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Fire Emblem


Ohh, the picnic banner was adorable! She'd fit right in.

Tibarn is great! He's super strong. I have a team with him, Rayson, Panne, and Adult Tiki. Ultimate beast team.

Oooh nice! I still haven't voted and I have no idea who to choose. Might go for Dancer Rein. I love his art and the wallpaper would be pretty cool, I think.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
YESSSS!!!!!!!!! The stubborn child is yours finally! and yeah I am kinda in the mode of waiting to see what happens lol I'll play the voting gauntlet and go from there

and I hate facing him arena and AR ;-; always makes me regret not getting him
I know!! I swear I actually collapsed when I saw him. Suuuuper happy to finally have him. Now I can go back to saving up orbs, too!!

Same here, I've never been invested in the event and always vote based on wallpapers. The Voting Gauntlet kind of ruins it, since anyone could win based on a multiplyer. But a free hero is a free hero, so I'm not complaining! I love that Altena is first place in the red category. I'm going to die laughing if she wins again.

Ooh yeah, he's not fun to play against. Beasts in general aren't, though, with their extra move spaces that I always forget about.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Freebie Altena merge wouldn't be bad tbh tho I want Seiros lol for... obvious reasons >-> if she wins and gets on the banner I could finish her off super speedy quick lol and yes! I have learned that if you ever want a character they will never give you that character lol

yee ;-; same I think I'm safe then here comes Tibarn zooming across the map and I'm just oh yeah lol

also how do you feel about the new summon changes? I'm hoping thatit means I can get Olwen's reliably for free >->
Oh for sure, she's probably my strongest sword unit, so I wouldn't mind a free merge! Hope you get your Seiros, though!! How many do you have so far?
I think it's a welcome change, honestly. Finally, the old four-five star units can be useful! I saw Swordhardt on there, which makes me happy. I would definitely not mind some free merges. (Obviously I love Reinhardt) And its nice that they're bringing the old Legendary heroes back, too, though I don't particularly need any of them.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
She is so good ;-; tho she benched rn cause I am merging Caeda for Cherami Leigh emblem >.> and I got her to +5 right now! if she gets on the banner thats at least one guranteed with the spark and yee I can tell XD oh yee he also gets his refine tomorrow right? Wonder how it will work and yee same except Gunnthra cause queen
Oooh, nice! I love Cherami Leigh! She's such a great actress. I remember she was in RWBY (who already has some... questionable actors) and put them all to shame.

Wait, is he?! I didn't know that!! I hope he is, then, because I'll be breaking out Reinhardt Emblem (featuring Dimitri lol).

Ooh, true, forgot she was one of the Legendaries. Might as well try for her, then, at some point, since I never got her original version.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Yee! him and some others I can't recall XD and she really is her Rhea was good then her delivery in the Black Eagles route was perfection ;-; I love her so much got Seiros, Caeda and Cecilia going rn and gonna save last spot for Rhea >->

and yee she like the only legendary I can even really recall XD


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
She really has the range ;-; queen probs my favorite voice actress tbh

shes the Biyomon in Digimon tri random fact XD and I think she does some voices in Boruto? I have just learned that she was in a Shane Dawson movie... ew glad it didn't like end her career


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
I got the one with the braid and stuck a mask on her XD how bout chu?

And noice!
Ooh nice, the mask would be a good touch. I went with the redhead girl with the shoulder length hair. None of them really looked like me, but the sprite was close enough. Better than the super vague hooded version we had for four years!

Also my Reinhardt Emblem team is beautiful. I love his refine.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Magic is everything after all ! and yeah same :< I hope we get fully customizable in the future but it is def an improvement over complete blank slate! :)


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Yess!!! I wanted her but I got duo Lif ;-; no 4 star specials tho :< but can't complain lif is delicious fodder

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