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Hatsune Miku


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Hello everyone! My Mikuration picks for March are up!

"忘れないで、手紙" by Aura Qualic

This song is an amazing sort of ballad. The introduction from what sounds like a child's piano or music box sets an innocent tone. In a lower and somewhat flat, although catchy, verse, Miku begins, and then sweeps up into an emotional, soaring chorus, accompanied by a chorus of background vocals. It's one of my favorites from Aura Qualic.

king妃jack躍 by 宮守文学

This song was one of my absolute favorites from Mirai 2023. The repeated initial line of its lyrics is one of those features that some songs have that make them instantly recognizable--anyone who's heard this song will know it immediately by this line alone. With the driving melody of its piano and the bouncy, irreverent melody of its bass and guitar, it reminds me very much of the vibe of Persona 5 and its band of picaresque heroes, and similarly rallies the audience to shake off any discouragement and remake their future.

"隣で歌ってくれるデフォミクさん🎤" by ののこ

This is a sweet image of Miku. I love the warmth of the light!


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Happy Miku Day, everyone! I've added a new item to the Club Creations album--"Walk with Me," the original song I entered into the most recent Vocacolle in February!

"Walk with Me" is a chillwave song that includes vocal synths. In keeping with its genre, "Walk with Me" is the first video I've attempted that includes animations that are synced to the music!

I hope you enjoy it!

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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Happy May, everyone! My Mikuration picks for this month are up!

"Thunderbolt" by jon-YAKITORY

"Thunderbolt" is a different sort of song in that it combines a few styles that don't commonly go together. For example, it's largely a rock song, with appropriate guitar work, but it also has guitar passages that feel a bit reminiscent of (fast) chill Latin guitar. Personally, I found it took a little getting-used-to, but I ended up liking its novelty, especially after seeing it performed at Thunderbolt.

The instrumental is different, but the vocal is very catchy. The first lines of the verse have a way of really staying with you, and the opening lines and end of the chorus hit quite hard.

I've also really enjoyed the opportunities I've had to see this song performed live. Miku's delivery of the song as the opening of Thunderbolt, calling out to the audience, "Ikuze! Thunderbolto! Hai! Hai! Hai!" while pumping her arm was a perfect way to get the audience excited, and seeing her later wave to the audience and them waving back was really heartwarming. It was also fun to see jon-YAKITORY play the guitar alongside her during MIKU FES’24 (春)〜Happy 16th Birthday〜. (Complete with a potted plant worn on his head to preserve his privacy, which had its own off-the-wall appeal.)

"ワールドワイドフェスティバル" ("Worldwide Festival") by HachiojiP

"ワールドワイドフェスティバル" ("Worldwide Festival") is a fun song to listen to. Peppy and fast, it embodies a spur-of-the-moment summer travel adventure. The three-way chorus of Miku, Luka, and Rin is very pretty!

"Love 青い 💙" by Zakusey

This artwork features Miku in a white dress surrounded by wind-borne hearts. There's something really peaceful, vibrant, and warm about it--you can easily feel the breeze that is carrying the hearts swirling through the air.
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