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初音ミク V4X English - Sweet✦Dream - VOCALOID Original Song

Mar 6, 2018
The melody is really weird,
beginner-like but also could go either way...
vocals starting, the backing melody's range is definitely in some conflict, but I can at least hear both and understand the lyrics without reading almost the whole way through.
The beat comes in and certain parts feel as though they build up to something, but then it doesn't.
In the end it didn't really go either way for me actually, it's just nice and strange sounding.
I didn't know what to expect, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I guess that on its own is pretty neat though.
Very ethereal and a bit misleading? Definitely eerie and somewhat surreal-like. Also, is that walpurgisnacht Miku?
I would say to try making Miku's formant lower in pitch or something, but I guess there is some charm to how it is too.
The only changes I'd really like to hear made to the composition of the vocal track itself are
:18 to
E - B - G
:38 to
G - A
not that there's anything wrong with how it is.
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Aspiring Fan
Apr 10, 2018
Thank you for your comment, I’m starting to learn real music theory and I’m not very confident doing music. I will try to improve in future songs even if it’s slowly.

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