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General Project Diva Discussion


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
To be fair, the name of the game series IS "Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA". That's why there is so much Miku, she's the diva, I guess.
Trust me I get that however that still doesn’t give Sega any right to shaft the other vocaloids if they’re using them as a selling point for the game. At this point it goes beyond Miku being the main attraction she’s becoming the only one who gets anything. They had 5 slots for 3D PV’s and seem to be giving Miku every single one, the last full Diva game we got Miku had like 26 songs out of 30.

The game might as well be about Miku only if she’s the only one they’re going to act like exists, sega used to do a much better job of managing the characters and now they don’t which is part of the reason the sales have been bad (that and other bad decisions). I’m just tired of being disappointed by a game series I enjoy I wish they would go back to their roots and make something good like F and F 2nd or just finish porting the Mirai songs.


Apr 13, 2018
To be fair, the name of the game series IS "Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA". That's why there is so much Miku, she's the diva, I guess.

Personally, it seems kind of lame to rehash the same game that was from the arcades, then the PS4, now the Switch. I understand wanting to get the game in more peoples' hands depending on what consoles are available to them, but don't act like it's something new and awesome when we've been waiting since 2016 (Project Diva X) for an ACTUAL new game. S: Maybe we won't ever get one and we'll just have to keep buying song DLCs for Future Tone?
exactly, not to mention that the first Project DIVA for PSP only had Miku songs (there were only 1-2 secret songs sang by Rin and Len). Project DIVA MEGA39s is meant to celebrate the series 10th anniversary, so is normal that the focus is on Miku songs :)

about the actual new game, as I wrote earlier, the development started only last autumn, and in 1 year time is possible only to do such a title with 11 extra songs. Project DIVA X took more than 3 years in the making, the development started just after Project DIVA f.
not to mention also that the DIVA team is actually busy with Sakura Wars title (and with the making of the modules and choreography of all the concerts), while the Arcade team is busy with Kankolle arcade.
yes, i'm defending them, and you have to understand that at this time, in the gaming industry, only a very few series can last 10 years. Project DIVA reached 10 years thanks to the fans but also to the developers that kept making new titles even though the sales are far from a big budget title. The problem are always the songs licenses, they are expensive, but still, the developers kept doing these titles.
in the interview they even explained how difficult was for them to get the Ok from SEGA top management, so you (i'm talking in general :) ) must be thankful that MEGA39s exists. As a gaming journalist, I can't tell you how many times i've seen 5 years and 10 years anniversary celebrated with just a twitter message or a wallpaper. yes, a wallpaper.
also, next year Playstation 5 will launch, in 2 months Miku VR will launch for PSVR and in some months Project Sekai will be available for mobile. in such a busy period (and difficult period) they still found a way to get the approval from the top management and release a Project DIVA on Switch (and the DLC songs pack on PS4 too, let's not forget). and also they finally got the approval from SEGA for the making of the real arcade controller (made by Hori, engineered by original Project DIVA Arcade team) for PS4 and Switch. Osaki-san said in the interview that someday Project DIVA Arcade will disappear, but with both Future Tone DX and MEGA39s, it won't really disappear. fans will have the arcade at home or on the go. how many companies do such things? how many developers really are so close to the fans? that's why i'm defending them. they did their best to celebrate the 10th anniversary, you should all be grateful for that.

and about why not the Extreme difficulty, I spoked personally with Osaki-san, and he told me that because the framerate is around 30 fps (but sometimes goes to 45 fps, it depends on the PV, the module, etc..), the input latency is higher than a game that runs at 60 fps, it is actually double latency, and some Extreme charts are so complicated and fast that at 30 fps the input is simply not right

I understand all the complaints, but please also understand the Project DIVA developers, they really did a fantastic job for all these 10 years, you really can't imagine how much they helped also in every single concert, and the best thing to do is to keep supporting them. There isn't a magic wand, making a brand new game takes time and money, that's why i'm asking for both your understanding and support :miku_winter_lili:
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
I don’t want to take this thread off course so I’m just going to leave my thoughts at this. I supported project diva X despite the fact that it made a lot of mistakes and I shouldn’t have. I won’t be doing that again since this product isn’t free and is something I’m paying for. I’m not going to buy something unless I like it. Sega is making mistakes in my opinion so I’ll probably skip this one and just catch them on the next game.

