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Magical Mirai 2018


New Fan
Aug 27, 2018
I have personally used shopping services from the US for event tickets periodically, never this close to an event. Tickets for Sunday/Tokyo were insane until about a week ago and now they are dropping, but my shopping service is in Australia with a Japanese contact. The highly marked up tickets last a long time, but anything reasonable on ticket prices goes from available to sold too fast to engage a shopping service to grab them, they're just not set up for it.

I put him in touch with my shopping service (who mainly handles car parts but, hey, they do like things that weigh less too). He's working that angle at the same time to see what options might come up of course and I told him he can send anything to the hotel that he gets. But it's a hard thing to pull off unless you're just willing to pay a huge bounty and then the shopping fees. I'm also periodically checking 7-11s to see if last minute seats pop up in new sections or people fail to pick stuff up.

I'm trying to help him out if I can, but he knows at this point only the Expo is maybe what he'll get... :/


Aspiring Fan
Apr 15, 2018
Far away from Japan
Hi all - Rippah recommended I post here - I'm good for tickets but I have a friend kind of unexpectedly coming in and he's looking for a single for Tokyo Sunday show (he lands Saturday). I'm holed up in a dump in Shibuya until Thursday and will be at the Expo all days and Tsunagaru Mirai both nights, so if you have any extra Sunday single (or, two for evening, I would just hang with him) I can arrange to bump into you in advance and pay you for it. Thanks!
I think it should be riipah but nevermind. There are some little shops in akihabara and maybe in shibuya that are only reselling concert tickets at a very expensive price. I don't remember the names of this small shops but you can find them easily at some crossroads. Them are hiding the original prices of the tickets. It's really a rip-off business but if you really want a ticket... yahoo auctions is a possibility too. Also rip-off prices here. Unless the seat is not good.


Vocaloid User, Not A Fan.
Apr 23, 2018
I will try to explain.

1st, I didn`t expect there to be any English songs. But it would have been nice if they had included one.
( I was hoping for Kocchi Muite Baby, its my fav vocaloid rock song)
2nd, I am no lover of J-pop and even less of Vocaloid J-Pop. But I wanted to see it for myself.
3rd, At no point in my small review of the show did I comment on how well the band could play, I`m not qualified to judge it.
My comment was about the sound quality and I stand by it.
4th, There is no bigger fan of Vocaloid or Miku than me(It/she got me playing and writing again after giving it up for over 30 years).
5th, Europe is a massive music market. 2nd only to the USA. Opinion does not matter its a fact.
6th, I have every respect for CFM I am sure they are doing their very best for the size of company they are.
7th, While ever I`m still around so will Miku. I will keep writing songs for her to sing no matter how popular she is.
Even If I the only one left doing so.
8th and Final. If my comment about 2018 Magical Mirai offend you I am sorry but its my opinion and I am entitled to it.

A little about me.
I have lived and worked in Japan(Osaka) for the past 20 years and am married to a lovely Japanese lady.
I have been to many concerts here Inc. Orange Range, Yuzoo, Pornograffti, Misha, One ok Rock, Radwimps + many others.
I have even done the FM802 Minami Wheel twice. Anyone know what that is??, Its hard work.
I know something about Japan and the Japanese.
My first concert was the 1972 4 day Lincoln Rock Festival, Inc Rory Gallagher, Focus, Slade, Roxy Music, Genesis.
I have also seen Zeppelin, Sabbath, Purple, Bad Company, Skynard + many others during the 70`s at the top of their game.
I have also seen Def Leppard play in a bar/pub mid/late 1978. I sort of knew them we used drink in the same bar.
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New Fan
Apr 23, 2018
Except the bass player who I thought was very good.
I mean, you did say this and nowhere in this paragraph implies that you're talking about the sound quality

You're clearly taking a jab at the skill of the band here. I don't know any other way people can interpret this other than that so ?‍♂

Your "at no point in my small review of the show did I comment on how well the band could play, I`m not qualified to judge it.
My comment was about the sound quality and I stand by it." Is clearly false here, just saying.

