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General Project Diva Discussion

First Sound Future

Passionate Fan
Apr 8, 2018
There seems to be 7-8 new songs left now? I hope other Cryptonloids won't be left out. It would be nice if each got at least one song with Rin and Len getting a duet maybe.

(Also, someone in the YouTube comments mentioned the song is using a sound effect for "Switch Click", that's really cool since the newest game is made for Switch)


May 13, 2018
Really nice new theme! As expected from livetune :miku_ani_lili:
Because of this I'm sorta blindy believing the PV will also include all the Cryptons like Decorator, I mean, there isn't any hint but it's nice to believe haha, if the switch can handle six characters I hope it gets put to use!

As for songs there's 8 left to reveal, since Catch the Wave will be exclusive to Mega39s and won't be included in the Future Tone DLC as far as I understood-
I think there's going to be one more Miku song at least and the rest solos for the cryptons and one Rin/Len duet maybe? Not sure about that 8th song, but yeah it would be pretty sad if they don't get new songs.
My guesses are:
Miku - Unknown Mother Goose, A final tribute to wowaka and an amazing song, I will also understand if it isn't included due respect
Rin - Roki, I don't think I need to say much more, but I hope they it's the original with MikitoP
Len - Law-evading Rock, catchy song and would make for a very fun chart
Luka - Dreaming Chuchu, due to it's inclusion in Magical Mirai, not of my favourites, if I had to choose a recent song it would be HowMuch?! or Never Die...
Kaito - Doctor=Funkbeat, It.needs.to.be.in.Project.Diva. enough said
Meiko - Ramuneido Buruu no Shoukei, her upcoming song in Magical Mirai, I love how it sounds but I also fear it's going to be the only Mei song the next two years and people will get bored of it because of that, fingers crossed that's not the case :(
Rin/Len - Bring It On, considering the popularity of this song I will be surprised if it gets left out, even if that means Rin and Len won't get solos.

In a way this is the more safe route, maybe the setlist won't be in any way similar to this and there will be more surprises (Unsual duets or maybe a group song? I would die of happiness if ANTI THE∞HOLiC gets added to the setlist) but gaaah 10 songs feels so little, so many great songs that could be in the game honestly (':
I can't wait for more news ;u;


May 13, 2018
Um..... About that, that song does contain a couple of the F words.
It didn't stop it from being in a couple of concerts haha.
Hmmm well, this year Len will finally get another solo, which isn't in Project Diva to begin with, so they might go back to the roots of introducing songs through concerts (like I feel will happen to Meiko) but that's more or less the same case for Dappou Rock which is more well known and would prob excite more people, still, I like the new song he is getting this MM so I would enjoy it in Mega39s too :len_smile_lili:

In any case I'm sure they would work a way around it if they add Dappou Rock, like they have done with previous songs containing different kinds of questionable content.
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Passionate Fan
Jan 5, 2019
Get this: minutes ago while looking up online, I discovered this image on reddit:

It is an image of a fan edited Hatsune Miku themed turquoise colored Nintendo Switch Lite.
Not only that, but there is a couple more images, this time it's the Kagamines themed yellow colored Nintendo Switch Lite.

So, what do you think?

sov73811, the guy who made both the Miku themed Nintendo Switch Lite and the Kagamines themed Nintendo Switch Lite, he also made the one with Megurine Luka, MEIKO, and KAITO respectively:

Same goes to GUMI:
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May 13, 2018
@ Wario94 Oh yeah back when it first came out I already made a comment on how it looked the Rin and Miku. Funny enough since the first photo I saw of the Switch Lite only featured the teal and yellow ones I thought the third one would be pink instead of grey lol I was a bit disappointed it wasn't

New trailer :

My guess for Luka's song was right, but it seems it's not getting a PV? I hope they didn't show it because it's too much of a WIP right now and not actually because all the non-Miku songs won't have proper PVs, one fear :kaito_lili:
New game mode is also shown, it's hmmm, it feels fun like for a couple of minutes but not something that people would constantly play if you have the normal mode? Since it's motion controls it feels like it would be clunky, I don't know.

Release date is February 13th, a little bit sooner than I expected but more than welcome! Just in time for Valentine's day

On a side note, it seems that the original upload of Catch the Wave was deleted? :luka_move:
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Apr 13, 2018
limited edition ^u^

and about the songs, total is 101 songs, with 10 new songs (+theme song), which 5 are 3D PV, and 5 are original PV ^u^
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New Fan
Jan 22, 2019
I wasn't really digging the way that Megamix looked at first, but it's grown on me now and I think I actually kind of prefer it over the way past Project Diva games have looked


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Sega has now announced two more of the new songs; Hibana and Oedo Julia Night

So out of the new songs to the series, we now know 6.

