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Commission I'm Taking Vocaloid Commissions

Dan Gero

New Fan
Jan 4, 2023

Hello all,

Some of you may know me as the guy who posted a birthday song and demo reel to introduce myself as a Vocaloid producer. You may also know about my mashup songs, but I'm not so great at making those. :-)

Here's some context about myself that people may not know. I am visually impaired, and I live in the hot and sunny state of Florida. I came here in December with the intent of going to college. Sadly, I discovered pretty quickly that the services I depend on are absolutely terrible in Florida. I used to live in Nebraska a very long time ago, and the services there were fantastic. I was only there for a training program, and at the time I didn't have an apartment in the state. I had to leave, but I've been yearning to go back ever since I left.

I'd like to move back to Nebraska and attend college there, but there's a slight problem with that. I'm trying to save up money, but that's a slow and tedious process when you're living purely on disability income. I need to supplement it with something if I want a good chance of getting out of here in 6 months or less.

I have considered starting a Go Fund Me, but I hate asking people for money without providing them some sort of service to make it worth sending the money in the first place. However, I do love using Vocaloid, and I know there are people looking for Vocaloid producers to tune songs for them. I think this would be a perfect way to raise money to leave the state without simply asking for money.

I'm not really sure how to go about this commissioning thing, so I'll start out with some limitations I have:

* I can only make VSQX files with one part and one track. Given how Vocaloid isn't particularly accessible with screen readers, adding tracks and parts and trying to switch to them is not possible for me. If you need additional tracks, I'll have to make multiple VSQX and WAV files for each part/track, and you'll have to combine them yourself. This also means that, if you want to make an untuned VSQX with the basic melody and send it to me to fix it up, you'll have to send it with no additional parts or tracks. I'm sorry; it's the best I can do under the circumstances.
* I can only make songs with Hatsune Miku V4 Japanese, as it's the only voice bank I was able to purchase. I can use all the variations such as Solid and Sweet and all that, but I can't use any other voice bank, including Miku's English and Chinese banks. This means that, if you want to use any other Japanese voice bank, you'll have to convert the VSQX yourself. Sadly, English and Chinese are completely out of the question, unless you want me to just do the melody and you add the lyrics yourself.
* If the song is over 200 bars, I can make it happen, but I'd like to ask that you please let me know in advance if possible. Since I can't adjust part length, I make a midi file with a single note extending throughout the entire song, then delete the note after importing the midi. I usually go for 200 bars if I don't know how long the song is just to be safe.
* I am not particularly good at mixing or making instrumentals. I have been working at that for years, and I still haven't quite figured it out. I will mix your song or make an instrumental if you absolutely can't do it yourself, but I'm gonna add $2 more to the price, and it's probably not going to be particularly good. Video is out of the question, because I am visually impaired and can't make videos very well.

That's all I can think of right now. I will post my YouTube videos demonstrating my tuning skills below this post. If anyone has info or advice for how I go about doing commissions, please do let me know. I have quite a bit of experience with Vocaloid, but no experience with earning money. As it stands, I will happily take any amount of money you think my services are worth, as long as it's greater than or equal to 1 American dollar. This is because I don't know how much people usually earn from commissions, and every little bit of money helps in this desperate situation I'm in right now. 100% of my earnings will go towards the moving costs. You can either message me here or mention/DM me on Mastodon or Discord. I will have that info below the post as well.

Thank you in advance.



私のことをご存知の方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、私はボーカロイドのプロデューサーであることを紹介するためにバースデーソングとデモリールを投稿した男です。僕のマッシュアップソングも知っているかもしれませんが、それを作るのはあまり得意ではありません :-)



Go Fund Meを始めることも考えましたが、そもそもお金を送る価値があるような何らかのサービスを提供せずに人にお金を求めるのが嫌なんです。しかし、私はボーカロイドを使うのが好きですし、ボーカロイドのプロデューサーを探している人がいることも知っています。これは、単にお金を要求することなく、国家を去るための資金を集める完璧な方法だと思います。


* 私は1パート1トラックのVSQXファイルしか作れません。ボーカロイドがスクリーンリーダーで特にアクセスしやすいわけではないことを考えると、トラックやパートを追加したり、それらに切り替えようとすることは、私には不可能です。トラックを追加する必要がある場合は、各パート/トラックごとに複数のVSQXファイルとWAVファイルを作る必要があります。また、チューニングされていないVSQXで基本的なメロディーを作り、それを修正するために私に送りたい場合は、パートやトラックを追加せずに送る必要があります。申し訳ありませんが、現状ではこれが精一杯です。
* ボイスバンクは初音ミクV4日本語版しか購入できなかったので、初音ミクV4日本語版でしか曲を作ることができません。ソリッドやスウィートなどのバリエーションは全て使えますが、ミクの英語バンクや中国語バンクを含め、他のボイスバンクは使えません。つまり、他の日本語ボイスバンクを使いたい場合は、自分でVSQXを変換する必要があります。悲しいことに、英語と中国語は完全に問題外です。ただし、メロディだけ私に任せて、歌詞は自分で付けて欲しいという場合は別です。
* 200小節以上の曲であれば可能ですが、可能であれば事前にお知らせください。パートの長さは調整できないので、1つの音符が曲全体に伸びるようなmidiファイルを作り、midiをインポートした後にその音符を削除します。曲の長さがわからない場合は、念のため200小節にすることが多いです。
* ミキシングやインストゥルメンタルを作るのは特に得意ではありません。ミキシングやインストゥルメンタルを作るのは特に得意ではありません。どうしても自分でできないのであれば、ミキシングやインストゥルメンタルを作りますが、値段に2ドル上乗せします。ビデオは論外です。私は視覚障害者で、ビデオをうまく作れませんから。




