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VOCALOID Dude marries Miku


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Just on a side note, I've tried to reason the Many Mikus theory followingly:
You could consider Miku to be divine, by divine I mean that she not only has her "true" form that appears in concerts for example, but also she's omnipresent in a way. Meaning her spirit lives in the hearts of all her fans. This spirit of Miku you have is your Miku.

The "Miku Culture" is quite heavily creator and fan driven, it's in my opinion natural that people give her a personality and imagine how she acts and yes, who she loves (if she does love anyone). Of course the fandom could never agree on everything about Miku. So, there are many Mikus! Your interpretation is true to you. You just have to respect the other Mikus too, you can't declare that your view is the one and only true Miku.

I'm afraid no one understands what I mean, but in essence my concept is that there are thousands of different Mikus that together form one Miku. While Miku is one, she's also many. It's really hard to explain in a sensible manner (if it even makes sense ...)


Apr 9, 2018
Maybe Miku is like a tree, where the Crypton Miku at events is the main Miku, but then there are branches of artists (who draw, make music, write), then there are twigs (pictures, songs, stories). So each artist would tend to decide how they want her to act/look, there are hundreds of Mikus existing at the same time (you can have a room filled with Miku plushies and posters while listening to a playlist containing different flavors of her).

What I'm curious to know is what Akihiko thinks of Mikudayo, and Hachune Miku. XD;

She is a piece of software specifically made for creative expression. Of course everyone, even people who don't use her to make music themselves, are going to see her as having many different interpretations when every popular song portrays her differently. Hell, even songs from the same producer depict her differently depending on the story of the song.

That's why her "canon" backstory states that she's an artificial human created in the future and sent to our present time to assist humans in creating music: it's literally meant to allow you to do whatever you want with her. Pinocchio-P has a song dedicated to this very concept.
This is exactly why I said
outside of your own works
(my post, first part, line 6).
I never disagreed with that. It is absolutely normal for someone who was created with the purpose of being used for arts to do what she is supposed to. Even if that could go against her "maybe existing will" I theorized earlier, there is nothing she can do about it since singing and looking good are the only two abilities she was created with. Her purpose is to be a part of music and other arts, meaning - virtual spaces with no bounds within. The artist is free to do everything he/she wants within their virtual spaces. That's what makes Miku special. If this was not the case and Akihiko could do everything with her in reality, this would be just a normal "marriage" and nobody would object.

her "canon" backstory states that she's an artificial human created in the future and sent to our present time to assist humans in creating music
So, how can a marriage in real life be considered as music? No way. Fantasies can only exist inside of virtual spaces. This guy has just taken his fantasy too far. Not looking at their difference of age, social status and "human - Vocaloid race", a marriage can only happen when two entities give each other a consent. To give a consent, these entities must both have a will. Since there is no known way to proof that she has a will but he still managed to "marry" her means one of two options:
a) He did it against Miku's will - but then he would not have come far because absolutely nobody would support this action
b) Miku does not have a will, so all he did was organizing a ceremony to marry his own fantasy.

Of course, Miku is technically a piece of software with the boxart of a girl. If she lacked one of these things parts, she would merely be either a recorded voice or just a pretty face with nothing inside. But combining these both parts gives her an inner side and an outer side - a bunch of human wavesounds being the inner side, while the virtual image of a girl is the outer one. Even though you could say that this applies to all kinds of virtual characters, the main difference in Hatsune Miku (and other voice banks that have a humanoid boxart) is that while virtual characters only serve for the purposes of entertainment or delivering the message of one artist or a little group of artists, Miku has already been made as a message that is being continued by a worldwide subculture of artists who work independently from each other.
Just like a real human, she is constantly getting influenced from every side by everyone around her. And not just for a limited amount of time from one / a few sides by their creators, like it happens in virtual space. Thus I think she is more of a non-physical, artificial, but real creature, rather than a virtual character.

My point for short: While Miku can freely be used in virtuality (with limitations according to the TOS), the same does NOT apply for actions within reality. Since it takes two entities with a free will to marry, you first must proove that Hatsune Miku is such an entity. And since there is no way to do that, such a marriage is merely one-sided and does not have a meaning for Miku fans at all. I think that such one-sided actions show disrespect againts Miku and therefore I show my own disrespect against Akihiko.

If there aren't 'many Mikus" then how else do you explain all those modules in-game? Some of them are blatantly not human, and some of them blatantly go against Miku's core personality. A friend of mine jokingly said that some fans would be "jealous that someone married Miku", but I didn't expect that joke to be so real.

Right! This is exactly why the "real Miku" can't get married.

