Hi everyone! It seems that the Indiegogo page for Magnhi AI has updated! To get just a digital voice from the library its about 90 USD.
... I had to check the wayback machine to make sure this wasn't initially in the indiegogo, since I thought I went mad!

In other news:
Maghni AI is holding a Q&A at 7PM CST--- a little less than an hour from now.
From the fundraising page: "Feel free to ask any questions you might have about Maghni. The stream will be archived on the VocaTone website!"
... I had to check the wayback machine to make sure this wasn't initially in the indiegogo, since I thought I went mad!

In other news:
Maghni AI is holding a Q&A at 7PM CST--- a little less than an hour from now.
From the fundraising page: "Feel free to ask any questions you might have about Maghni. The stream will be archived on the VocaTone website!"