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What's your favourite anime?


Zombie wife
Mar 25, 2018
Title says it all. Share your favourite manga or anime series in this thread.

As for me, some of my favourites are Kaiji, Osomatsu-san, and Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro. But that's just a few.


The Man Without The Plan
Staff member
Hoo, that's hard to say. I've seen a lot of interesting stuff over the years, but I'll put something more recent. Shomin Sample was so entertaining to me, that I watched the series through twice. I eagerly await a season 2.


Apr 9, 2018
I got tons of favorites, but I really like the anime from Rumiko Takahashi's works, especially the way they convey humor (I'm a sucker for comedy anime). If I were to choose which of those I like the most I would say the Inuyasha series and its a series I still watch to this day :') There's something about that series that really gives me a feeling of gratitude (and nostalgia ^^)


I like sweets uwu
Apr 8, 2018
United states
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju, Gintama (though im still catching up on Gintama), Nana, Chihayafuru, Inuyashiki, xxxHolic, Arakawa Under the Bridge, My Hero Academia, A Place Further Than the Universe, and Kimi ni Todoke are probably my faves out of everything I've seen.


cherish chika
Staff member
Mar 25, 2018
Aikatsu! (including OGkatsu, AiStars and AiFure) is one of my absolute favourite idol anime franchises. The songs are all great and it teaches some good lessons too.

But outside of that, I enjoy Shokugeki no Soma, Gintama and Cutie Honey.
Parasyte -the maxim-, Inuyasha, Re:Zero, One Piece, Shingeki no Kyojin, Owari no Seraph, 91 Days.

Cagaster, Kagerou Daze, Akatsuki no Yona, Rin-chan Now!, Meitantei Conan.

I usually don't read the manga if I already saw the anime, except for Kagerou Daze (the anime was lame) and Akatsuki no Yona (I wanna see the finale!).


Aspiring Fan
Mar 7, 2018
Aikatsu! (including OGkatsu, AiStars and AiFure) is one of my absolute favourite idol anime franchises. The songs are all great and it teaches some good lessons too.
O-Oh god someone loves Aikatsu just like me! Feels like a miracle since it's such an underrated franchise ;w;

Anyway! I also love PriPara, a lot, Owari No Seraph Mahoshojo Madoka Magica, Card Captor Sakura (the Clear Ark too), Kobato, Akagami no Shirayuki-hime!

Ugh, there are really so many I'm probably forgetting some!

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Spoiler'd because I ended up writing top ten lists of my favourite anime series and movies. ^^;

TV series
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (though the manga's admittedly better).
Sailor Moon
Cardcaptor Sakura (I'm really enjoying the Clear Card Arc anime so far!)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (I'm still waiting for a sequel that clears up the godawful ending shown in the Rebellion movie. ;_;)
Kino's Journey (including the reboot anime).
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Clannad (plus After Story).
Princess Tutu
Azumanga Daioh
Magic Knight Rayearth.

Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Porco Rosso
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Perfect Blue
Millennium Actress
5 Centimeters Per Second
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.
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In 2D hell
Apr 8, 2018
For anime...
Haibane Renmei (I will never not be crying about this series)
Michiko & Hatchin
Princess Jellyfish
Di Gi Charat

Angel's Egg
Perfect Blue

Helter Skelter
Doukyuusei series (I will never not be crying about these two)
Complex (the yaoi title)
Plastic Girl
Yotsuba&! (my other beautiful child besides Yuki Kaai)
Last edited:


Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
My favourite Manga is Mahou Tsukai no Yome atm. (Though that may change depending on how the story continues, I just like the fantasy there)
Other favs: Sailor Moon (A classic), Tokyo Mew Mew (first manga I ever read) & Magic Kaito
My favourite mangaka arstyles are by Hiro kiyohara (THE EYES) & Kore Yamazaki btw.

I don't really have a favourite Anime at the moment?
But some Anime I really enjoyed are Magic Kaito (the one with spider), Magic Kaito 1412, Madoka Magical, Magical Girl Raising Project, K-ON even tho I dunno if I like it anymore since last time I watched was 6 Years ago oops & Kaitou Joker


New Fan
Apr 9, 2018
United States
Hmm. I don't watch anime as heavily as I used to anymore. But some that have stuck with me since I first watched them:

Denno Coil
Madoka Magica
Michiko & Hatchin
El Cazador de la Burja

And I'm also counting Panty and Stocking as an anime lol It got a lot of laughs out of me.

