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Magical Mirai 2018


Multimedia Creative
Apr 14, 2018
I eavesdropped on the concert today to double check if something was different with
, I was wrong. It’s the same. A case of misheard lyrics it seems :p


Vocaloid User, Not A Fan.
Apr 23, 2018
Well, I went to the 12:00pm show at Intex yesterday to see it for myself.
Started 13 minutes late but not a problem.
I am not into the hype thing so no glow sticks and such.

Great. Very impressive
My wife thought someone was cos-playing Miku on stage. I explained it was a hologram

Set list.
Japanese songs only(no surprise there then) Starts with Hand in hand and goes down hill fast.
I thought they could have included a token English song for the western fans there. There seemed to be quite a few.
Perhaps Glass Wall, Miku Miku or 10,000 Stars. All are more than good enough to be included in any set list.
(I don`t like J-Pop and very few Japanese Vocaloid song except the more rockier ones)

Sound quility
Piss poor.
The whole thing sounded like jumbled mess with the right side way to overpowered.
In 46 years of going to concerts. The only one I can think of that was worse is Limelight at Sheffield`s Limit club in 1979.
God that was bad everything night, even the bass player broke a string that night.

Sound average, playing ability I cannot judge it.
Except the bass player who I thought was very good,
Because that was about all I could hear booming from the right side of the sound system.

Excellent. Everyone seemed to be having a great time.
Your idea of a good time might be waving a glow stick and jumping around.
My idea of a good time is listening and watching.
I enjoyed it.

Will I be going again. No.

You might not agree and that's great.
INTEX is a general Event complex, The last time I went there was for a car show.
This is my view of it.
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New Fan
Jul 28, 2018
Well, I went to the 12:00pm show at Intex yesterday to see it for myself.
Started 13 minutes late but not a problem.
I am not into the hype thing so no glow sticks and such.

Great. Very impressive
My wife thought someone was cos-playing Miku on stage. I explained it was a hologram

Set list.
Japanese songs only(no surprise there then) Starts with Hand in hand and goes down hill fast.
I thought they could have included a token English song for the western fans there. There seemed to be quite a few.
Perhaps Glass Wall, Miku Miku or 10,000 Stars. All are more than good enough to be included in any set list.
(I don`t like J-Pop and very few Japanese Vocaloid song except the more rockier ones)

Sound quility
Piss poor.
The whole thing sounded like jumbled mess with the right side way to overpowered.
In 46 years of going to concerts. The only one I can think of that was worse is Limelight at Sheffield`s Limit club in 1979.
God that was bad everything night, even the bass player broke a string that night.

Except the bass player who I thought was very good.

Excellent. Everyone seemed to be having a great time.
Your idea of a good time might be waving a glow stick and jumping around.
My idea of a good time is listening and watching.
I enjoyed it.

Will I be going again. No.

You might not agree and that's great.
This is my view of it.
Hey, It's good enough that you're willing to check it out and give it a chance.
I always have an impression that most people at your age would frown upon this type of thing, so good on you:)

About the set list, if you want to hear some English tracks, you should have better luck with Miku Expo events.
MM is geared more towards Japanese crowd, so I doubt there will ever be any foreign language songs in it anytime soon.

And yes, I will agree that the sound quality in MM concerts leaves much to be desired. Makuhari Messe venue has the best sound, but it's still far from the best I've heard. It's still good, though. I'm glad someone finally makes a comment on this. It's been on my mind for a while now that sound quality isn't exactly given the highest priority in MM event shows.

Oh, one other thing, it's not exactly a hologram. I believe hologram is generally about projecting 3D image into thin air. In this show, however, it's more like 3D projection on a special screen which simulates hologram state. It's pretty close, though.

Have a nice day!


Multimedia Creative
Apr 14, 2018
Hey, It's good enough that you're willing to check it out and give it a chance.
I always have an impression that most people at your age would frown upon this type of thing, so good on you:)

About the set list, if you want to hear some English tracks, you should have better luck with Miku Expo events.
MM is geared more towards Japanese crowd, so I doubt there will ever be any foreign language songs in it anytime soon.

And yes, I will agree that the sound quality in MM concerts leaves much to be desired. Makuhari Messe venue has the best sound, but it's still far from the best I've heard. It's still good, though. I'm glad someone finally makes a comment on this. It's been on my mind for a while now that sound quality isn't exactly given the highest priority in MM event shows.

