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  • I have been hunting for Shiny Cyndaquil in the original Pokemon Crystal on and off for 2 years now. Still no cigar. What is this curse?!
    Hatsune Miku NT isn't an effective replacement for V4 Miku, but it is a really fun and flexible VB even if the engine does have problems. It's amazing how far Piapro will let you push the voice in different directions to create fun and unique effects.
    Does anyone know how to modify the sustain of a note in the NT editor? As an example, I have a 't o' that takes up 3 quarters in the piano roll, but the next note on the following quarter has a semitransparent bar that seems to represent the... preutterance? And there is no sound during this period. Image:
    I'm not sure what happen, but it seem like sustain not following note length correctly, i occasionally run into this issue in vocaloid editor but i fix by create a new track for this specific problem. Maybe EVEC are not working correctly, i suggest you put a long vowel mark ー at the end like this とー きょー がー and see if it working.
    You can do it in 2 way, first is make thing like this [t o][-], [k' o][-], [k a][-] or you can do [t o -], [k' o -], [k a -]

    ** [ ] is represent the lyrics box
    Thank you for the suggestions @IO+ ! Extending the vowel didn't work for me, but I'll try layering tracks.
    Synthesizer U Tiny?! Obviously the UI takes a lot of inspiration from SynthV, but I wonder what it actually is…
    I'm using Sony headphones now-- thank you everyone for the suggestions, it was super helpful. I feel like my ears are on fire (in a good way)-- the sound is filling up my body and I've never felt that way before haha. Super hard to describe.
    Obsessively playing Baldur's Gate 3 currently. There's a character named Asterion. Asterian... Asterion... hee hee
    Thinking of getting the Sony WH1000XM4's. Would be the first nice headphones I've ever owned. Want to use them both for casual music projects and listening to vocaloid music. Any audiophiles have words of caution/advice to go a different way?
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    I'm not a big fan of wireless headphone and noise cancelling thing, though if you using it in the noisy environment like cafe or while you're travelling it is good to have noise cancelling option, it is depend on where you want to use it.

    If you listen music in private space only, i recommend Philips X2HR it's an open back design so you got a natural frequency response across frequency range because of this, you can enjoy the full benefit of it while you making music too, it's well balance (a little smiley EQ curve) and very comfortable(this is VERY important) so you can listen to it many hour without causing migraine and keep your neck away from fatigue, and the best thing about this headphone is.... it cheap. Not only EQ curve can smile so your wallet can smile too.

    Another headphone i use it in daily basis is Beyerdynamic DT 990 this is a little more expensive than Philips X2 and this is a open back design headphone, the original version have Impedance: 250 ohms so you need an external amp or a decent audio interface but they have 80 ohms version too, most smartphone can drive it without sweat, this headphone is a little bit cramp to your head but it is still comfortable

    These 2 headphone i mention above require some cleaning since it is a open back design so moisture love this kind of headphone very much.

    I highly recommend you to try it yourself, sounds is subjective.
    Sadly I can’t go for open back because I’m still in college and share space with others. But I’d like to try it someday!
    Open backs can be pretty awesome for mixing and listening(alaso great for minimizing headaches/fatigue), but yeah most are on the pricy side. My pair(Ultrasone 2900i) was around $500 in 2016, they have minimal leakage even though it feels like the sound is coming from the room when using them.(It’s almost like you’re not wearing headphones when using them) The downside is that the company that made them is smaller and has terrible customer service, so I couldn’t get them repaired under warranty. Gotta find a repair place now.
    I am so excited for SV KAFU it hurts, unfortunately I have had time to absolutely nothing this summer
    So earlier this summer I mentioned how I was fulfilling my lifelong dream of working at a space company! I was honestly really nervous it would betray my expectations: what if the work culture is bad? What if I’m in over my head? That kind of thing. But now that I’m halfway through, I can safely say: it’s been amazing!! I’ve made so many friends and have gotten to do some incredibly exciting technical investigations that are going to help people all over the world! They invited me to come back next summer today to help with the next gen hardware and I’m so happy :)

    College has honestly been really really hard for me. The social and hands-on aspects of college have been great but the academics have been grueling and punishing. So being able to work and genuinely enjoy what I do every day has been a total breath of fresh air and is giving me more hope for my future. A good start to being an adult. (As of today I’m not a teenager anymore 🥲)

    I hope everyone else is having a good summer too!
    Congrats on it! (Also must be cool to see the launchings live~ )
    It is fun, seeing our last constellation launch on time made my heart very happy 🥲 it hits different when you see firsthand all of the love and effort put into it every day
    Super congrats! I'm really happy for you that you're enjoying your work in your chosen field so much!

    College honestly is a really tough experience. But if your experience is like mine, after a little while you'll still remember it as tough, but you'll also see it as a tremendous growth experience. The pain associated with the challenges will fade, and you'll remember with a sort of seasoned, confidence-engendering nostalgia the adventures you had, pulling through tough situations to make it through. I wouldn't tell anyone college is easy; the challenge is integral to the experience and the growth it offers. But I would tell them the experience is worth it.

    All of that is to say, keep your chin up and keep at it. You can do it! And one day you'll be glad you did!
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    AX was fun! Unfortunately I was completely unprepared for the crowds haha. Got there plenty early and didn't ever get run over but couldn't get into any panels no matter how early I got there :') But it was a blast to cosplay and explore with friends!

    Hope everyone’s been good! I’ve been super super busy at work but I’m having the time of my life, as some of you may recall this is basically my dream job 😁 it’s challenging work and there’s always a lot to learn but everyone at the company is incredibly kind and helpful and never makes me feel like I should be stressed/overwhelmed. Every day is exciting.

    As I said in the ANRI thread, I will be at AX on Sunday. If anyone else is attending let me know!
    It's over...
    I genuinely don’t know… everyone’s joking about Chunithm in the comments section but I think I will really need to study how Chunithm players do what they do. It is officially completely impossible to survive all of the levels with only two fingers.
    oh that really screams "f u thumb players" lmao
    I know why I stopped playing project sekai
    I play with thumbs and I’m fine with it because a lot of people hit the skill ceiling a long time ago. But the contrast of this chart is just funny.
    SpyNEWS demonstrates the VOCALOID -> AI engine transition of VOCALOID voicebanks.

    CeVIO AI has the most voices here, but it has also been a choice for developers for the longest.

    It really demonstrates the fracturing of the industry and the coexistence (competition) of these engines. A huge contrast from when VOCALOID was the only commercial choice.
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