For manga, I'd say my all time favorite series that I could not put down would be "Doubt" and it's spiritual sequel "Judge". They both can be a bit...convoluted near their endings(especially Judge) but they were still very enjoyable horror mysteries and the characters were really interesting in both. Recently learned there's yet another spiritual sequel to THOSE named "Secret" and I'd love nothing more than to read it.

And, not a manga, but the novel for "Another" was also a good read. I bring it up because the anime was actually pretty close to it but I still prefer the book. Have yet to finish reading Another: Episode S/O though.
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New Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Scotland, UK
Favourite Anime

Way too many to name!

Some of my favourites include Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, Love Hina, Idolm@ster, Aikatsu, Pripara, Pretty Cure, Amagami, Outlaw Star, Shokugeki no Soma, Kyoukai no Kanata and Steins;Gate.

Favourite Manga

I've not read any manga recently, however, I was really fond of the X/1999 manga as well as the DearS manga.

Aikatsu! (including OGkatsu, AiStars and AiFure) is one of my absolute favourite idol anime franchises. The songs are all great and it teaches some good lessons too.

But outside of that, I enjoy Shokugeki no Soma, Gintama and Cutie Honey.
O-Oh god someone loves Aikatsu just like me! Feels like a miracle since it's such an underrated franchise ;w;

Anyway! I also love PriPara, a lot, Owari No Seraph Mahoshojo Madoka Magica, Card Captor Sakura (the Clear Ark too), Kobato, Akagami no Shirayuki-hime!

Ugh, there are really so many I'm probably forgetting some!
Aikatsu and Pripara love <3! So so happy to see that.


Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
EDIT: Also so many list Pripara as their favs but am I the only one who liked Pretty Rhythm way more????

And I'm also counting Panty and Stocking as an anime lol It got a lot of laughs out of me.
Panty and Stocking IS an anime

And, not a manga, but the novel for "Another" was also a good read. I bring it up because the anime was actually pretty close to it but I still prefer the book. Have yet to finish reading Another: Episode S/O though.
There is also a manga of it drawn by Hiro Kiyohara! I bought the manga even tho I had already seen the Anime because of the artstyle. I never read the novel (I plan to but I didn't yet).


cherish chika
Staff member
Mar 25, 2018
TBH i was a sucker for Pretty rhythm more cos I only got into it for the figure skating idol aspect (since that’s one of my fav things) so PriPara ended up just not appealing to me as much since I already had Aikatsu.


Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
TBH i was a sucker for Pretty rhythm more cos I only got into it for the figure skating idol aspect (since that’s one of my fav things) so PriPara ended up just not appealing to me as much since I already had Aikatsu.
I have to continue Aikatsu someday, I am still @ season 1

Yeah, the Ice Skating aspect made it so more unique so I was disappointed when they dropped that aspect in pripara.
Also pripara seems to be overdoing it with being childish, random and catchphrases but that might just be me

Edit: oh but I like Hibiki & Fuwari as a pair


Fukase and Engloid Artist/User
Apr 8, 2018
Admittedly, I love a lot of classic pre-80s anime (including Mach GoGoGo, Kurenai Sanshiro, Gatchaman, Osomatsu-kun, Astro Boy and such), but I'll enjoy newer ones too (such as Chibi Devi, Attack on Titan, Hamtaro and more).


- Madoka Magica
- Love Live! + Love Live! Sunshine!!
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Kekkai Sensen
- Mekakucity Actors
- Kill La Kill
- Card Captor Sakura
- Urusei Yatsura
(not in order but Madoka and LL are my favs) (I really love magical girl shows <3)


Watakushi, Aero de gozaimasu!
Apr 8, 2018
Montréal, Canada
My favorite anime is Assassination classroom,
My favorite manga is Pokémon (every entry) because it's the only I've actually read (it doesn't exist in anime form lol)

other really cool anime:

Code Geass
I don't care what you say, SAO season 1 (until they get married)
My Hero Academia
Shokugeki no soma

I forget others

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