-Catch the Wave (theme song)

-Alien Alien
-39 Music
-Dreaming Chu Chu
-Oedo Julia Night


Aspiring Fan
Jun 16, 2018
Additional info that haven't been mentioned here (source: siliconera)
First-print copies will include a DLC code to receive four songs based on the theme songs used for previous Project Diva games (The secret garden, Kocchi Muite Baby, Sekiranun Graffiti and Yume Yume).


Apr 13, 2018
some nice details from the interviews with Makoto Osaki (creative producer of Project DIVA series) and Keiichi Matsunami (director of Project DIVA MEGA39s):

- SEGA holds a meeting once a month to discuss any present and future plans (note, this is not only about games, but also concerts, goods, etc..)
- Project DIVA MEGA39s has been made to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the series. Nintendo Switch has been chosen as a platform because Project DIVA originally was on PSP, so a return to portable is a good way to celebrate such important anniversary
- the new Mix Mode is aimed at younger audience, but everyone can enjoy it. Osaki-san and Matsunami-san remember fondly how great was Project Mirai series, born as a series for younger audience, and then all fans loved it
- Mix Mode has a Support Mode that helps pressing the buttons at the right time, so you can enjoy the game more. The Easy mode requires only one Joycon to tilt
- the staff has fixed the Mix Mode for the trial version of Tokyo Game Show. the version playable at Magical Mirai 2019 in Tokyo had some problems with the Joycons
- The basic rule of Mix Mode is that red goes to the right and blue goes to the left, but there are exceptionally crossing notes, so you can make quite difficult places in Hard difficulty
- difficult songs weren't available in the trial version because Osaki-san wanted the fans to simply enjoy the new game
- there is no Extreme difficulty (Easy, Normal and Hard), but some Hard songs feel like more Extreme, and Osaki-san remembers that some songs of Project Mirai 2 in Hard mode were quite difficult to complete or to get a good score
- the traditional Arcade Mode has some adjustments compared to Future Tone
- in terms of framerate, Future Tone DX runs at 60 fps, MEGA39s runs at 30 fps, but with the anime style and the new shadows and lights, it feels more like 60 fps
- fans must see Future DX like the definitive version of Project DIVA, while MEGA39s is the perfect way to enjoy the series on the go and also with a new graphics style and gameplay adjustments for everyone can enjoy and play it
- the t-shirt accessory module can be customized thanks to the Switch touch screen. since Project DIVA MEGA39s is aimed also at children, Osaki-san imagines that many children will enjoy drawing on the t-shirt and then see it in the PV
- Matsunami-san also added "we want to make the title loved by many people for a long time."
- PVs have been completely reviewed, because the new cel-shading style make everything different. for example, in some PVs, the nose or the mouth couldn't be seen without an adjustment of the shadows and lights of the stage
- the new 10 songs have been chosen following 2 themes: recent songs and famous producers that are in the history of the series
- some songs weren't selected because they weren't easy or fun to play in the Mix Mode
- the dedicated controller has been engineered together with the original Project DIVA Arcade team
- the notes shape can be customized
- about the future of the series, Osaki-san said "it is the time when “soul and calculation” are necessary". now they are focusing to make Project MEGA39s a good title with a solid result, and then the next title should come out naturally.


May 13, 2018
Hmmm, been thinking since this morning about how I feel regarding the most recent news, and I'm just sad that I'm becoming more disappointed with the direction Mega 39s has.
My biggest fear is sort of becoming a reality, so far the only non-Miku songs are the ones that keep the original PVs which??? Sigh, I want the team to prove me wrong but the trend of pushing the rest to a side has been pretty strong recently.
I guess if Rin and Len do get Bring It On it would be with the original PV, then.

While I get it's said to be the producers' choice why even have the option for the original PVs? It's a proper game release so in a way I can't fully understand. I don't mind if I song doesn't have a proper 3D always, some of my favorites don't even have one. Yet, I feel that's a completely different scenario as those songs weren't part of the base package, they were extra, most of the time for Arcade so it's okay if we don't get a PV but we can play the song or they have a really cool PV to begin with. Yet I'm sorry but Dreaming Chu Chu's original PV isn't really something special :/ It feels especially weird since they went and made PVs for Mirai DX when in 2 it was the originals! I don't know, if it ends up being only Miku who gets 3D PVs I won't be able to avoid and think that they just didn't care to add the rest, which I really don't want to!

