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Other Maghni AI by VocaTone Studio and Misbah Studios


otomachi una enjoyer
Jan 6, 2024
hiiii im new here but tbh what they did just sounds like standard marketing that literally every commercial does. they didn't bash or talk bad about the other vocal synth projects or voices and only used them as an example so... I don't really see a need to harp on it. It falls under fair use. Even if it was a faux pas, I care more about what they are making and trying to create for musicians, not anything silly like fake concern over a png image with sloppy motion blur that appeared for all of 2 seconds next to big-breasted circusP.

At the end of the day this is a product and vocatone and whoever else is trying to acquire additional funding so they can give us said product right? It's amateur in some places and could be better, duh, but we could at least wait for them to have the finances to be held to the standard of now-rich ahs-backed dreamtonics and millionaire company yamaha. This is nowhere close to previous shoddy commercial attempts. they have a literal engine on-par with the others, a flashy ui, and are more transparent and open than literally any other. I'd rather complain about missed deadlines and failed promises when they occur, rather than assume the worst over a mistake or simple misunderstanding. it isn't like they threw this together overnight. from what I read this software has been in the works for over 5+ years. this level of professionalism from a team that has been working in the shadows for years to finally reveal their project is to be expected.

I've been lurking here for like a week now and all these back and forths just seems weirdly entitled. not to be rude, but let's just try and be normal about cool things coming up instead of being so negative and expecting immediate failure and low key praying on the downfall of any project that isn't east asian (which this community has a long and horrible history of doing 😭). at least wait til they actually screw up!! Like man, they can't breathe without someone voicing a made up concern in their head here

all that being said
if there were any actual concerns, im p sure the dev team is super public and linked their socials. do what people do @ eclipsed sounds and write a community document with questions and concerns or hell, message the guy who was in here last week answering questions. I have a few that I want to ask and plan to do so in a few days. I think we just gotta give them a chánce.

eng isn't my first language so apologies if I came off rude :/ just passionate!!! ❤
Again, the primary concern we have is not about the presentation! And it’s also not that we’re being critical about Maghni or “preying on its downfall” because it isn’t east asian (?), it’s about a lot of the production’s aspects seeming a little questionable. I get that you’re excited about it and that’s great! Like I’ve said, not trying to bash anyone’s interest, you SHOULD be excited if this interests you because Maghni’s dev team delivering on their promises would be massive for the vsynth community!! But I certainly wouldn’t call the critiques of this project (a) using legal faux pas in their campagin as lili explained, especially when they’re getting their money through both a governmental startup program and crowdfunding, so they really should know more about that, (b) having a timeline that seems pretty unreasonable, and (c) having a budget that is vague in that we know there’s extra money but not what the actual budget of this project is OR what “accelerating production” actually means, entitled, unfounded, or overly critical. It paints a picture of inexperience that should not happen here for the exact reason you pointed out: this project’s been in the works and these people should know what they’re doing, since they’re established.

Also, I’m posting here BECAUSE Cocoa has responded to concerns in this thread recently and changes have been made. It’s also a bit easier since forums are meant for discussion and there’s no word limits or algorithm like on X or IG.

You go ahead! Be excited! Enjoy it, I am too, I’m eagerly awaiting more samples because I’m genuinely interested to see the final product. Language synthesis for some of the advertised languages in the Indiegogo would be literally revolutionary for the scene and an AI synthesis model with that kind of capability would be too. But that’s exactly why the elements I described concern me, and I’d like to place my concerns on the table now, while we’re still in the early days. I’m not sure why that’s a problem.

(edit: fixed SEVERAL grammar errors, jeez i can’t type today!!)


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Couple updates from VT

Art references for the main 3

Crowdfund keychains

I think it's super cute! The more I look at Audine's design, the more I like it (the layered skirt is adorable). Their fake horn headsets are real in my heart lol

Also, we are about 8 days from the end of the CF and are sitting at about 26.5k USD. I think the last week may have a rush of some people making up their minds about if/how much to back -- myself included, whoops! -- but I think the 30k stretch goal is the last one we're likely to hit. Which is too bad, because the extra voice colors at 35 would've been very cool to hear!


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Ahhhh I loved this. I was surprised to see we were getting an actual song rather than another line or two. He sounds really nice, actually! I feel like a lot of "young" synth editors tend to sound either very sharp or very muffled, but I actually found the sound very pleasant to listen to. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Maghni puts out going forward

was it every stated if they were reusing oliver's old samples, or if they acquired a VA for him for new recordings? this full demo is making me wonder about that more now but it wasnt clear to me if it was voice acting mimicking him or just the old recordings, since his provider was very young back then, he couldnt be used today.
I think people are speculating it's this one cover artist who sounded a lot like Oliver, but I can't remember the name. I could see it being the case. I very much doubt it's the same VA trying to sound younger, although I guess there's a chance it's the original samples. But I'd think Yamaha or at least PFX owns those, though?


