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  • still looking for artists to get some art of my utau for the full release, but its been so long since i made a bank and worked hard on otoing it, so i may do a small beta release? because i kinda wanna add a lot onto it, but may want to put it out there in a early state too- idk, will have to see if i do enough to feel like it warrants that
    adjacent to the unpop onion thread but not really opinion related enough to share there- tbh thought for a while i was going nuts thinking flower's popularity specifically spiked with V5 but, its very true and i remember the moment it happened. for a good number of years i was making a list on google docs of all v flower songs i found. actually, heres the list, which may have some very very early songs if anyone is curious!

    but, thing is it got discontinued when suddenly i noticed a strong influx of flower being used. so much so that she was not obscure enough to keep track of the original very slow flow of songs!! before it was just a slow hunt for original songs and for a bit after i found all i could, i kept an eye on the key flower aritsts. but now they were coming out left and right from popular producers, and the number of unknown artist i wouldnt see was so much larger now. it certainly picked up when some artists like GHOST used her for english sure, but it really really exploded with V5. it is undeniable that i feel like 80-90% of flower being used in japanese songs are in V5.
    V5 made flower a MUCH more versatile voice. i have slacked on using many vocal synths in the last years in general but when V5 came out and i used the vocal fry, or the growl, and the breathiness that made her so soft- i was sooooo incredibly excited about that! it felt for a bit that no one in the west was appreciating its potential but it seems the japanese fans really got on it because flower's popularity definitely coincided with how V5 gave her more flexibility.

    so realistically, i think this really shows that if Ci Flower comes out without issues, it will also be quite a hit if the options in the software allow for all that creativity
    In regards to Ci Flower, yeah we'll have to see, but it was sorta a blessing in disguise that she got postponed so much because now she's gonna get the emotion slider, it for example gives Tsudumi great range in expression, so I'm hoping same goes for Flower, also what would help in flexibility would be if she were responsive to dynamics in the Cevio editor, as those can have big impact in how soft or powerful the vb can get, to get an idea try them out with ChisA, who's fairly responsive to them. Also Cevio AI has attributes in the note properties where you can fine tune the vb, like if you wanna make the vb breathy/do end breaths there's a breath option or you can select staccato and such and recently Cevio got the falsetto option there which is super neat.

    We'll ultimately have to wait and see how she'll behave in editor as dynamics and emotion slider vary vb by vb but the potential for her to be flexible isn't lost just yet! It definitely won't be like V5 as the tools provide different kind of sound but I hope CiFlower will be a neat expansion to Flower that will provide another kind of sound and be flexible in her own way. Hoping for the best.
    very true! its kinda good cevio has had some time to develop now instead of flower being like, one of the very first releases. its certainly a software that im more curious about as theyve worked on it more so id be happy to see flower work solidly with it because of that. I used ChisA and bit and i loved her voice and how she worked in that editor, so i would be eager to try Flower if she felt similar tbh.

    the early bumpy road with cevio had me like 😬 (still does, at many points lol) but now as cevio's voices have developed more, and we have been able to see more uses of them, i think theres a lot of potential for a voice like flower (assuming they... go for a similar tone and dont change her voice entirely lol). V5 tools have been a great way to enhance her voice that we have had for a while now, but Cevio could be a great oppurtunity to bring something new to the table with how she could sound, if the bank really works with the tools provided!
    was clicking around at some smaller vocaloid artists i listen to and was hit w the fact that a lot of them are way younger than i thought. the japanese artists mostly, since i dont often translate the descriptions or anything. a couple were like "i just released this on my 18th birthday" and "i made this last year in middle school but im releasing it now" etc etc which like. i guess it shouldnt be that shocking, because i see a lot of younger producers in the west now too!