Oh, one other thing, it's not exactly a hologram. I believe hologram is generally about projecting 3D image into thin air. In this show, however, it's more like 3D projection on a special screen which simulates hologram state. It's pretty close, though.

Have a nice day!
I got bothered by the screen here in Osaka: the panels have a white vignette/halo which is kinda distracting. I was off-center in Makuhari last but the panels are black and seamless.

Osakablades’ points are valid, but sadly, Mirai’s target market is not primarily international. They accomodate foreigners up to a certain extent, but thats about it. They’ve probably up’ed it a notch in the recent years, where they’ve recognized that international fans have interest, but not as full support that they still don’t put all information on the English site for example (compared to the Japanese)
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Professional Lolicon
Erm hope I didn't offend you with that German joke? I was joking :D

Also is it just me but after every concert even after all these years my ears won't stop ringing for at least the entire night. I guess I have sensitive ears? Or do you guys get it too?


This twitter used found some actual footage of the 7am sprint of the first day.

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Vocaloid User, Not A Fan.
Apr 23, 2018
To be honest.
I knew it was a, for the Japanese only show. I didn`t expect anything else.

CFM are small company with a small company mind set. Miku was\is way to big for them, not so sure now.

It is my belief that Miku was set to take the world by storm 5 years ago but CFM failed to act on it.
CFM either couldn`t see it or didn`t want it.
I suspect, didn`t want it because they thought they might lose control of Miku to Yamaha or some other multi national.
Miku should have been in Europe 4 or 5 years ago. Its mind boggling how it`s taken until 2018 to get her there. Rank stupidity if you ask me.

If CFM don`t get the lead out. Miku and others will just plod along into nothingness.

For me.
At some point someone in the west is going to realise that there is a vast market just waiting to be tapped
and when they do It will be over for CFM and Hatsune Miku.
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New Fan
Jul 28, 2018
To be honest.
I knew it was a, for the Japanese only show. I didn`t expect anything else.

CFM are small company with a small company mind set. Miku was\is way to big for them, not so sure now.

It is my belief that Miku was set to take the world by storm 5 years ago but CFM failed to act on it.
CFM either couldn`t see it or didn`t want it.
I suspect, didn`t want it because they thought they might lose control of Miku to Yamaha or some other multi national.
Miku should have been in Europe 4 or 5 years ago. Its mind boggling how it`s taken until 2018 to get her there. Rank stupidity if you ask me.

If CFM don`t get the lead out. Miku and others will just plod along into nothingness.

For me.
At some point someone in the west is going to realise that there is a vast market just waiting to be tapped
and when they do It will be over for CFM and Hatsune Miku.
I think this kind of mindset is more a Japanese thing rather than being specific to CFM.

If anything, CFM actually try harder to promote their stuff than other entertainment companies in Japan, IMO.

Try applying for other live shows in Japan, and you'll see what I mean(That is, if they even let you). You'll be hard pressed to find concerts in Japan that accommodate foreigners to the extent of MM.

I agree that CFM could do more to make MM more accessible to foreigners though.
Maybe the could give online general sales quota to foreigner, with higher prices if they have to. I'm sure a lot of foreigners are willing to pay for it.
Hell, they could even do MM world tour in addition to Miku expo or something. A man can dream...

Also, I think the west have already tapped into virtual performers market, by ressurecting old stars like 2PAC or MJ some times ago.
There's also Imogen heap's TheWaveVR concert which incorporate pseudo-hologram tech in it by using VR tech through the Oculus.

And don't forget the rise of Chinese vocaloid competitor's shows ("Let it go" peformance by Luo Tian Yi comes to mind, that was awesome) in their very own turf in the eastern hemisphere.

Yeah, they really need to do something more if they want to continue to be relevant in this business. They may be going strong now, but who knows what will happen in the future. I know the end is inevitable, but they should try doing something to prolong it if they could.


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
Wow so much negativity here!
Just chilling in the hotel after a fantastic 5th Magical Mirai and I check out this place to find a discussion about Miku "inevitably dying".
Yeah, just the stuff that should be discussed right about now!

Seeing all the dedicated fans (like me) who keep coming every year and also buying a shit ton of expensive merch, willing to spend a lot on the tickets too, I dont see how the events would be going anywhere as long as there is the core audience of like 10k dedicated fans or so.


New Fan
Jul 28, 2018
Yeah, my previous comment really does gives out more negative vibe than i meant to. I guess I'm trying too hard to tailor the message to an older audience (Osakablade) which comes off as a bit pessimistic to you.