English Mastodon: @[email protected]

日本語のMastodon: @[email protected]

Discord: dangero2000

Demonstrating my Vocaloid Tuning Skills:
Hatsune Miku Wished me a Happy Birthday!:


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I'm personally not in the market at the moment, but I think your samples sound lovely!

Good luck with everything; I hope things work out well soon!
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Dan Gero

New Fan
Jan 4, 2023
Hi all! I was wondering, is there anywhere else I can post this to get more people to see it? I've posted here, Mastodon, and the Vocaloid Discord server. So far, I haven't gotten any requests yet. I'm not sure if it's because I'm terrible at advertising myself, or because I haven't posted to enough places, or both. If anyone has any recommendations, I'd be happy to hear them.

Dan Gero

New Fan
Jan 4, 2023
while i am not entirely sure about all places, potentially some normal/general music forums could be a way to go. one community that has built more interest in vocal synths has been vi-control. not sure where their board is for advertising but i am sure they have one.
Hi there,
Unfortunately, VI Control seems to use H Captcha. H Captcha is inaccessible with screen readers, and requires you to set an accessibility cooky in order to bypass the challenge. The cooky doesn't always work, and in this case, it doesn't work at all. It doesn't seem to recognize that I have the cooky, so I can't proceed with the registration. I do appreciate your help though.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
If you could find a Japanese vocal synth online spot, you might have better luck there, as my impression is that their side of the community is bigger than the Western one. I've not heard the name of such a place, though; I'm only assuming they exist.

Maybe if you posted your videos along with an offer for your services on Nico Nico?
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Apr 22, 2021
I re-post this to my community and hopefully someone could use your service. I told them to use E-mail to get a contact with you (if your e-mail on the youtube are correct ), you can check your e-mail regularly.

You might re-considered starting a Go Fund Me, i know you don't like it but if it in the emergency case then i recommend it.

Dan Gero

New Fan
Jan 4, 2023
If you could find a Japanese vocal synth online spot, you might have better luck there, as my impression is that their side of the community is bigger than the Western one. I've not heard the name of such a place, though; I'm only assuming they exist.

Maybe if you posted your videos along with an offer for your services on Nico Nico?
Thank you so much! I'll see if I can find one today. :-)

I re-post this to my community and hopefully someone could use your service. I told them to use E-mail to get a contact with you (if your e-mail on the youtube are correct ), you can check your e-mail regularly.

You might re-considered starting a Go Fund Me, i know you don't like it but if it in the emergency case then i recommend it.
Thank you so much! If you don't mind, can you post the first 4 letters of my email here or send me an email to the address to make sure it's accurate? I had one specifically for these types of inquiries which I posted in the description of one of my videos, but I lost access to it a while back. I'll have to use my main email address. I'm going to change the email in the description now.
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Apr 22, 2021
Thank you so much! If you don't mind, can you post the first 4 letters of my email here or send me an email to the address to make sure it's accurate? I had one specifically for these types of inquiries which I posted in the description of one of my videos, but I lost access to it a while back. I'll have to use my main email address. I'm going to change the email in the description now.
First 4 letters of your email is "garr" if that correct?
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Dan Gero

New Fan
Jan 4, 2023
Hi all,
So, I decided to start a Patreon. The page is up, and everything is ready to go. Well... Almost everything. You see, I made an intro video that I was planning on posting today, but my video editor lost his mac charger, and I can't make the video because I don't know how. I have all the resources to make it, but I can't actually make it, and neither can my editor at the moment. The intro video is just a paraphrased version of the text I have in my Patreon intro post.
I guess what I'm trying to ask is, is this intro video something that has to go up right this minute? I'm going to upload it at some point of course; I just can't do it right now, and I need to get the ball rolling on this. My moving situation is about to get very complicated due to some unforeseen circumstances, so I kind of have to get things moving along as quickly as possible.
Everything else is ready. In the meantime, I can make a YouTube community post about my Patreon and share it around on social media. I appreciate everyone's patience as I try to work through this situation.
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Apr 22, 2021
I follow quite a lot of people on patreon and like 98% of them doesn't have any intro video, just simple introduction is perfectly fine. Although those people i follow are not produce anything vocal synths related, i'm not sure how much of a different it is but i am very certain that you don't need video. Unless you produce an animations content related, in that case videos are must have.

You can add video later on as you see fits.
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