You talked about the sound quality in the previous paragraph.


Professional Lolicon
Does anyone know which GYARI song and the timestamp of the part where they used for the Band introduction during the live?

To be honest I expected them to use

but they still used a GYARI song so I'm happy :D


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New Fan
Jul 28, 2018
For anyone who has attended the live show, how do they count the seats in each row?

From left to right or from right to left (Facing the stage, of course)?

I've attended MM live shows for a few times now but I still couldn't remember this small detail somehow.

Also, is there any seating plans for this year's show out yet? The Osaka one is fine. The layout should be similar to the Tokyo show.


Multimedia Creative
Apr 14, 2018
Does anyone know which GYARI song and the timestamp of the part where they used for the Band introduction during the live?

To be honest I expected them to use

but they still used a GYARI song so I'm happy :D


Band Intro song was
And I thought GYARI was sort of non-mainstream back when I stumbled upon their songs. I love jazz!

For anyone who has attended the live show, how do they count the seats in each row?

From left to right or from right to left (Facing the stage, of course)?

I've attended MM live shows for a few times now but I still couldn't remember this small detail somehow.

Also, is there any seating plans for this year's show out yet? The Osaka one is fine. The layout should be similar to the Tokyo show.
From what I can recall, INTEX were five blocks wide. Counting is left to right facing the stage. Block naming was <block number> <seat number> (Seated in block 9, seat 69, so 2nd block row, but first row of the block; block 9 offset from center block). Beside me were Kevin and his merry group.

Makuhari used <letter><number> seating but I also recall its a bit bigger than INTEX so seats per block might be more dense.

Might as well share a quick review.
Top songs:
- Meteor (I prefer this as the theme song over Green Lights, sorry Omoi!)
- Reverse Universe (Been loving this since it was released)
- Viva Happy (Because It’s Mitchie M)
- How they integrated songs for Band Intros, this year it’s GYARI’s. (Weird for using the twins song then Miku appears after, but I’ll let it slide because it’s their anniv :p)

Song that I did not expect to encounter: Mother Goose (not sure how it would translate to live, but it worked!)

Songs that I did expected to encounter, but hoping I would not: those used during the MikuExpo NA tour (still appreciated to hear them live, as I alway say, concerts are best experienced first hand!)

Song that I did not expected to enjoy, but did: Greenlights (notably, Miku’s choreography during thr chorus parts <3 )

- Song order (e.g. Did not expect HachiojiP or Meteor to be one of the first songs.)
- Screen panels were not seemless. There was a light halo/vignette on each panel, but that did not stop me from enjoying the show.
- They could have used the Rainbow Celebration module for Reverse Universe! It was a waste they only used it for a few seconds during the intro of last year!!

Overall, MM2018 for me is awesome and different, but still, does not beat my first live epxperience last year; but, that being a milestone concert, I probably set the standard too high.
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New Fan
Jul 28, 2018
From what I can recall, INTEX were five blocks wide. Counting is left to right facing the stage. Block naming was <block number> <seat number> (Seated in block 9, seat 69, so 2nd block row, but first row of the block; block 9 offset from center block). Beside me were Kevin and his merry group.

Makuhari used <letter><number> seating but I also recall its a bit bigger than INTEX so seats per block might be more dense
Thank you, that was very detailed and helpful.

Yeah, I figured that the blocks will be different, but the row count should be left to right facing the stage all the same.