They’re not hurting for money so it’s not going to stop them from making games if this one doesn’t sell Miku is a very profitable brand. You don’t have to be grateful for a paid game and you certainly shouldn’t buy a product you’re not okay with that doesn’t send any type of message to the developers except that you’re okay with the product. I wish the dev team the best and hope the next full product is good.
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Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
MagicalMiku took the words out of my mouth about game development. Behind the scenes it's wild and things happen even if those decisions suck.

There's always a chance that in the next Diva game they'll implement Dreaming Chu Chu or Ohedo Julia Night with true PV's. I'm a bit disappointed about the Extreme mode, but if the other modes are adjusted to make up for it, it should balance itself out. I'm glad Hibana's getting a proper PV... I hope it's the full song, though probably will be?

Personally, the question on my mind is if we're getting english subtitles for songs, though I doubt it since Future Tone didn't.
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May 13, 2018
I think it's fair to say that after 3 years of waiting (nearly 4 by the time the games launches) us fans wouldn't have minded waiting more if it meant a more imaginative and better final product. They didn't have to set the release date to February, so I'm wondering why they decided on that, I mean the 10th anniversary is already past gone :s So the decision of not animating 5 songs must have been made pretty early in development.
While it's a lot of work they have assets/animations already made - Ohedo's was made barely this year for MM and Dreamin Chuchu's choreography goes back to 2016, it's resources they already have. Due to the fact that songs like Alien Alien etc. reuse concert dances, if it were completely new songs I wouldn't be complaining.

I understand it's hard and it isn't my intention to just mindlessly bash them, it's just that I've just seen them do far better in the past with less time - MEGA39s could bring potential new fans as well so it's logical to want to best possible.

As for the remaining returning songs I was aware of the list, it was more a figurative speech since it can look better in the end than it does now, as it's currently looking too green.

Lastly, why make a Hori controller if a good chunk of charts aren't going to be present? After all, a controller that's modeled after Arcade is to play those fast extreme songs better, right? Additionally, I would suppose that controller will be used more on docked mode, even then the game won't be able to reach 60fps? :(
It's curious since more complex-looking games on the Switch are able to that, but oh well...

Anyway, I wanted to add more points but I feel this already too long, as I said, I haven't completely lost hope in the game yet, I will wait to see what's left to reveal, still, I think these concerns are valid, especially taking into consideration the situation they find themselves in after X and it's not like they started empty-handed or are an indie team.


Apr 13, 2018
I think it's fair to say that after 3 years of waiting (nearly 4 by the time the games launches) us fans wouldn't have minded waiting more if it meant a more imaginative and better final product. They didn't have to set the release date to February, so I'm wondering why they decided on that, I mean the 10th anniversary is already past gone :s So the decision of not animating 5 songs must have been made pretty early in development.
While it's a lot of work they have assets/animations already made - Ohedo's was made barely this year for MM and Dreamin Chuchu's choreography goes back to 2016, it's resources they already have. Due to the fact that songs like Alien Alien etc. reuse concert dances, if it were completely new songs I wouldn't be complaining.

Lastly, why make a Hori controller if a good chunk of charts aren't going to be present? After all, a controller that's modeled after Arcade is to play those fast extreme songs better, right? Additionally, I would suppose that controller will be used more on docked mode, even then the game won't be able to reach 60fps? :(
It's curious since more complex-looking games on the Switch are able to that, but oh well...
ah actually, at least in Japan, when there is an anniversary, it lasts for 1 year, so the 10th anniversary is until July 2nd 2020 :) is very common to celebrate the anniversaries in the 1 year period :)
about the release date, they wanted to release it before March 9th, and also before the end of fiscal year (March 31st), so the top management is happy about having an important title in the Q4 (January-March).
after february, Playstation 5 will be unveiled, so you can easily imagine that the talks will be all about the next generation hehe
and about the 2 songs, yes they already have the motions thanks to Magical Mirai, but as they told to me, those motions are meant to be seen on the stage, not in a PV. What I mean is, you have a song with 2 Vocaloids (Miku and Kaito) and 3 Vocaloids (Miku, Luka and Rin), and that choreography is meant to be seen entirely. with only one Vocaloid, it's different. still, he didn't rule out a 3D PV version of the 5 songs, but that of course will happen eventually after the release, and only if there is enough demand on Twitter or by emails :)

