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Unpopular Opinions


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
- I never liked Galaco's original design, I love her new design a lot more and will always be the true Galaco to me. Similarly her original voice bank was very bland sounding and I like her Blue bank the best
- Chika has one of the best designs and art style
- Lumi's middle school design is an abomination and feels like they were trying to backpedal and get some more fans as a cop out when the jellyfish mom design wasn't cutting it
- I like Engloids best and believe they deserve so much better. We cry and beg for new Engloids and then tear down any new ones that come our way and wonder why we don't get new banks or companies smh
- I like Thief and Hunter Dex Daina a lot more than the fox and the hound
- Daina is a low-mid quality bank that can actually be really hard to use
- Kaito deserved a scale figure
- the Vocaloid funko pop figures were cute, bite me
- Tonio has the best Taiwan design imo (and then Sonika)
- While I love Maika and how flexible she is I think it's a big mistake trying to pass her off to newcomers as being an Engloid and much like how I would never recommend a JP bank to a complete beginner who wants an Engloid I think we need to take Maika off her pedestal and not lump her and all her bells and whistles of extra phonemes into the beginner friendly category


Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
- Lumi's middle school design is an abomination and feels like they were trying to backpedal and get some more fans as a cop out when the jellyfish mom design wasn't cutting it
I'm sorry, Lumi's middle school design??? Just looked it up and why. Her design was great already.

Engloid comment I agree on.

- Yohio's actually a decent voicebank, though I think it can be hard to hear him now and again.
- I don't think Piko needs a V5, or that he's getting one. Honestly, the only way is if somehow another company got rights to Piko from Sony. Sony should've been careful when he was releasing. I know people want him as a Vocaloid, but I don't think he brings much to the table outside of a good design, and being a male vocaloid.


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
I'm sorry, Lumi's middle school design??? Just looked it up and why. Her design was great already.
spoilered for mini off topic rant:

yeahhhhhh, they revealed it like a few days after they unveiled Lumi's initial design and I'm stilled really miffed about it! the japanese fandom seems to have taken a liking to it tho of course so there's lots more fan art of it within that community (not as much as her jelly design but enough that it's prominent). they had this really unique and amazing idea going with the jellyfish thing but then they took a step back and decided to pander to the typical vocaloid otaku by making her a smol middle schooler. it's annoying and you can tell how strong the creative differences amongst the team was smh
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Apr 9, 2018
Hm, I personally think her having a school design was a good idea. It seems with her jellyfish design, you might feel forced to make her sing ocean themed songs or draw her floating in the water. But if she has a "human" version (maybe she's magic but is an ocean exchange student or trying to learn from humans, or maybe she was a human and then turned a certain age and got ocean magic) then you might have more options for music video ideas. (I feel this counts as an "unpopular" opinion because it is a weird opinion.)


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
- While I love Maika and how flexible she is I think it's a big mistake trying to pass her off to newcomers as being an Engloid and much like how I would never recommend a JP bank to a complete beginner who wants an Engloid I think we need to take Maika off her pedestal and not lump her and all her bells and whistles of extra phonemes into the beginner friendly category
Tbh i think people tend to confuse "good at English", which she is, with "easy to use".........which she very much is not. You almost need another Engloid to use her.

No V4 banks were really LQ imo? Even the worst, like Arsloid and Ruby, were MQ at worst. Arsloid's extension banks don't count

Sweet Ann and Big Al are ridiculously overpriced, even more so considering at one point I'm almost certain they were 50 dollars. I'll still probably buy them, but SERIOUSLY?


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
Hm, I personally think her having a school design was a good idea. It seems with her jellyfish design, you might feel forced to make her sing ocean themed songs or draw her floating in the water. But if she has a "human" version (maybe she's magic but is an ocean exchange student or trying to learn from humans, or maybe she was a human and then turned a certain age and got ocean magic) then you might have more options for music video ideas. (I feel this counts as an "unpopular" opinion because it is a weird opinion.)
oh def, kinda reminds me of how ppl can't really view Mayu without the yandere piece... I just think that if they had to give her a human form I would've been much happier if she wasn't a smol little middle schooler? like Lumi *feels* like she's older and personally I would've been much happier if she were like 18/19. I think they could've gone any route with her really, esp with the whole Jellyfish Mom aesthetic they had going on it just felt like when the jellyfish thing wasn't getting the attention they hoped they fell back and tried to pander to the casual vocaloid otaku rather than sticking with the character they already had. Tbh middle school Lumi feels like some alternate universe mess to me

Tbh i think people tend to confuse "good at English", which she is, with "easy to use".........which she very much is not. You almost need another Engloid to use her.

Sweet Ann and Big Al are ridiculously overpriced, even more so considering at one point I'm almost certain they were 50 dollars. I'll still probably buy them, but SERIOUSLY?
yeahh, like I'll defend Maika's English skills, she def sounds really good in English... it's when ppl try to pass her off as easy that it gets messy bc Maika is certainly not an easy bank to use when you don't know what you're doing

also I'm not sure where you're looking but Al and Ann are only about $70 usd each? I don't think they've ever been $50 (unless it was for a sale that I didn't see or something) but they used to be waaaaaaay more money esp back in the V2/3 era (like... $200 esque) heck I bought Big Al at $130 like 2 months before he dropped to $70, that's a crappy feeling lol


