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General Discussion Thread


New Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Tangerang, Indonesia
I'm hoping it's a Vocaloid too. I'm thinking if it's a Vocaloid, it might be the rock vocal that was being worked on from 2015... But also, I don't want to get my hopes up too high. They were "teasing" it might be a Vocaloid last time too and it turns out it wasn't that at all. :/
kind of a stretch, but imo they're just teasing the fact that they're gonna sell Cryptonloids:

especially since the girl on the countdown has blue hair................
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Aspiring Fan
Apr 8, 2018
So to recap

-It may or may not be a new voicebank
-It is certainly NOT:
-"The Zero-G newsletter and the easter egg on the homepage are the best places to be "


Aspiring Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I'm on the newsletter as well. I looked on the page for other clues but it doesn't seem they have left anything I would be able to notice, visible or hidden in source.

First Sound Future

Passionate Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Sorry if this is unrelated but two new tweets have been posted. One new tweet mentions that those subscribed to the newsletter will get previews and sneak peaks soon. (Here)

There was also another tweet that replied about a kickstarter, but they mentioned "It's not a kickstarter - we've already got the soundbank and it rocks!"
which made me think it's that rock vocaloid again but I think that's just me grasping at straws.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Good lord it might actually be the rock Vocaloid. Please no troll ZG my heart can't take it much longer.
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Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
If Zero-G releases the rock Vocaloid they teased in 2015 I will scream so loud they'll hear it at Crypton HQ.

However, in this case the blue hair makes me think the synth will be EDM focused.
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I'd put my money on an EDM Vocaloid being worked on but also that this could be the "Mature Rock" Vocaloid that has finally emerged from development hell, unless they dropped it. Hope the newsletter brings some more information. ...And that they're not just trying to net more subscribers LMAO
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New Fan
Apr 9, 2018
I pray that Zero-G comes out with a new vocaloid. It's been well over a year since we've gotten a brand new English vocal. I'm hoping it's that rock vocal they were talking about before, since they won't bless us with a Miriam or Sonika update.
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CEO of Chorical, LLC.
Mar 26, 2018
- Such as, is it similar to UTAU?
-- Ie. Sharing the same software with just a different name.
- Date and reasons for its creation when other synth existed at the time.
- Does it have an official mascot?
It is similar to UTAU in the sense you can create your own voicebank, but other than that the two softwares share nothing in common. I believe it was released sometime around 2012 and it was created to be an alternative to UTAU that is special for Chinese voicebanks, having two preutterence lines which means it can support ending consonants. The default singer is Yu NiaoNiao, though there are more official voices NIAONiao Virtual Singer Wikia
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