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
I think people are speculating it's this one cover artist who sounded a lot like Oliver, but I can't remember the name. I could see it being the case. I very much doubt it's the same VA trying to sound younger, although I guess there's a chance it's the original samples. But I'd think Yamaha or at least PFX owns those, though?
yea i cant imagine that being the original at all lmao, quite sure itd have to be new considering he was a 12 year old boy lol. i was thinking too about whether or not theyd actually be allowed to use oliver's old samples as well... and im leaning on "no" esp with yamaha in consideration to maybe owning it too. i do vaguely recall a cover artist who sounded like oliver now that you mention it, but i also cant for the life of remember who.


oh, that's not...
Jan 11, 2024
was it every stated if they were reusing oliver's old samples, or if they acquired a VA for him for new recordings? this full demo is making me wonder about that more now but it wasnt clear to me if it was voice acting mimicking him or just the old recordings, since his provider was very young back then, he couldnt be used today.
in the q&a, they stated that they're using a new voice actor. he apparently sounds very similar to the original recordings from over a decade ago, and I can see why they chose him. he sounds so much like Oliver!


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
in the q&a, they stated that they're using a new voice actor. he apparently sounds very similar to the original recordings from over a decade ago, and I can see why they chose him. he sounds so much like Oliver!
i feel like they mentioned it but wasnt sure! he really does sound nearly the same. i felt like something was a little off, but that makes sense if its a new VA.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
A big congrats to the Maghni team for hitting the second stretch goal! Right now we're sitting at 35.9k so I bet it'll hit 36k before it ends :)
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Reactions: Mika and nene


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Voice provider clips! (Not in engine)

I'm particularly impressed with Audine! Genuinely baffled and bamboozled that they didn't have these and Oliver's demo as the main things they showcased at the campaign's launch - it would have been a far stronger first impression and probably motivated significantly more donations. It's the kind of core information we really needed to get a good idea of the program.

I've noticed Vocatone make this same mistake about three times now - my impression is that maybe they've misjudged how to drip-feed information. It's great to have extra tidbits of news (like new art) to keep hype up, but primary selling points like voices should be shown upfront for an ambitious project like this. From Vocatone's point of view, they know they're trustworthy and that their project has a good foundation; perhaps in their confidence it's easy to forget that those who don't know them personally will need hard evidence to be won over.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I wonder if it's not that they didn't know what order to do drip feeding, or if the demo and VP samples (at least with a video as presented here) simply weren't ready yet. People's responses have been generally positive but cautious, with most complaints revolving around lack of samples and being unwilling to monetarily back a product that we didn't know what it sounded like. Maybe these things were works in progress that were pushed to be finished before the end of the CF?

Either way... I like these a lot! Aurum and Audine's VPs have nice voices. I think I prefer Audine's by a small margin. These, paired with Oliver's longer demo, have me excited!

Also just because it wasn't posted here, the 30k celebration art as well. I like their outfits! Very cute



OSTER project fan!!!
Oct 13, 2023
I wasn't expecting mandarin for Audine's secondary linguistic focus?! There aren't a lot of African American*[1] female synths, so i'm glad her voice is so solid!! I hope in the engine she sounds just as good!!! If so, she might easily be my favorite of the trio. 🩷💗🩷💗

Otherwise, Oliver sounds almost *identical* to how I remember his old voice too! It is so impressive they managed to get a sound-a-like. I hope when he releases someone decides to make a children's chorus out of all of the child vocals!!

++ Aurum also sounds nice! His voice reminds me of 'singing in cursive' but I think it'll be unique to see them translated into a program! I'm trying to think about what their voice reminds me of too....


Aside that though, there's some truth to the idea that showing box-arts is a bit less enticing than demos/samples for a music program & instruments(vocalists). For a program that's established, that sort of promotion does well because the engine isn't the main product- it's whatever's enhancing it. But for Magnhi they're still in the initial software teasing. Most of the 'wow' factor is going to be coming from the software's interface and output itself.

If their VP video was in the crowdfund, I could easily see more donations than they had gotten coming in. I think the voicebank tier in particular was hard to justify in the same way that KAFU SV was complete radio static, and as a result- a gamble for people. Lots of people are willing to take the risk, but without having the trust that you'll actually like the vocal, it becomes a luxury to purchase.

At the end of the day though, I think that's part of having an indie team with an ambitious project. I can't fault them for choosing to do things an alternative way, even if I also would have done things differently as a business-person. If they decide to do pre-orders or subsequent funding, i'm sure they'll secure more investments and investors too.

Can't wait to see more.

* edit in case: [1] Non confirmed, so please correct me if i'm wrong??? OTL
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