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  • NicoNico 15th Anniversary! The phone cases are so cute, but I ended up going for the t-shirt and stickers.
    took my first japanese oral exam in uni... very intimidating but it went well! 終わりだ
    My prof is really kind and an expert at language learning. I'm looking forward to being in her class again next quarter
    shoutout to the brony in my hall that offered to split the miku x MLP figure with me. he gets pony miku. I get miku miku. this was never a scenario I ever envisioned playing out in my life but here we are
    I can't believe gubbai sengen is the most viewed vocaloid song now. I know that's old news, but it... man, hits different. THIS SCENE AIN'T DEAD. :)
    morry, I honestly had no idea it was being associated with those things but I was under the impression that a massive TikTok fad in Japan had a lot to do with its rise. I don’t know how it was received in English speaking circles on TikTok, but probably similarly. This is my first time hearing about it being associated with those things, but if I had to guess, it might be the first VOCALOID song some people have heard in a very long time. Not sure about the scene stuff, tough. that’s wild LOL
    i am so sorry, i just realized i did partially misread one of your comments lol, so apologies for that. i read 'this scene' as just "scene" which confused me for a moment (gotta love the dyslexia) since 'scene' is an old subculture. otherwise! i am just surprised by how it exploded honestly, i guess it may be namely the east side where it popped off because i it hasnt been on my radar too much after it released though admittedly i am not the biggest person on keeping up with trends and am certainly not when it comes to tik tok.
    Haha, I gotcha! Sorry, I was super out of it yesterday so I wasn't 100% on the same page either. I'm not really a TikTok user but it seems that a *lot* of VOCALOID songs are becoming popular because kids on TikTok like them and then start TikTok trends with them. As an example, I think tsurii's MV for the full version of Ego Rock was created in response to this. It even has a built-in TikTok dance routine. DECO*27 has said in an interview that he was experimenting with TikTok to promote his music. Kanaria's music has a presence on TikTok and Kanaria himself posts his songs on TikTok as a fellow member of Gen Z. It's just the latest way young people are picking up on new music trends.
    the fact that FEE is pronounced the same as a "fee" to pay is like the dishonorable cherry atop the mountain of Bad
    phony's been stuck in my head for weeks. WEEKS. I would say "release me from this hell" but I don't think it bothers me. say what you will about the VB but holy moly was that demo selection a hole in one
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