Thanks again!
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Apr 13, 2018

It was nice to be back in Osaka, in INTEX Osaka, after Magical Mirai 2014, and this Magical Mirai was, like they told me, a back to the roots. In fact, you could see from the exhibition and the concerts that they were more similar to 2014 and 2013 editions.
Now, having attended all Miku concerts in Japan (also Miku Expo Japan Tour, the Snow Miku special concerts, Miku Symphony concerts, Miku x Kodo, Project DIVA Joypolis, ..) since Magical Mirai 2014 in Osaka, I have a tip for all of you (or most of you): whenever you attend a concert, just enjoy it, don't think too much about the setlist, the band members, .. just enjoy it in its fullest. It's better to don't start making comparisons with previous concerts and so on, otherwise you'll start to lose some enjoyment and become more like a "judge".
That's why if somebody ask me which Miku concert was for me the best, I always say "all of them", because they are all so different. Even the concerts of the same event, they feel different.
An example? I have attended all the 4 concerts of Magical Mirai 2018 in Osaka, and all of theme felt different. Not only the crowd reaction, the band members performance, but the whole concert. And I have attended them with the same feelings of every concert I have attended in the past: precious memories that, no matter what, are the best and always kept in my heart.

And everyone have their opinions, which is nice! I'm referring to what I've read in the previous pages, and while I understand why some messages were written, remember that every opinion have to be respected.
But let's explain some things: Magical Mirai is an event aimed at japanese fans, and while it's true that a 5-10% of the attendance is from outside the country, it is also true that Crypton always follow what they say during their panels: think global, act local. When I talked to Crypton CEO on the 3rd day of Magical Mirai 2015 in Nippon Budokan, he told me that he really wanted to bring Miku in Europe, but without a partnership with a big sponsor, he couldn't do it. Europe is a different market from America, China, .. because there are many smaller countries, and all of them have different tastes, regulations, laws, taxes, .. that's why it took so long. And even with the american tours, Crypton lost a lot of money. But they kept doing those concerts overseas for the fans. And what I always say and my japanese friends always say, Miku and Vocaloid are a niche market, and that's the best thing. Because only in this way, events like Magical Mirai, Snow Miku, .. are possible. There is a direct contact between the fans, the producers, the creators and the companies. If Vocaloid was big like, let's say Disney, all that magic, all that connection would have been lost.
And about why no english songs, well simply because it's a japanese event for japanese fans, and they keep the non-japanese songs for the Miku Expo. Also, compared to previous years (expecially 2016 and 2017), less foreigners were attending, and most of them were from China and Singapore. And yet, Crypton never forget about the overseas fans, giving the opportunity to book the accomodation plan and giving information and more in english.

About the band members, my favorite this time was the new drummer, but also the new girl bass player was very talented.
I won't say it enough times, but the keyboard player was better in Magical Mirai 2014 in Osaka and Tokyo, she just put more passion and emotions while playing the songs. Don't get me wrong, Megumi is a very skillful and talended keyboard player, she can play basically any songs with no problems, but in my opinion, sometimes she should play putting more "feelings".

about the stage panels, they had a "white vignette/halo " because they were placed in a different way from previous years. Not all straight anymore, but in a way to make the whole panel a bit curved. This have been made so, when there is a movement from the center panel to the right or left one, the vieving quality is still very good and doesn't "fade" a lot. Also, this year the projectors were 8K resolution for the main panel.
for the sound quality, is all about the venue, really. Intex Osaka building 5 has a "boom" effect and a more intimate sound, but you have to sit in the right seat to get the best. Makuhari Messe has a bigger soundstage andmore balanced sound across all the seats,and I feel Nippon Budokan was the best in terms of sound quality, but just because is a building made for live concerts.

The setlist was really really great, and hehe.. there was a bit of my feedback in it. A good selection of old songs, new songs, and putting all the other Vocaloids basically in the middle. And I'm sorry that wei wei couldn't attend the concert, for 2 years I've pushed for No Logic being played hehe
(and I needed wei wei superpowers! and I wanted wei wei to see my 4 bags full of goods, thankfully I booked in advance some coinlockers hehe)

so, with all this said, please enjoy all ongoing events and concerts with a light hearted feeling, without thinking too much about "what if, I would have preferred that, etc..", just enjoy it! ^^
whenever I attend a Miku event like Magical Mirai, Snow Miku, Miku Symphony, Miku x Kodo, .. I always enjoy it in its fullest , without making any comparisons or overthinking. I just enjoy the concerts, the events, the booths, just the relaxing atmosphere and meeting wonderful fans and friends, both new and old ones. The feeling that a nice surprise is right around the corner, the many requests of taking a photo together with me and my Miku, the exchange of presents and greeting cards.. even the simple shopping of foods and drinks at Cosmosquare station is one of the precious memories I was talking about ^^

