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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Synthesizer V Studio Logo

This is a thread for discussion of Synthesizer V, a singing synthesizer developed by Dreamtonics. It uses a combination of traditional sample-based voice synthesis and new AI-based voice synthesis driven by machine learning to create a unique sound. Synthesizer V was originally released as a Technical Preview in August 2018, followed by a full release in December 2018. The second generation of Synthesizer V, Synthesizer V Studio, was revealed in June 2020 and released on July 10th 2020.
1st Generation Synthesizer V
The 1st generation version of Synthesizer V was released in December 2018, after a Technical Preview release in August 2018. There were 8 vocals total released for this version, in 3 languages. The editor can be used for free alongside the vocals without restriction, but it is encouraged to buy a license to support Dreamtonics. It is assumed that this version will be gradually phased out as voice databases are updated to Synthesizer V Studio, and the license will become unavailable for purchase as of July 15th. It's still possible to download the software but it's recommended to use Synthesizer V Studio instead.​
The 1st generation version of Synthesizer V has been retired and is now unavailable for purchase.
Synthesizer V Studio
The 2nd generation version of Synthesizer V was released in July 2020. There are two versions, Synthesizer V Studio Basic which comes will all voice databases and Synthesizer V Studio Pro, which can be purchased separately. The Basic version is functionally similar to the Pro version, however it is limited in some ways.​
Limitations of Synthesizer V Studio Basic
  • Restricted to 3 tracks maximum, whereas Pro is unlimited.
  • Limited to 2 rendering threads, whereas Pro is unlimited.
  • Lacks additional functions:
    • Automatic tuning
    • Alternative phonemes
    • Separation of aspiration in output
    • Lua/Javascript plugins
Buy Synthesizer V Studio Pro: Physical (AHS | AHS (Limited Time User Discount) | AHS (Cross-grade version) | Amazon (JP)) | Digital (AHS | Taobao)​
Buy Synthesizer V Studio Pro Starter Pack: Physical (AHS | AHS (Limited Time User Discount) | Amazon (JP))​
*The Starter Pack includes a boxed version of the editor plus a coupon code to download a Synthesizer V vocal available from AHS for free.​

Released Vocals
1st Generation
○ English
Eleanor Forte, a female American English voice database released for the Technical Preview version in August 2018, developed by Animen with Dreamtonics. She was the first public Synthesizer V vocal. An update for the 1st generation's full version was released in December 2018. It has been announced by Animen that she will be receiving a new, upgraded voice database for Synthesizer V Studio, but it was delayed due to COVID-19 causing recording issues. Reservations for her new voice database will begin at the end of August.​
Get Eleanor Forte: Download
○ Japanese
Yamine Renri, a female Japanese voice database released for the Technical Preview version in November 2018, developed by Animen. She was the first public Japanese Synthesizer V vocal. The Synthesizer V database uses recordings from her UTAU voice, and is still regarded as a "demo version" which remains unfinished. It has been confirmed by Animen that she will receive a new voice database for Synthesizer V Studio as well as a possible Chinese vocal, but it has been postponed due to COVID-19.​
Get Yamine Renri: Download
GENBU, a male Japanese voice database released in December 2018, developed by Animen. He was the first public male Synthesizer V vocal. An update to his voice database was released in January 2019. The 1st generation Synthesizer V database is regarded as a "demo version" with only one pitch group. He received a full version for Synthesizer V Studio, which was released on July 15th, 2020.​
Get Genbu: Download
○ Chinese
AiKO, a female Chinese voice database released in December 2018, developed by Animen. She was the first public Chinese Synthesizer V vocal, as well as the first commercial Synthesizer V vocal. She is the mascot of Animen. She received an update for Synthesizer V Studio, which was released on July 15th, 2020.​
AiKO's 1st generation voice database has been retired and is no longer available for purchase.
Chiyu, a female Chinese voice database released in April 2019, developed by Beijing Photek. She is the first Synthesizer V vocal from Beijing Photek, and is a member of the Medium⁵ series. It was announced in April 2020 that she would be receiving an update for Synthesizer V Studio, which was released on July 10th, 2020.​
Chiyu's 1st generation voice database has been retired and is no longer available for purchase.
Shian, a female Chinese voice database released in June 2019, developed by Beijing Photek. She is a member of the Medium⁵ series. It was announced in June 2020 that should would be receiving an update for Synthesizer V Studio, which was released on July 10th, 2020.​
Shian's 1st generation voice database has been retired and is no longer available for purchase.
Cangqiong, a female Chinese voice database released in July 2019, developed by Beijing Photek. She is a member of the Medium⁵ series. It was announced in June 2020 that should would be receiving an update for Synthesizer V Studio, which was released on July 10th, 2020.​
Cangqiong's 1st generation voice database has been retired and is no longer available for purchase.
Haiyi, a female Chinese voice database released in September 2019, developed by Beijing Photek. She is a member of the Medium⁵ series. It was announced in June 2020 that should would be receiving an update for Synthesizer V Studio, which was released on July 10th, 2020.​
Haiyi's 1st generation voice database has been retired and is no longer available for purchase.
Announced Vocals
2nd Generation
An Eleanor Forte update has been announced by Animen. It is assumed that this will be a completely new voice database as recording is required and it was referred to as an "upgrade" by Dreamtonics. There is no fixed release date due to COVID-19 causing difficulties in scheduling recording. Reservations for her new voice database will begin at the end of August.​
GENBU, a male Japanese voice database released on July 15th 2020, developed by Animen. This voice database is the full version of the voice database released for the 1st generation Synthesizer V.​
Buy GENBU: Download (ANiCUTE | ANiCUTE (User Discount))​
Saki, formerly known as JA-F2 or Masaki, a female Japanese voice database released on July 15th 2020, developed by Dreamtonics. She is best known for her lite vocal, which is available in Web Synthesizer V. Her voice is based on a popular singer-songwriter. Her lite vocal will be released for free on July 31st 2020.​
Buy Saki: Physical (AHS | AHS (User Discount) | Amazon JP) | Download (AHS | ANiCUTE | ANiCUTE (User Discount))​
Kotonoha Akane & Aoi, a female Japanese voice database released on July 30th 2020, developed by AHS. It is the first Synthesizer V vocal from AHS. It is a singing voice database for the Kotonoha sisters, Akane and Aoi, who were originally released as a VOICEROID product in 2014. As their only difference on VOICEROID is dialect, they share a voice database on Synthesizer V.​
Buy Kotonoha Akane & Aoi: Physical (AHS | AHS (User Discount) | Amazon JP) | Digital (AHS)​
Koharu Rikka, a female Japanese voice database, developed by TOKYO6 Entertainment. She does not have a fixed released date. She will also have a VOICEROID product released.​
AiKO, a female Chinese voice database originally released for the 1st generation Synthesizer V, received an update released on July 15th 2020, developed by Animen.​
Buy AiKO: Digital (ANiCUTE | ANiCUTE (User Discount) | VIP Upgrade)​
Chiyu, Shian, Cangqiong and Haiyi, all Chinese female voice databases originally released for the 1st generation Synthesizer V, all received updates which were released on July 10th 2020, developed by Beijing Photek. They are collectively known with Xingchen, currently a VOCALOID vocal, and ZERO as Medium⁵.​
Buy Medium⁵ vocals: Digital (Taobao)​
Buy Chiyu: Digital (ANiCUTE)​
Buy Shian: Digital (ANiCUTE)​
Buy Cangqiong: Digital (ANiCUTE)​
Buy Haiyi: Digital (ANiCUTE)
Muxin, a male voice database, developed by Beijing Photek. Not much is known about his vocal beyond name and demo as well as a game design, but more information is due soon.​
A new Chinese female voice database, which will be released in the second half of 2020, developed by Beijing Photek. Not much is known about this vocal currently.​
A second Chinese male voice database has been mentioned to be in development by Beijing Photek. Not much is known about this vocal currently.​