Well, I did say that they're going strong now, though. This fanfare is definitely not going to end anytime soon.
However I do hope they keep trying to secure more fanbase so that Miku will live long and prosper until our planet "inevitably" goes supernova or something.

Suddenly, that "inevitable" doesn't sound so negative does it;) (Well unless you expect those cryptonloids to somehow survive the end of the world, too.)
That "inevitable" could be 10 years, 10000 years, eons, whatever, right?
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New Fan
Apr 23, 2018
Just wanted to chime in and say that yesterday was the best day of my life.

I cried nonstop until I ran out of tears during one of the song (was already crying a lot before then)

Will definitely go again next year. I was so lucky to get the best seatings (first row and center)


New Fan
Jul 28, 2018
I got bothered by the screen here in Osaka: the panels have a white vignette/halo which is kinda distracting. I was off-center in Makuhari last but the panels are black and seamless.
Maybe it's more about seating position than the screen itself?

wei wei

New Fan
Apr 13, 2018
Well, I went to the 12:00pm show at Intex yesterday to see it for myself.

Set list.
Japanese songs only(no surprise there then) Starts with Hand in hand and goes down hill fast.
I thought they could have included a token English song for the western fans there. There seemed to be quite a few.
Perhaps Glass Wall, Miku Miku or 10,000 Stars. All are more than good enough to be included in any set list.
(I don`t like J-Pop and very few Japanese Vocaloid song except the more rockier ones)
- i think saying "poor" is a bit too harsh. sounds like you should've done some "research" before making the trip to a Mirai show. if you knew of the setlists from past Mirai shows, you would see the pattern of songs they tend to play. meaning, they don't do English speaking songs.

Except the bass player who I thought was very good.
- there's a reason why they hire the musicians they do for any Miku show. since Miku and company sing perfect every time(unless there's a technical problem), the musicians need to be extremely capable(and versatile) to play accordingly to the wide variety of songs. to call them average is a insult.

Miku should have been in Europe 4 or 5 years ago. Its mind boggling how it`s taken until 2018 to get her there. Rank stupidity if you ask me.
- here's a quote from Mikufan(jrharbort) about why Miku doesn't play certain countries or locations: "remember that it's not Crypton Future Media that hosts these concerts, it's hosted by the local event promoters. you need to contact and encourage the promoters in your area to contact Crypton with offers!"

If CFM don`t get the lead out. Miku and others will just plod along into nothingness.
- with the support from all the people who love Miku and Vocaloid, that's not going to happen anytime soon.

At some point someone in the west is going to realise that there is a vast market just waiting to be tapped
and when they do It will be over for CFM and Hatsune Miku.
- sometimes being the biggest(most popular), doesn't mean the best. Crypton has nothing to worry about.

Will I be going again. No.
- good. then there's absolutely no chance of running into you at a Mirai show. :agree:


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Hi there everyone. I'd like to remind you all to please try staying on topic. This thread is about the Magical Mirai 2018 event. Along with that, please remember to be civil and kind to other users.
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Hopefully this isn't too far off-topic (or too dumb of a question), but do they ever stream concerts like these online?

I've heard of some "somewhat" similar concerts (ones at MAGFest (Music and Gaming Festival), for example; "similar" being very loose, as well, meaning primarily that they're not what most people would traditionally think of when thinking about a concert) being streamed on YouTube or Twitch, but I'm not sure that those events aren't free for anyone who shows up, anyway. And, admittedly, I've next heard anyone discuss a stream as an alternative when someone comments on wishing they could go.

Probably going to be awhile, if ever, before I can go to a Miku concert in person, but seeing a live stream would be the next best thing :).


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
I finally have a few free minutes to post my obligatory annual "thoughts on Magical Mirai"!^^
Sitting in the Shinkansen for Hakata, Fukuoka and will spend a few days there before returning for Tokyo and Magical Mirai in Chiba in Makuhari Messe!
I will try my best to keep this shorter than usual, but I am notoriously bad at that.

This being my 5th Magical Mirai and 6th Miku event I have been to (together with Miku Expo in 2016 in California) and the 10 anniversary of Miku just a year ago, what is my general verdict?
It was lots of fun (the first part of it! Tokyo is still to come!), as always!
Was the event on the level of last year? No, not quite, but I think it was to be expected and natural that not every single event can still get more filled with stuff and bigger after a massive anniversary.
They went back to the basics a bit.
Intex Osaka event space really is great. I didn't remember it as being that good from my first Miku gig ever in 2014 in the same venue.
Everything you might need for a convention is there. A lot of space to move around in outside of the expo and concert halls, vending machines, a convinience store, coin lockers, restrooms and so on.
The event space was smaller than last year, but still had all the Miku goodness you might expect. Illustrations, creative space, cosplay areas but most of all the merchandise booths.
The only thing I really missed especially after last year was the free stage for DJ events of popular producers.
At least Tokyo will have a small selection, but Osaka had nothing, which is a bit disappoiting after the crazy amount of stuff from last year.