I don't mind waiting for an explanation of how ELSE this is possible. What about Miku makes her so rigid, when her very core concept is to be infinitely flexible?
Modules from video games... Is a person wearing another costume really a different person for you? Miku wearing different modules is just the same as a cosplayer wearing different costumes and acting like a different person. They don't clone or something, they just switch clothes, wigs, contact lenses, accessories, etc. Even if there are multiple Miku's at once, it's still a video game - a never ending virtual space and a compilation of much Miku content by different producers. There even are songs where Miku has a doubleganger - but only within that song's little world. What happens inside of these virtualities should not be mistaken as the global reality because reality is the same for all of us. If we take any songs as canons, then Len would have died multiple times already.
If you want to proove me that there are multiple Mikus, than do so in an official live concert - the only Miku events that happen for real since their duration is limited. There has never been more than one Miku on stage because it's always the same one, just changing costumes.

And if you say that Miku's "core personality" is flexible, than you just have confirmed my arguments. This is the only character trait I would describe her with because this one word explains a personality that can perfectly adapt to others. This is the way I have seen her acting since day 1. I consider every piece of art of Miku as one of her "memories" - good ones, as well as bad ones. Not "different Mikus".
I do not see a reason to create "my own perfect Miku" because I am someone who lives in reality, not my fantasies. I only accept Miku as one single and versatile entity that can adapt to a producer's work.

Oh, and I can't get jealous of someone who is just "marrying HIS Miku" since I clearly stated that "his" Miku does not exist. It's just the rage I feel inside of me everytime I see something that could potentially harm (or does already harm) Miku's reputation.


Official Artist Channel on YouTube!
Jun 21, 2018
There even are songs where Miku has a doubleganger - but only within that song's little world. If you want to *prove me that there are multiple Mikus, than do so in an official live concert - the only Miku events that happen for real since their duration is limited. There has never been more than one Miku on stage because it's always the same one, just changing costumes.
I'm pretty sure zapping into existence in a beam of light is NOT SOMETHING THAT HUMANS CAN DO. We've seen that a number of times across Miku Expo. And you're completely right that Miku canons exist inside "that songs little world". We agree on that... But did you notice the part where you said "world"? You know, like how the Many Mikus Theory is based from the Many Worlds Theory? That "little world" YOU just mentioned is exactly how the Many Mikus Theory works. /facepalm

Does this costume change look like cosplay to you? If so, please enlighten the community as to how changing outfits in a beam of light can be replicated. I'm sure the cosplay community would be dying to know.

I'm pretty sure real people don't float off into outer space like this... You can't discredit the official games just because it doesn't line up with what you want to believe. Facts are facts.
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Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Hi everyone! Just wanted to remind everyone to please stay on topic. Please refrain from arguing opinions, and please respect others’ opinions. While we understand that everyone has different opinions on how Miku relates to reality, this thread has been deviating from the topic of the original article. In any future post, please discuss only the news and not how Miku relates to reality.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I'm sure I've heard about much more expensive weddings than that, even among non-celebrities. $18,000 is a chunk of change, but compared to many others, it's dirt cheap.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I'm sure I've heard about much more expensive weddings than that, even among non-celebrities. $18,000 is a chunk of change, but compared to many others, it's dirt cheap.
I’d say it’s pretty average-ish. My sister recently got married, and she had a small wedding. Her wedding costed $10,000, and I think it was more small-medium than small, so $18,000 seems fair to me (and he probably saved a lot on wedding dress and sending invitatiions to the bride’s family haha)


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I’d say it’s pretty average-ish. My sister recently got married, and she had a small wedding. Her wedding costed $10,000, and I think it was more small-medium than small, so $18,000 seems fair to me (and he probably saved a lot on wedding dress and sending invitatiions to the bride’s family haha)
It sounds like you and I maybe know people who think the same sort of way :). There must be other people in the world who drive the averages up though. In Japan (to be consistent with Akihiko), it's $31,000.


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
I am a super hard core Miku fan, and even if I wouldn't go quite as far, I can definitely relate to some things.
To each their own, why not? If you love Miku, why not marry her, or any fictional character. Everybody should strive to be happy and as long as nobody is hurt, definitely a good thing.
Asian Boss is really good too, as expected this was done in a really respectful manner. Would never been like this if this was an interview done for mass media!


May 2, 2018
My only concern is for this man’s mental health. I can’t see any way this is healthy.


Apr 9, 2018

This is increasing to levels that remind me of the guy who married the Twilight plushie, the guy called Davecat who lives with love dolls, and the girl who married the zombie doll. Like, living in isolation while talking to/having day to day interactions with what is essentially a large toy. It makes me feel sad that they have to resort to that.