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New Fan
Apr 15, 2018
A nice post MagicalMiku. Bottom line is to just enjoy this moment. I had some mixed feelings about the setlist after my first concert, but the second and third time felt much better.
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Professional Lolicon
Warning for Crane games for Miku this year.

Seems like they’re making it stupidly hard.
Previously took me about max 10 tries to get a plushie.Now 10 tries and it can’t even lift the plushie. They lowered the power too much D:

Didn’t move an inch while I’m watching someone just spend 7000yen on it.


New Fan
Aug 27, 2018
Warning for Crane games for Miku this year.

Seems like they’re making it stupidly hard.
Previously took me about max 10 tries to get a plushie.Now 10 tries and it can’t even lift the plushie. They lowered the power too much D:

Didn’t move an inch while I’m watching someone just spend 7000yen on it.
I was about 500yen in and the Sega employee took pity on me, opened the machine, asked me which one I was trying to get and then hung it previously off the ledge. Still took me 300yen more.


Multimedia Creative
Apr 14, 2018
Warning for Crane games for Miku this year.

Seems like they’re making it stupidly hard.
Previously took me about max 10 tries to get a plushie.Now 10 tries and it can’t even lift the plushie. They lowered the power too much D:

Didn’t move an inch while I’m watching someone just spend 7000yen on it.
Don’t play in Sega ones. They’re hard by default.

Donqi in akiba has the plush and is mildy forgiving. I got 5 of my six there.


The Sega one in front of akiba JR has rubber prongs but I dont trust them much. Might be a better advantage though.

Will be visiting the donqi again later.


Multimedia Creative
Apr 14, 2018
What I like about the donqi is that they have 6 tries for 500yen vs the regular Sega 100 yen per try.

Well wherever RNGesus shines on you heh!


Aspiring Fan
Apr 15, 2018
Far away from Japan
A little question for tomorrow. Will there be a waiting line to pickup the paper tickets, for saturday and sunday concerts. Or will these tickets will be available only on saturday ? So do i need to buy an exhibition ticket only for tomorrow ? I should have asked before...
Warning for Crane games for Miku this year.

Seems like they’re making it stupidly hard.
Previously took me about max 10 tries to get a plushie.Now 10 tries and it can’t even lift the plushie. They lowered the power too much D:

Didn’t move an inch while I’m watching someone just spend 7000yen on it.
Yes, it's a waste of money this year. Last year there was choice and in the end you had your plushie but this year... no way. Avoid them.

Edit : which hour are you going today ?

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Multimedia Creative
Apr 14, 2018
Where are there machines in that massive department store full of weird stuff? Was in a few floors just for a few minutes but didnt see any. Never thought they would have them.
Donqui Akiba 7th floor is the crane and arcade area. It will be one of the first cranes you’ll see.

Taito Station had last year’s plushies, but this year the Taitos I’ve visited only have the taito version of the plush, not the Sega ones.
So for me, Donqui having the sega chibis was a blessing as I’ve snagged a ton of good stuff from their machines before.
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Professional Lolicon
Yes, it's a waste of money this year. Last year there was choice and in the end you had your plushie but this year... no way. Avoid them.

Edit : which hour are you going today ?

I’m always at the first train out. But my hotel is pretty far so I’m not too close to the front this time.

Don’t know if it’s good or bad Miku’s Birthday is on exhibition day. Since can’t go to Akiba to see if there’s any events like last year.

Also what do you mean there’s a choice last year?

Also, eventually I got them all.AC02C9EB-17F3-4D0C-B9B7-6F39CBB2E103.jpeg

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