To add to my confusion; it might be a bit soon to talk about new modules but those haven't been mentioned or seen, but still, for example, why would they make modules for a song that doesn't use 3D models? I can't personally recall any old song that does that. So Luka and Kaito, who don't have as many modules, are left out of their songs outfits? On top of that, are we finally going to get V4X for Rin and Len? It's been years and feels weird only having one costume update that came nearly 9 years ago.

Lastly, this is personal opinion entirely but, I'm not thrilled about Hibana being in the game. It's tonally/musically too similar to Ghost Rule, which in my opinion again, is the better song and as seen thus far has the better PV of the two. What has been shown of Hibana's PV is really... lackluster? It had a similar problem with the other new 3D PVs, the color palette is just bleh, the debris looked poor quality with the animation rushed. Don't get me wrong both are good songs, I like both, it's just that DECO*27 has more recent tonally different songs that stand out more, these two are too similar.

For now, unless the upcoming news includes something that really re-lights my hype for the game again, I'll wait and see what the returning 90 songs are, because depending on that it might be more worth just getting the 10 new songs on Future Tone DLC.

I really want to have faith in this game but the news they've been putting out just makes me feel conflicted...


Apr 13, 2018
I understand what you say, but please keep in mind that development started only last autumn, and since is a new platform (Switch), they couldn't go straight to make the new PVs, first they needed to adapt the Future Tone engine to Switch hardware (which is in fact less powerful, that's why the 30 fps)
I mean, they knew that in about 1 year of development they couldn't do 10 new 3D PVs, so they decided to include some original PVs to save some time and keep the release date to february 2020.
and i'm sure that if there will be enough demand for having more 3D PVs, they'll work on them and release later as DLC. they already said MEGA39s supports DLC songs, so they can update it later with new songs and modules :)

anyway, in case you are interested, these are the confirmed songs as today:

6. 「ローリンガール」
7. 「骸骨楽団とリリア」
8. 「Catch the Wave 」
9. 「エンヴィキャットウォーク」
10. 「からくりピエロ」
11. 「ヒビカセ」
12. 「どりーみんチュチュ」
13. 「Sweet Devil」
14. 「アンハッピーリフレイン」
15. 「リモコン」
16. 「Just Be Friends」
17. 「スノーマン」
18. 「Nostalogic」
19. 「*ハロー、プラネット。」
20. 「はじめまして地球人さん」
21. 「テレカクシ思春期」
22. 「スイートマジック」
23. 「ヒバナ」
24. 「大江戸ジュリアナイト」

DLC MEGA39s #1
1. 「The secret garden」
2. 「こっち向いて Baby」
3. 「積乱雲グラフィティ」
4. 「ゆめゆめ」


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
Wow, pretty much all of the info from that interview songs negative to me...
Was already disappointing that this is pretty much just an old game, if you have Future Tone.
But...not even that? They actually cut Extreme?? Because of...why?? Or was that comment about no Extreme only for the new mode. If not, wow unbelievable.
Options are a good thing...I get that this is supposed to be for less experienced players, but don't take away options.
30FPS I guess was to be expected given the power of the switch, but still not exactly positive news.
So I don't know...will be nice having more Miku on the go again but...yeah, not exactly hyped for this.
At this point I think it would be preferable if they would have just continued to add new songs to the Arcade and then bring that to the PS4 as a paid DLC. THAT was amazing.
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
I have to agree with everyone else in the thread it feels like Sega is making another bad decision when it comes to the games. As much as I enjoyed X there were areas where it fell flat and because of that the game wasn’t as good. It seems like Sega didn’t learn and is about to make the same mistake again. If all the DLC songs turn out to be Miku has 5 3D PV’s and everyone has 2D PV’s that will be a rehash of everyone’s complaints with X too much Miku.

I don’t intend to buy this game or the DLC if Sega is just going to put out a product that isn’t their best work nor should I have to. Even if this isn’t the definitive version of the game and they want to try something that should not be an excuse for them to put out a product that seems rushed or incomplete. It’s been three years fans deserve more than what we’re getting here especially since there’s no word on when the next big diva game will come out after this it could be another year or so.


Apr 9, 2018
If all the DLC songs turn out to be Miku has 5 3D PV’s and everyone has 2D PV’s that will be a rehash of everyone’s complaints with X too much Miku.
To be fair, the name of the game series IS "Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA". That's why there is so much Miku, she's the diva, I guess.

Personally, it seems kind of lame to rehash the same game that was from the arcades, then the PS4, now the Switch. I understand wanting to get the game in more peoples' hands depending on what consoles are available to them, but don't act like it's something new and awesome when we've been waiting since 2016 (Project Diva X) for an ACTUAL new game. S: Maybe we won't ever get one and we'll just have to keep buying song DLCs for Future Tone?

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