and talking about demand on Twitter, they decided to release the Hori arcade controller both on PS4 and Switch because they asked about it on Twitter, and most people said they wanted both versions, that's why ^^


Apr 9, 2018
We were talking about the Switch Lite a while back and it turns out a couple people have been reporting that it also suffers from analog stick drifting... even though it's only been out for a few days. At least for the normal Switch, you can replace the joy-cons. I guess we'll have to wait and hear if more people report problems to be sure how bad the situation is.
Edit: It appears that the joy-con sticks are the same part as in the normal Switch. Sort of related, but you can send in your normal Switch joy-con to get it repaired for free if it starts drifting. Dunno how Nintendo will handle stuff if a lot of people report wonked up Switch Lites.
Sep 21, 2019
As much as I love Miku, I hope they don't make Mega 39s as Miku-centric as Future Tone or X (though, X's song list is really good, imo). I'd like it if there was a nice balance for each of the characters. I also hope that they don't make the extremes as difficult as FT's, and that they bring back they old hold, star, and double/arrow notes; I didn't like that Future Tone lacks those.
I would also love it if they ported the rest of the songs from Mirai *cough* Aku no Musume *cough* and the modules from Mirai and X. (I just want Rin's Astray module, gosh darn it, Sega!) Also, I wouldn't mind dance PVs as long as it fits the song and the choreography is nice and there's a good balance of story/dance pvs/etc.. (Imo, Sega did a good job with Lost One's Weeping. I was sold the instant I saw Rin pick up the guitar and smash it on the stage! XD)
But, also, I LOVE what I've seen of the PV for Hibana so far!
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
It’s been a long time without any news I hope we get some soon.
Sep 21, 2019
Well, that's a pretty good song list they've got there! It's like a combination of F and F2nds song lists with a few others thrown in, too! Wish they would've included some older ones though. Can't complain too much, though. I like most of the songs on the song list, though I can't quite see Soundless Voice working with the toon shader since it's such a serious PV.


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I have kinda reached the conclusion that I won't be buying Mega39's, but settle with the DLC pack for Future Tone DX instead. I don't have a Switch and I feel like Mega39's doesn't have so much new content that it'd warrant getting a Switch only to play this game (and I wouldn't need the Switch's portability either, as I don't see myself playibg anywhere else but at home)

The PV graphics are essentially the same as in Future Tone, but toon shaded, the new songs can be bought for FT too and I'm not impressed by the mix mode, so for me this game doesn't offer enough content I already don't have access to. It's a great thing Sega went "back to their roots" in a way by going on a portable console, but I feel Mega39's is more of a port than a new game. I will lie in wait for now hoping Sega is planning more new content for a new game (hopefully for PS5)
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I'm still planning to get Mega39's, even if many of the songs are rehashed. I don't own many of the mainline Project DIVA games (only the first two PSP games - I don't own a PS3 or PS4 to justify buying the DIVA games on those systems), so the rehashing isn't so much of a problem for me. But I can understand the PS fans passing Mega39's over because of the lack of new songs. It definitely feels like Sega just did a port of the current PS DIVA engine to Switch and stuck mostly old songs and videos on it.
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Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
I'll likely preorder when they go live in the West. I'm sad a handful of songs didn't get in but most of the ones I do like did get in so, it works out. Plus if Sega does Switch & PS4(PS5 I guess now) releases that'd be neat-o.

The rules for the T-Shirt Design contest also mention a tentative Spring 2020 release for the West that's subject to change. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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