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SynthV Indiegogo campaign for Solaria


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
They also released a crowdfund update with extra details:
  • 7 total modes: not used in the demo are Clear, Passionate, Solid, and Light
  • Solaria's licence agreement has been updated to be clearer and more open
  • Eclipsed Sounds are looking for Solaria tips and tricks for a future resources page on their website, submit these via their contact form
  • They're also still looking for musicians and creatives to work with, submit portfolios as well (remember to include pricing!)

Random: I love the font they used for the vocal modes

I can really hear the force in her Power mode, can't wait to hear that in more epic choruses!


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Solaria's vocal modes are out! I'm testing them out now. :solaria_ani_lili: I can't wait to hear songs that go from Soft in the bridge to Power in the final chorus (my favourite song writing trope. I'm a simple woman who enjoys changes in dynamics).

A special mention to the rasp in this cover, probably not the direct result of the vocal modes, but fits power excellently:

I feel vocal modes are allowing the voicebanks to become more expressive, which is great. I'd love more 'emotion' based vocal modes like passionate: e.g. happy, sad, etc.
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cherish chika
Staff member
Mar 25, 2018
An update is out for SOLARIA to deal with some issues users reported. They also mentioned in a follow-up Tweet that a future update will be implemented at a later date in regards to the different volume levels of the vocal modes, but for the moment users can adjust volume, the loudness parameter or mixing with other vocal modes until then.

An edit to add that in the setup PDF you'll now find links to previous versions of SOLARIA if you want to go back to an older version. Just to remember the current EULA applies and that they may not function with some features.

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Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
I am unreasonably excited about the possibility of more third party banks being added to a unified storefront, vocal synths really did make me passionate about accessible purchasing options and streamlined online experiences. :maki_lili: :tsurumaki_lili:

If anyone's looking for a great introduction to small Western vocal synth producers and a huge variety of genres, I strongly recommend checking out the winners and runners up for the song contest. So much good stuff there.


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018

...love this in the requirements lol
AI generated artwork is not allowed in this contest. (We understand the apparent irony; however, unlike our AI vocalists that use ethically licensed materials that our voice providers are compensated for, the currently available AI image generators are based on datasets that utilize copyrighted material and personal information. Additionally, regardless of the ethics of source data, you would not submit usage of SOLARIA to a singing competition, so you should not submit usage of AI image generators to this art competition. Thank you for your understanding.)
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v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
The art contest for the Sundail album has been extended, and the prizes have also increased due to this.

1st place: $350 -> $600
2nd place: $150 -> $250



Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Whoa, totally didn't realise this contest had started. I haven't seen them post about it, and checking back it was announced in a tweet reply: this probably restricted the number of people who were aware that they were accepting entries. Hopefully the extension allows people like me who missed it to participate!


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
Whoa, totally didn't realise this contest had started. I haven't seen them post about it, and checking back it was announced in a tweet reply: this probably restricted the number of people who were aware that they were accepting entries. Hopefully the extension allows people like me who missed it to participate!
hadnt thought about that- i think when i saw it on my feed twitter showed the extended thread and reply, but with how twitter works i guess not everyone saw that! not sure if that was the only cause but im glad theyre extending it regardless.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
Wow, it's such a relief then, because I was already trying to finish my Snow Miku Entry, had to work on my song, and have mandatory written exercices to redact and send before the end of month (basically next week) so it'll ease me some bit and enable me to take some rest before jumping back on it


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
the winner for the album cover has been revealed!

it is khazune!

m-e-o got a unique runner up position as this art will be the inner cover.

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