So what about the concert?!
It was amazing!
The band was great! 3 of the main band returned and they did a good job. The drummer was nice, I loved his solo during the bamd member introduction, and the girl on bass was nailing it too.
The sound mix wasn't perfect I have to admit, but it didn't hinder my enjoyment much at all. Actually used special ear protection for the first time and it helped me a lot. Only blocked a bit of sound but enough to not harm me while still letting me enjoy the gig to the fullest.
Light show and stage layout were cool too as well as Mikus projection.
Of the two shows I went to (both night time), the crowd was great, especially in the second one! They learned a lot on how to chant to the new songs and everybody supported Miku to the fullest! :-)
The most important thing of course is the setlist which naturally is mostly personal preference, but personally, I even dare say that this was my favorite overall Miku setlist ever. Yeah! And Tokyo next weekend will have up to 7 different songs? It will be like a whole different concert! Wow! They will probably replace some of the returning old songs.
Let's go into the setlist in a bit more detail.
They opened with a cool beat while showing the names of all the Crypton Vocaloids on screen.
The opening song was Hand in Hand. I like that one a lot, but the main harmony was a bit quiet again and I would have prefered to open with a new song. Not too bad though. Viva Happy was long overdue live, but it's hard to do much as the crowd. Then it was time for the song contest winner already, Meteor! A lot of fun! Unknown Mother Goose, quite the surprise! Actually, I kind of had a feeling though. Wowakas new song for Mikus 10th anniversary last year just had a high chance of getting some spotlight. Cool song but almost impossible to move your glowstick to lol. They even used some steam canon effects. Quite cool. Miku then announced that she will perform a song "beloved by all": World is Mine! A classic and while I am not the biggest fan, still a blast. And even in the right "white dress" costume for the first time ever live!! Things like that mix it up a bit at least. Oh yeah, Miku talking this year was quite good again! A lot of cute new phrases. Nothing will come close to last years...ending speech (don't cry again...!), but it was still very nice! Sweet Devil returned, nice! Coming next was the only part of the concert I thought to be a bit lacking, hope those songs will be replaced for the Tokyo concerts. Magnet and 1/6 out of gravity are just a bit boring after all these years imo. Kaito's new song Attakaito. None of my friends seem to agree but lol, I love that song. Probably my favorite Kaito one and a blast live. (Btw for anybody checking Mikufan's website, the setlist he posted at this part is wrong. The Kaito song did happen and there surely was no Len solo song, not sure where he got that from. Same for the next one that also did happen!) Meiko performed Nostalogic again. Weird, they had a new performance, Boukyaku Shinjuu last year and they already go back to this. Guess it's more popular. Still nice screaming "M-E-I-K-O"! On the rocks brought Kaito and Meiko on stage for a duett for the first time ever believe it or not! Kaito on the piano and Meiko dancing and singing. I like the song, but it doesn't quite come across that well live. No Logic was Lukas only other appearance besides Magnet with Miku. In general she was quite pushed to the back this year since Miku is always the main star and the Kagamine twins got quite a bit of spotlight between merch and the concert, celebrating their 10th anniversary. Oh yeah, lots of parts of the expo were also dedicated to that. Very nice as a Kagamine lover like me (after Miku, of course!). Still a bit sad, they even didn't have a Luka plushie at the Gift booth. The ONLY one missing! Wow, now that's rude!
Anyway, back to the concert. No Logic is quite cool. I tried my best celebrating it for you, Wei! ;-)
There was one Miku song now, the new "slow song", "Dreamless Dreams". Good slow song, but I prefered birthday.
Then! The Kagamine birthday section! It was introduced with yet another cool beat mentioning "happy 10th anniversary" or something and then transitioned into their theme song, Rettou Jouto Bring it on by Giga-P!! I love that song so much and it was very cool live! Not easy to recreate live, but it really hit me the second time around especially. Then...Roki! I knew it! Mikito-P's very recent song. But...he himself sung during many parts with Rin together? Did they keep that? No!! They were very clever and tuned Len for those parts as he joined his sister! So cool and just one of the absolute highlights of the concert. Rin's "rock screams" were so awesome especially. Next was Gemini! Good break from all the fast stuff! Such a cute song and the illustrations were nice too. Was waiting for the two to hug all the time which of course didn't happen haha. Back to fast stuff and yes, the 4th song with the Kagamines together! 