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Favorite Horror Movies?


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I never watched horror movies growing up so this spooky season my friend and I have been doing a class horror movie marathon.
So far, my favorite is Halloween (1978) and my least favorite is Scream.
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👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
It would be a bit easier to recommend horror movies if you said what you like best in a horror movie. For example, practical effects, tall dark and spooky bad guys, psychological horror, ghost movies, slashers, horror comedy, really low budget, etc.

Anyway, me and my sister love horror movies (used to be afraid as teens but then when we became college age, we ended up watching so many horror movies we stopped counting when we hit 200ish like... 5ish years ago).

If it's classic horror movies you're watching lately, I really recommend watching the movies with big horror characters related to them. "A Nightmare on Elm Street" film series for Freddy Krueger (DON'T watch the 2010 remake, it's stupid) [practical effects, charismatic villain, supernatural],

"Hellraiser" for Pinhead (I only recommend the first 2 movies, after them the characters change and it gets weird, the first 2 movies actually have two sets of villains so it's interesting (the Cenobites on one side, bad family on the other) [practical effects, supernatural].

Both the new and old version of "Fright Night" are good [good mix of comedy + young people fighting the supernatural].

(Remake has a slightly modernized plot, like the TV host guy from the original is now a performer like... Criss Angel.)

Anyway, those were just a couple big name horror movie recommendations that most horror buffs end up watching. If you have a preferred horror type mentioned on the first paragraph, please let us know.

Edit: Added trailers because why not?
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Martyrs! It's more hard-hitting than outright scary, but it's gory and disturbing, so it's usually classified as a horror film. It's the only horror film I've loved enough to get on DVD. (Make sure you watch the original French version from 2008. The 2015 American remake is an okay conventional horror film, but it strips away everything that made the original so good.)



Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
There's lots of good websites you can visit to find various horror movies, so definitely look around and get a feel for what you like! If Halloween's been your favorite so far, I'd venture to say you're more a fan of suspenseful slasher films. Have you seen Carrie yet? You might like that one!


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I saw Carrie and I had kind of mixed feelings on it. I mean, I did like it, but it was different for me because I had watched it right after watching Scream where all the characters were pretty dislikable and I didn't attached to anyone, and then in Carrie you actually see her and some of the people around her develop and you get interested in them. But then it felt kind of wasted at the end because everything is over in like 10 minutes. Still, I thought it was pretty good, I just kind of wish the ending played out a little differently.


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
Oh, I'm not really looking for recommendations per-say, I more so just wanted to have a discussion about horror films!
Ohh, okay!

Halloween: I've seen the 1st one. I prefer more charismatic horror villains, so I don't intend to watch more of this series.
Scream: I keep wondering if I should get around to watching this, but I'm not sure if it's my type of humor. Why didn't you like it?

Martyrs: I've heard of the movie, but never seen the trailer until you posted it. Looks spooky. But it seems like it's got a lot of torture in it (like a Saw movie or something), is it?
Carrie: I saw the original and I didn't like it at all (didn't fast forward through it, though). I hate stuff about women's bodies awakening (I hate this trope in other horror movies, such as "Ginger Snaps"). I like occult stuff, but, meh, just a lot of suffering and not a lot of fun for the viewer, I guess.

Recently, we watched 2 old movies. I don't know if anyone has seen them, but they are on Amazon Prime. The first is called "Witchboard" and it's about 3 people in a love triangle who accidentally get the woman obsessed with a Ouija board/evil ghost. It's kind of like a mystery movie as she descends in mental health. The movie was really good at getting you emotionally invested in each character right away.

The other movie is a bit more funny, called "Spellcaster". The movie is about people who win a trip to a castle to try to find a check hidden there. It's interesting that you don't actually see the villian for most of the movie. But it's got TONS of practical effects and pretty much every line is really funny, each character is pretty sassy and has their own personality quirks.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Hmm I think the reason I didn't like Scream is because all of the characters were kind of annoying and dislikable (except for maybe Sidney), and I'm the kind of person that likes to have someone to root for in a movie. But I wasn't rooting for anyone cause I didn't particularly care about anyone. I think the twists were good and it does have a lot of action and spooky scenes, and it is pretty funny in some parts if comedy is your thing. But personally I wish there were just characters I liked! All the acting is really over the top and cheesy and it gets kind of annoying after awhile.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Martyrs: I've heard of the movie, but never seen the trailer until you posted it. Looks spooky. But it seems like it's got a lot of torture in it (like a Saw movie or something), is it?
It does have torture in it, but it's not Saw-esque torture. A character ends up subjected to routine beatings, but there's a lot more focus on the effects of them than on the beatings themselves. It's a very upsetting and depressing movie... come to think of it, it might not be a good rec for horror newcomers. I just saw the thread title and though "I've got a favorite horror movie!"

Lemme wrack my mind a bit more.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I'm not sure why I wondered onto this thread, considering I hate most horror. :LOL: But considering what few horror flicks I do like, I guess I'm the hipster type who prefers psychological/surreal/foreign horror to mainstream Western horror (which seems to coast on violence and sex much of the time. Cheap thrills don't do it for me, I need a good/interesting story. Which means I've had jokey arguments with my boyfriend who prefers Troma-style shlock.)
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Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Now that I've seen Friday the 13th, I'd say it's one of my favorites too. It was definitely very creepy. If I didn't already know who the villain was, I probably would have been surprised when they were revealed. The jumpscare at the end got me good.

Nightmare on Elm street was pretty good too, the concept was interesting and the ending was creepy.

I didn't like I know what you did last summer. I hated all of the characters and the movie was really boring for the first half.

Trick r Treat was pretty good as a movie, I like the fact that the stories intertwined and the characters were all pretty interesting. But there's not a whole lot of scenes that scared me, which I kind of missed.

I also watched Halloween (2018) and I thought it was good! It wasn't as spoooky as the first one was, it was more action-packed I'd say.
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👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
This is pretty random, but I was wondering if anyone has seen Society (1989) or Jacob's Ladder (1990)?

Both are available for Amazon Prime members to watch now. But I've been wavering between when/if to watch them for like... 2 years.

I want to watch Jacob's Ladder because it's a psychological story of a soldier with PTSD and they said it had top tier cinematography/effects, but I'm worried it will be "too real" and make me feel depressed.

I want to watch Society, but I'm not sure if I should watch it with my twin or alone because it's, er, weird/questionable. But it's by the guy who made The Dentist and we really liked that movie.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I watched Freddy vs Jason the other day and the movie is so, so, so bad. But it's also really funny and entertaining. If you like watching so bad theyre good movies, I highly recommend this one.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
It’s time to bring this thread back!

I’ve been fascinated with the works of Ari Aster lately, particularly Hereditary and Midsommar. Haven’t watched more than a few clips from each, but they look wonderful!


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Oooh, after I finished my spooky movie marathon last year, I think I ended up liking Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the very first, original one) the most. I watched some of the ones that came after it, can't remember all which ones, I think 2 were sequels and one was a remake, but I didn't like them very much. The original one though was so eerie, Leatherface is such an interesting villain, and it had the right amount of scariness.


Passionate Fan
Jun 27, 2019
I'm not really into horror flicks, but Tremors is an all-time favourite movie of mine.

The 1990 original. Not the sequels, not the TV series, and not the video game.
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