    but i just never thought about it since i wasnt reading the japanese. admittedly it sours some vibes even further with artist's who also write some real hard, depressing lyrics about trauma too and finding out their like 16??? its not different w them than the western artists too biut i feel a disconnect w the japanese ones since i dont actively know the lyrics when i listen. and i know i used to be the 16 year old just listening to these songs and relating, but now im an adult and im getting better so it makes me a bit more openly sad for them.
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    In a way, it's amazing that Vocaloid has allowed people all over the world, including kids, to express things they probably couldn't say in real life to someone else. But saying that, it's also quite sad too, especially when you consider how stigmatised mental health still is in countries like Japan.
    oh yes, for sure- the ability to go online and share things that have to do with your life in a creative way is certainly a great outlet... whether its art or music. but yes its hard to look at some where i start to notice a.... decline in someone's state, and have to wonder "will they get help?"
    problem. donno why i thought itd be a good idea to get into recording a utau bank with multiple pitches when i have been on T for a year and i have *no* idea how to use my own voice anymore since it changed.....uh..... hm. this may take more tries than i planned lol
    my intent was to basically give mez's jacket a faint jaguar pattern so if i wanted to i could hint at that animal basically furry-ify him if i was tired of drawing humans lmao. but i never draw anything with much detail in it anymore so i didnt really go hard on adding that pattern to the art i did anyways....oh well. just need to find someone else to draw him that puts more detail in their art lol
    its kinda interesting to me now after picking up v1 again, how v5 takes after it a lot in some ways. i think that kinda shows how v5 was aiming at the 'professional' crowd yet again much like how v1 was intended. not to say it never was aiming the whole time but it feels like they took a look back to remember where the software came from.
    i still cant decide on a duet song for lola (will take suggestions!) but decided to plug her into one of the praat/real pitch files to see if shed work w it. it is purely pitch bends, so i assumed it would, and boy! certainly fun to hear. heres a short clip of 'easy on me' that i covered w solaria recently, but instead lola:

    I think interestingly, it gives a real good perspective on how much has... changed, but also how the bones of tuning remain the same. its not like plugging her into a note-bended file because voices often work very differently with note bending (most w older ones like v1 that didn't have "-".

    solaria sings the same exact pitch bends, lola does, and they honestly sound identical *due* to that, if their age/quality werent about 20 years apart! its kinda cool to see imo, with a file that relies purely on pitch bends. the differences in theory are minimal and only apparent bc of the technology aspect.
    i really dont get why vocal synths dont have remote deactivation. since i built my new PC i hadnt actually deactivated my synths bc i still have my old PC and planned to us it still. however, i think my old HDDs may have gotten wiped due to RAID configuration being cleared on them for some unknown reason (everything had already been transferred). and today i just reinstalled Melodyne which.... lets you log in on the site to deactivate old PCs so you can recover activations.

    i just. do not understand why vocal synth just dont do this. the amount of "help my PC died and i cant activate my vocaloids anymore" is ridiculous, and how getting them reset by companies isnt always possible (for real, why not make it easier on themselves and just do what melodyne does??) and now i just gotta hope this wont be an issue again. its no surprise that piracy becomes appealing not just because of price, but because it gets rid of the ridiculous activation process that sometimes causes you to lose you product if not handled properly.
    aru ii
    aru ii
    I'm not sure if it counts as remote, but if you activate a cevio vb on a different computer, it will deactivate on ur old one and activate on the new one in 24 hours, i think. I haven't tested it bc I never needed t change computers since I got cevio, but I heard it's that way
    @aru ii it does! I transferred Minato and exchanged vbs with my gf that way.
    that should definitely do that more, if no one adopts managing computers in some kinda online portal...! so many softwares do it at this point and for an obscure scene that is quite expensive.... yeah.
    hey does anyone talk about the fact vocaloid 1 has a LOLA theme for the UI but its blue. and Lola is themed with pink. whats up with that
    on the mindset of how i Do keep wanting to use vocaloid but end up not (honestly t this point for me its all about Ease of Use more than anything bc this is a hobby and i get lazy if its too tedious) i actually really keep wanting to cover something with Lola. i have actually owned her for years now but i dont think i have every posted a full cover with her?? i kinda think itd be fun to do a duet with her and a wildly new synth voice like solaria. im just bad at thinking of songs i could cover...

