv) and then try to turn on the laptop.
    2) if nothing happens,check if the battery is connected. try again turn it on. to disconnect the battery: from the video, minute 1:40, you can see you need to press a small button (that turns off the battery circuit) and then you can easily disconnect the battery (2:01) and remove it (2:35).
    3) after battery is removed, re-assembly the laptop again and try to turn it on. if not turning on, try to keep the power button pressed for about 30 seconds
    4) at 2:42 of the video you can see how easy is to remove the hard drive, but again, let's keep it as a last option ^-^
    5) at 3:20 you can see the monitor connector: check if that's plugged correctly :ryuuto_ani_lili:
    to summarize:
    step 1: try connect the laptop to an external display/tv by HDMI cable (any hdmi cable you have is ok, for example cable of a console)
    step 2: if nothing happens, then you can disassemble the back of laptop to check something: before doing that, unplug laptop from power adapter, touch a metallic object to discharge you from any static electricity, and wear some gloves. better if you have an electrician screwdriver (more protection)
    step 3: judging by the laptop photos you sent me, it's very possible the shell damage might have disconnected the display cable or the battery cable. so you can check if they are well connected (video 2:01 and 3:20)
    step 4: if you see that the battery is damaged, then follow the video (2:01 and 2:35) to disconnect and remove it
    step 5: re-assembly again and try to turn it on. try also to push the power button for about 30 seconds (it's usually for a hard reset/reboot)
    step 6: if still nothing happens, then I recommend to remove the harddrive (video 2:42), buy an external hard drive 2.5 inch enclosure (10~20 euro/dollars on amazon) and use it as a normal usb drive on another pc to save all the data :meiko_ani_lili:
    First day of Spring 💖 Also iunno why, but if there was to be an ASMR niche kind of vocal, especially for speech programs such as VOICEPEAK or AI Talk 2 (though Moca whisper kinda fills it), I'd see well benio or someone with such a voice to record such a Voice synth
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