Hiya! I wanted to share some artwork I uploaded to Pixiv a while back. For some reason it won't let me embed the images from Pixiv using the link, so I'll just have to put the links here.
These are all a bit older, and I've improved since. I've done more stuff recently, but haven't gotten around to uploading them, yet. Haha. It's literally all just Tei at the moment, but eventually I'm gonna upload something that's not Tei!
(This one is my favorite. It was my first time drawing Tei, and it turned out really well for my first attempt. I also really liked the colors on this one. ^^)
(This one turned out decent, but the shading is just... ugh. I tried. >_>)
(I like the way her facial expression turned out, and I think the colors looked pretty nice on this one.)
These are all a bit older, and I've improved since. I've done more stuff recently, but haven't gotten around to uploading them, yet. Haha. It's literally all just Tei at the moment, but eventually I'm gonna upload something that's not Tei!
I tried to draw Tei-san! This was my first time drawing her, believe it or not. I really like her design (especially her hair); she's so pretty and cool!
Declare War on All Voc@loid
Hello! I did this drawing a while back when I did a "retune" cover of Minatsuki Toka's Declare War on All Voc@loid. I tried to draw it like Uramiti's artwork for the song, but in my own style! I like the way everything turned out, except for Tei's skirt. It was very difficult to get the angle...
I did this artwork for my cover of Ai Kotoba III with Sukone Tei! This is one of my favorite artworks I've done. I really like the way her facial expression and her ahir turned out! She looks really cute, I think. NND: sm34281416 | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=verI1Q6hieU