    but yeah as much as i love talking about the progress of synths right now, i absolutely LOVE old technology. of course the issue w old vocal synths is they became be less user friendly lol. so i dont often open up vocaloid 1.
    got three covers schedule to go up on youtube in the next two weeks!! :) maybe one more if i can get the video done
    you know ive been using solaria's vocal modes so much by default, especially Solid, that solaria's totally default voice feels so much more mellow lol.... i know people complained a lot early on she was too strong and powerful but man her vocal modes really changed my impression in that regard. she is strong by default still, buuuut i think her default voice has a lot more variety than i gave it credit to early on. now with the vocal modes theres so many more possibilities w her tone
    they absolutely need a sorta XSY parameter where you can change the intensity live in the song bc i think some modes really work better as temporary in parts of the song-- mostly solid/power ones... hearing a song where Solaria has Solid/Power, not fluctuating at all, sounds a lil weird after a bit tbh
    am having some... odd mic issues that arent terrible but i recorded a CV bank to see how it'd sound- im in the middle of oto right now. and i kinda refreshed my memory on the technical side of oto bc i think after a bit i just. Forgot many parts of it and just did what i always do- 'move this thing there, this thing here. yeah it functions' and just proceeded to not think about Why i was doing certain things haha... and since im sticking to CV i wanted to remind myself how it really can be made better! oto is so tedious its easy to just bc like. ugh ok i want this done NOW. but i want to improve my CV utaus this time around!
    still struggling to find a luo tianyi song i remember listening to a lot years back on youtube... im starting to fear it may have been deleted or something.... i posted about it on the thread for finding songs but man i just am having no luck.

    all i can say for sure it was simple, sad, had a piano, and the pv had tianyi (or a little girl) drawn with a rabbit plush animal, and seemed to be about death or divorce (cant recall). i dont know if it was popular (i dont think i searched v hard back then so, probably had a good amount of views). the pv was just a white bg with black lined characters. v easy to recognize but i havent seen anything that fits as i search.. :/
    @_@ didnt realize i hadnt changed my icon in months lol. goodbye my lovely hot wheels fanart, hello fursona icon i drew in june
    i kept thinking abt this but i kinda wanna make some kind of poll that goes over aspects of vocal synth editor UI to gather the general opinions of what people tend to like. obviously its all subjective, but it makes me wonder- mostly when many have lived with the "standard" like vocaloid's UI for so long (me, its me)....
    since im back on my pc im gonna get back on some art for my utau stuff- however in relation to my utau (mez) im redoing parts of his design *again* and i swear its the last time. but its because it hit me....

    while i have been drawing his various rough drafts i kept having this feeling at the back of my mind.. "this is familiar... i dont know why" (see in thread here) as i worked on the outfit. but i couldnt recall what. i kept doodling and drawing until a few weeks ago i was scrolling through some ACE studio stuff and googled the male voices. and then it hit me. i saw Wen Li and i was like OH. i am quite sure i mustve seen his design breifly way back when ACE was in early development, and the general vibe stuck in my head and i unknowingly recreated the look. lmao.

    obviously, its not a direct copy. the sorta... techware (??) fashion is known for neon colors accents on black and nonsense belts, and i have used the caution tape motif on some older ocs before too which is why i picked it. but gosh, its so annoying when you unknowingly recreate something you saw for a minute ages ago.

    so im altering his design again-- not massively. honestly i havent been hugely into the techware belt nonsense anyways and i want to pull back to some more comfortable clothes to draw, something more simple, so i can pick different looks for future voicebanks. so yeah thats been on my mind ever since lol
    sadly that means i probably wont use this reference sheet i made JUSt before i realized this lol. rip

    but everything here will be the same minus some things w the pants/no belts/jacket (plan is to put the caution tape on the jacket sleeves??)
    i was checking what stuff on my old C drive took up the most amount of space so on my new PC i could better manage that and install things on other drives-- turns out aside from the mod folders fo sims (which reside in the C drive documents folder) and the Voice folder for Utau (as these arent considered "installed programs"), Vocaloid voicebank installs took up a majority of my space. My C drive wasnt full my any means, but they were ranked as the larges things installed on my system drive.

    im definitely better organizing my hefty installs this time. my drives are all 1TB or larger so its not a big concern, but now that im running my system on a SSD i want to make sure i utilize the speed properly.
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