Useful Links
This section is always open to additions. Let me know if there's anything you have to suggest for it.
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VNN Mom™
Mar 6, 2018
I actually haven't heard of this synth before but daaaaang it sounds nice in English. Not to fond of the Japanese and the Chinese(?) before editing sounds really off to me so those languages will be interesting.

I'll have to get some of my synth using friends to see if they can joined the closed beta if it ends up being open for sign ups. x'D


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I actually haven't heard of this synth before but daaaaang it sounds nice in English. Not to fond of the Japanese and the Chinese(?) before editing sounds really off to me so those languages will be interesting.

I'll have to get some of my synth using friends to see if they can joined the closed beta if it ends up being open for sign ups. x'D
I think it'll be beautiful when it's finished, really looking forward to it!


cherish chika
Staff member
Mar 25, 2018
I remember seeing this a while ago, I'm really interesting in how it goes and how it'll develop as time goes on. I'd definitely love to give it a try hopefully. Though I'm not too fond of the sound of the female voice but it'd probably grow on me as time went on.
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cherish chika
Staff member
Mar 25, 2018

This post went up around 3 hours go, showing off what must be the parameters? It looks pretty simple, and I wonder if you scroll the notes up/down you can almost line them up? Which would be nice.


Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
Oooo, and it looks like there'll be multiple modes of pitch editing. (It says freehand, which seems like Vocaloid style, so maybe there'll be an UTAU-style mode? I hope so because the pitchbending system is my favorite thing about UTAU) EXCELLENT! wantwantwantwanthype
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
It reminds me of Sharpkey, a bit. I'm assuming the green line is where you actually edit PIT, and this shows as the blue lines. It's certainly promising and I continue to look forward to it!


New Fan
Apr 16, 2018
Wow I honestly didn't expect it to sound so smooth. The engine noise is even less prominent than CeVIO's. This is really promising.
The Chinese male vocal sounded like he was singing way out his optimum range though lol
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Engloid Fan
Apr 19, 2018
Ooh, the tension/relaxed settings could be very useful. I'm really looking forward to this coming out, though I don't particularly like what I believe is the engine noise.
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Reactions: CallmeNerdy


(screams eternally)
Apr 8, 2018
oof, i was looking forward to hearing a bit more of the english bank in that video you posted, but i really like this demo more than the first few snippets we got of synth v earlier. cant wait to see more developments ^^

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