8hit! This one and the last song were both already performed between the last Mirai and this year at other Miku gigs (Miku Expo, Snow Miku). So to be expected. Cool costumes and another amazing Jesus-P song! Still many left I would be happy to hear live^^ Still not enough for them, 5th song! They sure celebrated their birthday well. As a Kagmaine fan I loved that. Only a bit sad they didn't perform alone for obvious reasons. But I was happy with the two of them together all the time. Rimokon returns once more! A bit too many times live at this point, but likely to be replaced for Tokyo with 1,2 Fanclub. (Btw did I mention I think Sweet Devil will be replaced with Baby Maniacs...please? xd) Thanks, twins! I love you, keep being awesome!
Now the band was introduced. Cool beat and kick-ass, pretty long solos for all of them! After the obligatory "soshite, bokaro wa...HATSUNE MIKU", it was finally time for Miku again. I love the other ones too, especially the Kagamines, but it was a bit long without Miku. Reverse Universe, which also was on the 10th Annivesary album Re:Start. Cool song, but not as amazing as the previous years songs after the band got their spotlight.
From hereout on, everything else was much more heavy on old stuff, but purely gold from start to finish. Today the Future returned! Loved that song, especially the part without the instruments everybody sings along with. So emotional. Shake it again! Yeah, I guess they keep that a thing at Mirais. Got kind of a joke between me and my friends and it pisses me off they still play it, but yet it's just so fun live and just perfect for a concert. They cut the end part for the first time in which the 3 of them say thanks to the audience. Was always the same so good I guess xd
These two last songs got spoilered to me and some of my friends, as we quietly heard them sound walking past the concert hall the day prior to the event in the evening, on our ways to claim our tickets. They were rehearsing them! Surprised we passed by just when 2 old songs played so no big spoiler there hah.
Next was Melt. Oh god how much I love this one. So meaningful to me. I didn't think I would hear it so soon again after last year, but I guess they noticed people still love it. I was cheering along so hard. Same for 39!! So happy that it returned! Just love it so much. So...Miku's 10th anniversary Mirai was the only one they didn't play it at? That's so weird. Anyway, that was all before the encore. Everybody screams for more Miku, of course. They started the encore with 39 Music! Wow, didn't expect that one again either, but it's just fantastic live, so I won't complain. After a long instrumental, Tell Your World, in which Miku actually changed into the fitting costume after the song started for the first time in a Magical Mirai concert (reusing the Mikupa assets. They did the same for Magnet too). A great song near the end of the concert. I teared up a bit. Miku means so much to me.
Miku spoke again, informing us how much she loves the "sea of greelights" that we all create with our glowsticks. Miku was so adorable this time! I am glad she liked it. So everybody knew what was the last song!
The end was Greenlight serenade! Didn't like it as much previously but live? Really cool. Ending with a fast song again after quite a long time I see! Just a bit after the song starts the confetti fell. Just so much enegery from everybody. They added a weird effect to the song, big balloons that were on a leash or something were risen up midway through the song. Didn't add much at all? Wonder if that is the "new stuff" they were talking about. Maybe the steam effects actually I previously mentioned. Anyway, not a complaint, but it was just weird. And so it ended! Miku thanked everybody and assured to come back to Osaka. I hope they will announce Magical Mirai 2019 at the end of the last Tokyo concert already again! Keep the tradition while showing the events are doing strong. Because seeing all the fans buying so much expensive merch I am sure they make a lot of these, as opposed to the international ones. By the way, for anybody curious, studying the little paper they handed out with the info of the Mirai 2018 Bluray (up for pre-order on Mikus birthday August 31st and out on December 27th I think), it confirms they will be a few different songs for Tokyo (hope they will keep that tradition! I guess a bit annoying for people not going to more than one of the gigs) as well as the main concert on the disk will be the last concert on September 2nd.
So yeah, that was the end, as the crowd celebrated themselves for their support and love for Miku, after she disappeared after the last few cute words from her.

