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Fire Emblem


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Okay now it time for it to be all messed and you get Seiros and I get Dimitri XD


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Spent like 360 orbs on the banner and walked out with 3 Seiros this time and a stash of 300 orbs now to save for when she comes back also got a Julia, a Flayn and 2 eir

NVM decided to zero out cause this is an amazing blue pool and got 2 more Seiros in the 300 but 3 dimitri and a Julia and another Flayn
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GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
I would trade you my dimitris ;-; anniversary is coming up tho so maybe a lot of orbs idk tho :<


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
I bought some orbs to break my pity rate and got an Eir in a circle with no blues dont do it ;-; I think his next rerun is in July but we get at least 12 orbs from the voting gauntlet and your arena orbs at the least
Ooh, thanks for the warning.
I'm really hoping I can get him instead of waiting six months for his return. :/ (I wish I was a more patient person, but alas)
Hopefully I'll be able to scrounge enough up. I just really hope I don't see another Julia pity-break me lol.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
We have uh the fluffy fur tour coming up that might? Have orbs idk what it even is so idk lol and yeah I bought the Lyn starter pack and got hit with reality to never spend on this game lol :< but think of how many orbs you could have by then in your stockpile!
Wait what. Fluffy Fur tour? Thats a new one, but I'm hoping you're right.
As for July, I suppose you're right, haha. I guess we'll just have to see! But I'm definitely hoping that at some point this week he'll show up... each failed summon is causing me physical pain lol.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Yeah idk on the tour all I know is it is on the Calendar for the 2nd XD and I feel that :< Legendary banners are suffering incarnate


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Oh god I hope that's true :< I won't use it on this one but lord that would be so helpful for a unit I want to build down the line and yeah legit nothing aside from Voting Gauntlet rn :<


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Hopefully :< same on that front I'd take Ylgr probs tho cause she got a bonkers amount of good skills in my run this time >.> and noice I love Laegjarn so much ;-; favorite OC aside from Gunnthra and maybe Fafnir
Yeah, she's pretty awesome. I like her whole honour thing, very respectable. And man does she have a WONDERFUL voice. If the Order of Heroes was real, her job would be reading bedtime stories or something. Also, Gunnthra is wonderful, too. I have every version of her EXCEPT her original, which never seems to want to come home. :( Hrid is cute, too. I like him a lot (and he shares Seteth's voice actor, who's one of my favourites). And of course, I love bench boy Alfonse.
Also, why is everyone suddenly big fans of Fafnir? I don't dislike him, I'm just... surprised at how much attention he's getting?

Also, Day Three of summoning and no Dimitri. :kaito_lili:

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