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SynthV Medium⁵ Updates/Discussion Thread (Quadimension voices)


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019

Sooooo, is this means that he's already been released??
The producers of all of these, from what I can tell, are big names in the Chinese vocalsynth community, so my guess is that they got early access to him. I can try buying him from Taobao right quick to see for sure (assuming Taobao decides it DOESN’T hate me today), but that’s my bet.

EDIT: Taobao hates me. orz
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Seems like they gave him out to producers to make covers early as a promotion tool. The first one (Ripple cover) is actually made by his voice provider! I really love his voice, it's exactly what I want in a male VB.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I just got on my PC, but yeah. Ddickky showed off the new Synthesizer V vocal on Bilibili Live today. Here's a link to the stream. First (around the 11 minute mark) he showed a new song with Xingchen called 零和Zero Sum, featuring her new game design. Then, around the 22 minute mark, the song was played again with a Synthesizer V vocal. Her design was revealed, as well as her name later in the song - 星尘-Minus. Essentially, she's an alternative form of Xingchen with a different VP. I know the story behind this, but basically there were major contractual issues with a certain company that meant it wasn't possible for them to record Xingchen-Zero for Synthesizer V.

Personally? Love her. Great voice, great design, purple colour scheme... she was made for me. I also love how her demo song links back to Xingchen's V4 demo StarWish. We should be getting more info and a proper demo upload tomorrow!
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Seems like it, yeah. Possibly tomorrow? I heard that the demo + preorders will open then but I'm not sure.
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Apr 9, 2018
Dang, Quadimension sure knows how to relentlessly take our money from us.
@xuu Thanks for the timestamps! She sounds really great.
I feel like their characters will only get more and more popular from here on out.
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GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Wait I love her voice so much ;.; now I can't decide if I should get Cangqiong or wait for Minus (tho I want discs so I have to wait anyway ;.;
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Oct 8, 2019
Ah what a bummer abt Stardust eng not happening ( at least from what I understand ) >o> but at this point I'd rather have them stop trying to shoe-horn Stardust into SynthV, might as well make completely different character seeing all the measures they're taking just to get her there. She sounds very different from Stardust too ( imo ) and while she is alternate Stardust of some sort I mean...at what point does it stop being alternate version and becomes competely different vocal altogether :clara_ani_lili:....still! This seems to be one of their best products yet. Instant favorite of mine, I love her voice a lot and it's the vocal that matters the most! :miku_ani_lili:Looking forward to all the songs that will be made with her, shes gonna do great I can tell.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
I feel the only reason they are so gun ho about putting Stardust in is the story-line? I recall them having one based on elements when Haiyi was revealed way back when? but I may be misremembering
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Oct 8, 2019
I personally don't see how this would affect the storyline, especially sicne they seem to be/are willing (?) to make up characters on the spot but I'm not that deep into the lore so I might be speaking nonsense :yohioloid_lili: Feel free to correct me!


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
I think it was cause Haiyi and the rest of the girls are her sisters? and something to do with Stardust's star too idk tbh I'll try and dig it up real quick tho

EDIT: Okay so yes they are all sisters but also they all have a part of the Metatron's Cube I think?
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Oct 8, 2019
Yeah! I just think it wouldnt be detrimental to the story if they just kept Stardust a vocaloid while continuing to make new characters for SynthV:o is all I'm saying! But again, it completely possible that I'm wrong ^^'
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GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Nah I get it it really wouldn't affect anything in the long run tbh but I think it also might be an ease of use thing like all of them on the same platform instead of all her sisters over here on SynthV then you gotta drop 300 dollars to use Stardust cause she isn't on Synth V is where I'm at


Oct 8, 2019
OH gotcha!! Thats a good point and a nice sentiment on Quadimension's part but in the end I don't find it useful seeing as all they can do is to make vocal that sounds nothing like the og Stardust and call it Stardust :yohioloid_lili: but hey! We got beautiful sounding vb out of it so nothing was lost!
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Honestly, I agree: I DO wish they’d focus on other characters/storylines until Xingchen can be on SynthV for real, and if that’s just not something that can happen, then find a VP who at least sounds very similar. That being said, Minus sounds so GOOD - I can’t wait to see her official design!!

dammit first Muxin now this? Quad why, my wallet is weeping tears of blood
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