Yeah, it was a good mix of old classics and new songs. That is how it should be! My only slight negatives would be the short part with Magnet and 1/6 out of gravity that was a bit boring, a few too many songs back to back without Miku (if it wouldn't have been for that one new slower song, Miku wouldn't have appeared for 9 songs in a row!!) and maybe 1-2 old songs too many.
But really, I can just say it was a lot of fun. Not as emotional as last year for obvious reasons, but just plain fun.

I think it is save to say that the event still is very popular, many people in the event hall and the concert, the lines were long for merchandise. I think these events will continue on for a long time since dedicated Miku fans keep sticking around, and new fans join too. For the 5th time in a row I have met with my friends, which is always a great part of the event. I'll see you again next year, Wei!
I am glad Mirai 2018 will continue next weekend! I'll be very sad once that is over and next year will be rough, but I will always try and visit again. It's just always so worth it. Still is. And Miku live will always be the single best thing ever!
Looking forward to all your guys support and seeing you again next weekend or next year!
So happy it's not over yet!^^ And I WILL be back anyways (even after Miku Expo in Germany in December).
I will upload my video event report to YouTube a bit after I am back home mid next week^^
Keep loving Miku <3

I will try my best to keep this shorter than usual, but I am notoriously bad at that.
Knew it lol :miku_chickadee:
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Andoryu 77

Reverb Enthusiast
May 29, 2018
Set list.
Japanese songs only(no surprise there then) Starts with Hand in hand and goes down hill fast.
I thought they could have included a token English song for the western fans there. There seemed to be quite a few.
Perhaps Glass Wall, Miku Miku or 10,000 Stars. All are more than good enough to be included in any set list.
(I don`t like J-Pop and very few Japanese Vocaloid song except the more rockier ones)

Except the bass player who I thought was very good.

This is my view of it.

I'm just curious, did you expect the setlist to be different? It seems that most magical mirais have been centered around Jpop/Jrock for the past 4 years. (since it's a Japanese concert produced by a mostly Japanese team)

Personally, this is the type of setlist I would've hoped to see in 2017, but that's just my opinion and it's completely understandable if you disagree with that.

I haven't seen any footage of the 2018 concert yet (of course) but I expected this band lineup to be one of my all time favorites.
Masaru Teramae - Amazing guitarist with amazing energy (from past years and many other projects)
Takahiro Misawa - Another amazingly tasteful guitarist (from past years)
MEG.ME - Outstanding keyboardist especially when it comes to fast synth leads, pretty much anything she plays in impressive in my personal opinion (again from the past years)
Kosuke Kamata - hands down one of my favorite drummers. No matter if he plays in 4/4 or any other time signature, he's extremely solid when it comes to tempo and he has as much energy as Masaru. His official addition to the lineup in 2017 was a great choice for the direction the band's going towards.
The only one I haven't heard yet is CHLOE on bass but I have high hopes that I'll be again impressed.

The musicians are objectively *far* beyond average, but I won't be able to tell how they sound together until they I see footage (which hopefully will be soon).
Until then I'll continue to hope that I'll enjoy the possible stream and BD


New Fan
Aug 27, 2018
Hi all - Rippah recommended I post here - I'm good for tickets but I have a friend kind of unexpectedly coming in and he's looking for a single for Tokyo Sunday show (he lands Saturday). I'm holed up in a dump in Shibuya until Thursday and will be at the Expo all days and Tsunagaru Mirai both nights, so if you have any extra Sunday single (or, two for evening, I would just hang with him) I can arrange to bump into you in advance and pay you for it. Thanks!

Edit: Ticket secured, thank you!
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New Fan
Jul 28, 2018
OK, all my leftover SS tickets are sold out since yesterday.

Just thought I might post it here to save people from wasting their precious time waiting for my reply in the inbox, when that time is better spent looking into other options for tickets:)

Hi all - Rippah recommended I post here - I'm good for tickets but I have a friend kind of unexpectedly coming in and he's looking for a single for Sunday show (he lands Saturday). I'm holed up in a dump in Shibuya until Thursday and will be at the Expo all days and Tsunagaru Mirai both nights, so if you have any extra Sunday single (or, two for evening, I would just hang with him) I can arrange to bump into you in advance and pay you for it. Thanks!
This may seems obvious but did you try proxy bidding service website like Fromjapan (If you're foreigner, you can pay by credit card and have them send the ticket to your hotel if you're in a rush)?

It's better than Yahoo auction IMO, because you'll also see tickets up for sale from other sites supported in there.

I should mention that the price could be a bit steep, so be prepared.

There could also be people selling tickets around the venue itself, but I haven't seen those sellers since MM2015 so it's a bit of a long shot.
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