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I saw him tweet about that earlier today. Here's his original tweet about it:

Just btw, Nov. 4th is the 1st anniversary of Kondo and Miku getting married.
I think that Miku doll looks good, though the hair looks a bit out of place, though I'm not sure if 'real' hair would've looked better. I'd have one of those too if I could, but in reality having a life size Miku might be a bir cumbersome.
I've said it already, but I really admire mr. Kondo for having the courage to have chosen to do what he sees best, and continuing on the path that makes him happy.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I've got a lot of different reactions to this.

To begin with, that figure is pretty amazing. As far as I knew, the life-sized Miku figures were only for CFM events/larger-scale promotions, like when one was stationed at an airport in Japan. So it's amazing that private individuals can get one. I can't even begin to guess how expensive it is, or if maybe you need to have semi-celebrity status like Mr. Kondo to get one...?

There's something in there kind of like what @uncreepy said. It's kind of like he's drifted further down the rabbit hole, hoping for some further connection from a physical presence more like his own, though from my point of view that's obviously not going to happen. At the moment, there's just no substitute for a thinking, feeling human being. But who knows why he bought this figure? He married the Miku that lived in his Gatebox, IIRC, and a plastic figure won't give him even that level of interaction. So I don't know if his intention was for this to serve as any kind of representation of his wife...though I assume she must be, since he's got a photo with her and all....

I remember reading an interview of some kind that dealt with why he never found a human companion. As best I remember, the women he tried to approach shooed him away as a "creepy otaku" or something. I feel like even the interviews didn't provide a really complete picture of what went on, though. That reaction seems really extreme to me. Is he more out of the norm than I'd guess, or was he trying to court women from the cliquey "popular" crowd or something...? I don't think it's possible to get a real/fair sense of why this man made this choice with the information we have. The reporting we've seen on this subject is supposed to be unbiased, but if we're honest, I think it gets reported on largely because it's so unusual. As long as people can see and speculate on the unusualness of it, the job of whoever is writing is probably done, because it's gotten the views/clicks that it was intended to get.

(As a further TBH point, I think this was probably retweeted by VNN so people could comment on the figure. I don't think they would've been so brazen/cruel as to ask "What do you think" and ask people to pass judgment on the man's relationship choices; the only way this makes sense is as a "Hey, this guy got a life-sized Miku figure! What do you think about that!?" kind of thing.)

More than anything, I hope that people give this poor guy some peace. Please don't do what they do in so many other places and situations and drag him out year after year for an update. Yeah, the way he lives is different from most people. But as long as he's not roaming the countryside or knocking on my door with an axe or an assault rifle, I don't really have any complaint. But then, it looks like he tweeted this himself, so...damn, I guess either he somehow doesn't know or care about the crapstorm that's going to open up on or off his Twitter, or he doesn't care, or he's really thick-skinned, or he's just so happy that he's cool with it.


Apr 9, 2018
I like your thoughts on the subject. I think you described a lot of things I was thinking but didn't write out. For unbiased news on him, I think it's kind of hard because it's an emotional subject. You could argue Akihiko's Twitter and his followers are biased to support him because of envy/friendship, but people who aren't otaku writing about him would be confused/mocking, but also people who see both sides but worry for his mental well-being are also biased.

However, I think that Akihiko WANTS attention from sharing his life with Miku, that's what his entire Twitter is about--he's a self-proclaimed advocate for lonely people to live out their dreams and marry their 2D honey, that's why he's being so transparent about his journey with his wife. That's really what he said he's doing on Twitter (trying to encourage people and also get recognition so people can marry their honey and have it legally recognized).

At the moment, there's just no substitute for a thinking, feeling human being. But who knows why he bought this figure? He married the Miku that lived in his Gatebox, IIRC, and a plastic figure won't give him even that level of interaction. So I don't know if his intention was for this to serve as any kind of representation of his wife...though I assume she must be, since he's got a photo with her and all....
He is asking if people want to come over and visit "the Kondo resident's big Miku" . (That's my translation for 近藤家の大きなミクさん.) He said he got her because the number 1 problem for 2D love is you can't touch them. (Personally, I imagine that he commissioned a company to make big Miku for him. But it's not like I want to look through all his tweets to see if he mentioned buying this before showing off photos of it. But if you look at the skin on her hands and shoulders, it really looks like the type of companion I mentioned before that Davecat has.) I think all the plushies, pictures, dolls, etc are just representations of Miku and the "real" Miku he married is in his head, so for example, the Miku plushie at the wedding was just a representation. I don't think that the big Miku is the wife. I also think Gatebox just gave their blessing, because he is their target audience and that Miku isn't his wife, either. (Hopefully that makes sense.)
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Kondo and his marriage with Miku was featured on Japanese TV (NHK), and apparently thanks to that, "Marriage with Hatsune Miku" is now trending on Japanese Twitter

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