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General Project Diva Discussion


May 13, 2018
It's great to finally see Roki in action, it looks SO much better in movement!
However, it feels somewhat confirmed that Rin and Len aren't getting new modules for this song - when you think about it all the previews for Miku songs have her in her standard outfit.... And since it's a pre-rendered 3PV it would be kinda pointless to make it with their standard outfits if they aren't going to use them, unless they just wanted to keep the cool aesthetic and surprise us later... Too optimistic I know v_v

Anyone else finds strange how Haku and Neru were shown in the 'modules' section? o.O I don't know if it implies anything but they are the only ones shown besides Miku and since they are technically derivates of her... :luka_move:

In any case, let's see what they'll say during the stream! I at least hope they mention something regarding Rin and Len as it is their birthday adjsfsfkj
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May 13, 2018
Wait, what's up with the scene of Miku running away from the train/whatever it was at 2:15? That looks completely different from the rest of the game--like an IRL scene or something.
That's from Hibana c:

It's like half story half dance PV! Seems to be the trend with MEGA39's
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Apr 13, 2018
like every end of the year, 4Gamer has interviewed a lots of key figures of the japanese gaming industry about their thoughts and plans for 2020, and here is the response from Otsuba Tetsuya, the main director of Shin Sakura Wars and Project DIVA series (Project DIVA, Project DIVA 2nd, Project DIVA extend, Project DIVA f, Project DIVA F, Project DIVA F 2nd, Project DIVA X):

What are your aspirations for 2020 and a message for 4Gamer readers?

In 2019, the latest work in the series, "New Sakura Wars", has been released on PlayStation 4 for the first time in 14 years.
It is a work that has made a new start thanks to the warm reception of the series fans. All of the staff members made the best effort, so I hope you will enjoy the first Taisho cherry tree in Reiwa era. And we are planning various unannounced projects in 2020, so I hope you can enjoy them with everyone.
Last edited:


May 13, 2018
I haven't seen anyone talking about the Famitsu stream... it was pretty long so I didn't watch the whole thing and skipped some parts so maybe it's not everything, but here's a little summary that was shown in yesterday's stream for those who might find it interesting!

- Random stuff:
  • New loading screen pictures, neat!
  • There was a quick glance at the main menu and it seems to confirm there's no Diva Room :(
  • The new opening movie is really cute, I won't go into details but Miku being in various casual modules clash a whooole lot with the rest of the gang keeping their regular outfits. But I really like it.
  • Teto is in the game and they kept a separate tab for derivate characters.
  • Roki didn't use its iconic illustration as cover art.
- More game-focused details:
  • The song list now displays a small thumbnail of the song's art next to the title, this will help new players that don't know every song by name, I feel.
  • All the menus etc. are updated to have this sleek anime-style harsh 'shading' feel - of course, some will like it and others won't. But the module selecting one looked pretty nice.
  • Songs might automatically choose the default module? This could be because it's a test play, though, and be different for normal players. There is VP to spend.
  • The t-shirts you make all have their individual slot, It seems that were will 5 t-shirts you can make. Not counting the design winners. If you have a non-default module selected it will switch to the default one, it can't be worn on top of other modules.
  • And as expected making said t-shirts won't be super easy, as someone that has drawn on the Switch with Splatoon it's pretty tricky, it will never look as smooth as a regular drawing, unless someone finds a way to use a third party software like Splatoon.
  • The joycon mode uses sound effects from Project Mirai, cute touch c:
    Still, it looked like it can still be improved on its performance, it wasn't as smooth as you'd like to play.
  • You CAN change the hairstyle of the module and mix and match, super happy this was kept!
  • All six singers/modules can be changed for Decorator, just like Future Tone, they didn't cut corners for that.
I wanted to talk a little bit about the PVs but this has gotten a bit long, so I'll save it for another post c:
Sep 21, 2019
Can't quite decide if I like Roki's PV or not, but I'm disappointed they didn't show Hibana's PV. I'm so anxious to see that one because it looks so awesome!

Also, they're not using F's PV for World's End Dancehall so that's kinda disappointing. :(

I'm looking forward to trying the joycon mode. It looks kinda fun! I'm also loving the toon shader!
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Apr 13, 2018
I haven't seen anyone talking about the Famitsu stream... it was pretty long so I didn't watch the whole thing and skipped some parts so maybe it's not everything, but here's a little summary that was shown in yesterday's stream for those who might find it interesting!