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
also I'm not sure where you're looking but Al and Ann are only about $70 usd each? I don't think they've ever been $50 (unless it was for a sale that I didn't see or something) but they used to be waaaaaaay more money esp back in the V2/3 era (like... $200 esque) heck I bought Big Al at $130 like 2 months before he dropped to $70, that's a crappy feeling lol
Could be wrong about that, but 70 dollars is ridiculous considering they're ten years old and not even officially supported anymore :/. Granted, Piko's worse.
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Aug 13, 2018
People seem to like realistic vocals and breathe options, so I think this is an unpopular opinion. I kinda just like listening to un-human sounding vocals better? Like those times where you can just tell that this is a synth singing, not a human. Maybe at most it sounds like someone on autotune. As for breathing, I just never liked hearing people breathe in music ever. It just sorta feels off to me, and hearing some of the V5 covers with breathing just kinda gives me a little anxiety because of how much there is now. It sounds like they're dying and gasping for a little more air.
This isn’t an opinion, but I just want to say-
I love how this is so... calm. Literally no one (that I’ve seen) has been in a fight.
That’s so rare, especially in this fandom.
As for breathing, I just never liked hearing people breathe in music ever. It just sorta feels off to me, and hearing some of the V5 covers with breathing just kinda gives me a little anxiety because of how much there is now. It sounds like they're dying and gasping for a little more air.
I completely agree with you here. The only “breathing VOCALOID” is AVANNA and Cyber Diva. The rest of them have that weird engine noise that make them sound weird. And yes, they sound EXACTLY like they’re dying. Aido Feirune suffers this immensely. (Though... he is a UTAU, but still) Luka is another prime example.
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Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
People seem to like realistic vocals and breathe options, so I think this is an unpopular opinion. I kinda just like listening to un-human sounding vocals better? Like those times where you can just tell that this is a synth singing, not a human. Maybe at most it sounds like someone on autotune. As for breathing, I just never liked hearing people breathe in music ever. It just sorta feels off to me, and hearing some of the V5 covers with breathing just kinda gives me a little anxiety because of how much there is now. It sounds like they're dying and gasping for a little more air.
Sometimes it sounds good, sometimes it doesn't. Vocaloid5 breathing sounds more natural, but on some covers it either terrifies me or makes it sound mildly realistic. I saw a few covers where when they breathed, it sounded like burping which is amusing but I was so distracted... I like the breathing only cause I relate to it thanksasthma


Apr 8, 2018
Breathing can add a lot of realism when used in moderation. The problem is a lot of people use it to the point where it sounds like they're using the mic as a respirator, which is just bad form.

Big Al's breath samples should never get used seriously but i don't think anyone does except for jokes so
I think I have only heard Big Al's breath used well once and that was in his demo of the song sway.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I think I have only heard Big Al's breath used well once and that was in his demo of the song sway.
Honestly between his breaths and rolling R, it seems like Big Al got a lot of stuff just because other Engloids had it, even though he can't do it very well? Still a good loid.

I still wonder how they got Ann to breath in this song, seeing as how I know she's one of the few V2s that lacks breath vocals.


Aspiring Fan
Apr 8, 2018
^ Al's rolling R is actually slightly better than Prima's and Tonio's in one specific regard: If you isolate his rolling R to it's own note and stretch it out, he actually rolls it for the entire duration of the note. Prima and Tonio glitch out and stretch the sample instead of looping it.


Apr 8, 2018
Honestly between his breaths and rolling R, it seems like Big Al got a lot of stuff just because other Engloids had it, even though he can't do it very well? Still a good loid.

I still wonder how they got Ann to breath in this song, seeing as how I know she's one of the few V2s that lacks breath vocals.
it is probably a mix of another vocaloid and the h Q_0 and V_0
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Here’s another one of mine.

I can’t stand JubyPhonic or any of the Utautaits (is that what they’re called?). But Juby’s voice in particular drives me insane. It’s so... squeaky and whiny. I’m sure she’s nice but I will never understand how she got so popular. But I can’t stabd any of the English/American cover artists. I only really listen to CheezItsAreYummy, Poucet, and done other foreign artists.
I just needed to rant.

Megami Chan

Jul 5, 2018
My unpopular opinions:
- I like Len's normal voice more than his append; I dislike it when he sounds too deep.
- I absolutely can't stand it when people make Len's hair too simple (Giving it blond hair and a ponytail doesn't make it a Len)
*If it goes with an outfit it's alright
- I actually don't really like it when people make Miku sound super high-pitched, I like her voice the way it is.
*If it goes with the music it's alright
-KAITO X ICE CREAM is the best ship, I don't care what you say.
- I absolutely love tuning Rin~
Len's okay. Don't get me wrong, I like him, but Rin's voice works so much better in so many more places.

That's it, I guess.
I really do like most things about VOCALOID~
There's only one VOCALOID I don't like (who I would rather not mention), but that's about it~
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01010011 00110101 00110000
Apr 9, 2018
Here’s another one of mine.

I can’t stand JubyPhonic or any of the Utautaits (is that what they’re called?). But Juby’s voice in particular drives me insane. It’s so... squeaky and whiny. I’m sure she’s nice but I will never understand how she got so popular. But I can’t stabd any of the English/American cover artists. I only really listen to CheezItsAreYummy, Poucet, and done other foreign artists.
I just needed to rant.
I feel like all japanese anime girls are chipmunky (Unless it goes against their character) and sometimes regular japanese girls do it in music videos I see. I think that it comes from trying to act cute, and so when Americans try to emulate it, it's not very natural sounding. It's not the norm in the US. Some word inflections might sound forced because of the squeezing down on the voice.

When you do that, you will sound like a 'cartoon character' to me and not like an actual person. But, Jubyphonic's audience is a bunch of animes fans and are used to or maybe prefer the chipmunky sounding voice.

This is what I have gathered on my own, so don't quote me on anything.

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