so, quick update:
Thanks to everyone who helped me out by giving advice! I really appreciate you guys takin' the time to help a newb like me lol
So what I've been doing is trying to transpose a MIDI for this song:
And seeing as i have (well, technically HAD, but i'll get to that in a moment) a copy of Mixcraft 8, and it wonderfully offers musical typing as a feature! So i tried to think of anything that could give me a better idea on where the notes would be, and I tried looking on YT to see if there was any synthesia versions of the song, and surely enough,
So i've just been looking for the vocal tracks in this video, (as well as some backing vocals) and visually looking at the piano roll, listening for the right scale, and it's turned out pretty nicely! The only iffy thing about it with me is getting the timing right, but i've been managing to get by, switching between the original song to check the pitch and guess how long the notes are, and switching to the off-vocal to see how the MIDI sounds on its own with the instrumental.
Speaking of, i found an almost perfect off vocal for the song:
Its almost perfect for what i want, with the only flaw that it still has the backing vocals included. I was hoping to do ALL of the vocals with my vocaloid, so if anyone knows of a reliable way to edit those backing vocals out, i'd love you forever.
But now, here comes the (potentially) bad news.
Today, when i booted up my computer, it wouldnt load properly. It started up, but there was a problem starting the OS properly, and i couldn't get inside. I took it in to one guy my dad knows of to see if he would fix it, but he had no luck. We're gonna take it into the place i got it from to see if they can fix it, but if not, the hard drive's going to have to get wiped. Completely. Which means i'm going to lose all the progress i made on the cover, which was about a few days worth of work. Not to mention, more urgently, that I'm going to lose my Vocaloids.
You see, I bought Leon, Lola and Miriam just before they were discontinued, so it would be an understatement to say that it would suck if i had to wipe my HDD. Nevertheless, if it does come to that, at least i have their backup DL files on a USB somewhere in this house.(i just have to bust my ass looking for it) I'll work on this cover regardless.
Again, thanks to everyone who helped me out, and let's hope things turn out better from here on out!