- Random stuff:
  • New loading screen pictures, neat!
  • There was a quick glance at the main menu and it seems to confirm there's no Diva Room :(
  • The new opening movie is really cute, I won't go into details but Miku being in various casual modules clash a whooole lot with the rest of the gang keeping their regular outfits. But I really like it.
  • Teto is in the game and they kept a separate tab for derivate characters.
  • Roki didn't use its iconic illustration as cover art.
- More game-focused details:
  • The song list now displays a small thumbnail of the song's art next to the title, this will help new players that don't know every song by name, I feel.
  • All the menus etc. are updated to have this sleek anime-style harsh 'shading' feel - of course, some will like it and others won't. But the module selecting one looked pretty nice.
  • Songs might automatically choose the default module? This could be because it's a test play, though, and be different for normal players. There is VP to spend.
  • The t-shirts you make all have their individual slot, It seems that were will 5 t-shirts you can make. Not counting the design winners. If you have a non-default module selected it will switch to the default one, it can't be worn on top of other modules.
  • And as expected making said t-shirts won't be super easy, as someone that has drawn on the Switch with Splatoon it's pretty tricky, it will never look as smooth as a regular drawing, unless someone finds a way to use a third party software like Splatoon.
  • The joycon mode uses sound effects from Project Mirai, cute touch c:
    Still, it looked like it can still be improved on its performance, it wasn't as smooth as you'd like to play.
  • You CAN change the hairstyle of the module and mix and match, super happy this was kept!
  • All six singers/modules can be changed for Decorator, just like Future Tone, they didn't cut corners for that.
I wanted to talk a little bit about the PVs but this has gotten a bit long, so I'll save it for another post c:
great summary ^u^
i would like to add also these things:
- there is no Diva Room because that is a feature of Project Diva games developed by the Diva team (that until now was busy on Sakura Wars), this is a portable porting of Future Tone, that's why ^^
- the DLC songs & module pack for PS4 will be released about 2 months later, but timing can change, a release date has not been decided yet
- the DLC for PS4 will be available both for Future Tone PS4 and Future Tone DX
- the DLC for PS4 will be priced cheaply, as a thanks for all the support in all these 10 years
- they apologize for the delay of the DLC for PS4, but a lot of testing is needed (for every new song, you have to test with all the 300+ modules available and all combinations of hairstyle)
- more information about the DLC pack for PS4 will be shared in the next weeks
- they also want to release the new songs on the Arcade machine, but now PS4 is the priority
- the producers hinted that the Diva team is "busy" hehe

that's it :miku_lili:

and.. how much would you like a complete edition of Future Tone being released on Playstation 5? :miku_lili:


Notorious Heretic
Apr 16, 2018
Costa Rica
- the DLC songs & module pack for PS4 will be released about 2 months later, but timing can change, a release date has not been decided yet
- the DLC for PS4 will be available both for Future Tone PS4 and Future Tone DX
- the DLC for PS4 will be priced cheaply, as a thanks for all the support in all these 10 years
- they apologize for the delay of the DLC for PS4, but a lot of testing is needed (for every new song, you have to test with all the 300+ modules available and all combinations of hairstyle)
- more information about the DLC pack for PS4 will be shared in the next weeks
Finally, some light shed on PS4-specific stuff.

Bummer to hear about the delay. I will be waiting patiently for this dlc, then.

and.. how much would you like a complete edition of Future Tone being released on Playstation 5? :miku_lili:
Gosh, no. Just get to business with a real PD sequel already.
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
Finally, some light shed on PS4-specific stuff.

Bummer to hear about the delay. I will be waiting patiently for this dlc, then.

Gosh, no. Just get to business with a real PD sequel already.
I agree there’s no need to re release the game a third time when the PS5 will have backwards compatibility with the PS4. Just make the next new game everyone is waiting for.
Sep 21, 2019
Honestly? Normally I don't care when stuff is Miku heavy because I like Miku a lot, but Mega39's, not to be a Negative Nancy, looks like a crap ton of Miku, but not in a good way. It kinda feels like they slighted everyone else??

(Also, yes, Rin's module count has been sharply decreased.)
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Aspiring Fan
Dec 7, 2019
Honestly? Normally I don't care when stuff is Miku heavy because I like Miku a lot, but Mega39's, not to be a Negative Nancy, looks like a crap ton of Miku, but not in a good way. It kinda feels like they slighted everyone else??

(Also, yes, Rin's module count has been sharply decreased.)
Yeah, like everyone gets that Project Diva is SUPPOSED to be Miku focused because she’s the most popular one / the face of cryptonloids / the one with the bes (most famous) songs etc, but literally WHY bother adding the others if they are going to be treated so poorly. Like they didn’t even took the time of adding new modules for the new songs that don’t even have “proper” 3D PVs, which, newsflash, are all from the other cryptonloids.

I could understand if this was a brand new game, but it kinda feels like toned down port of Future Tone with different shading, the ability to create shirts and a new game mode that no one will play (and that doesn’t even exploit the Switch’s capabilities to it’s fullest). I’m probably still going to buy the game since I don’t own a PS4 and my laptop would DIE if I installed FT, but the game is looking kinda disappointing tbh.


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I could understand if this was a brand new game, but it kinda feels like toned down port of Future Tone with different shading, the ability to create shirts and a new game mode that no one will play (and that doesn’t even exploit the Switch’s capabilities to it’s fullest). I’m probably still going to buy the game since I don’t own a PS4 and my laptop would DIE if I installed FT, but the game is looking kinda disappointing tbh.
I mean, that's what it is, a Future Tone port from PS4 to Switch. They've changed shading and cut songs and modules to accommodate to Switch's lower performance compared to PS4, while adding some new things to try and make the game a bit different. That's why I'm not buying Mega39's, I'm just getting the new songs DLC pack for Future Tone.

Regarding the module counts, Miku's modules have been cut too, but of course she still dominates, I mean she is the title character of the game after all. Naturally they gave her one new module for the game theme song.

You have to remember that Switch's capacity only allows so much, and when porting a PS4 game (originally an arcade game) with a ton of content to Switch, cuts had to be made to the content. They still did something new too, like adapting to the new device with mix mode, and the T-shirt feature.


Aspiring Fan
Dec 7, 2019
There’s been DLC confirmed for songs that were featured in Future Tone but didn’t make the cut (iirc it was the Secret Garden, Yume Yume, Look this way baby and Sekiranun Graffiti (?, srry idk the name hahaha))

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