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Merchandise Creation Poll


Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
Hey Razzberries!

Within the Vocaloid community, one thing I have been interested in creating potentially is merchandise of Vocaloid or voice synth-related characters. :miku_chickadee:
Now, I can't say this is going to be any time soon, or a reality. I will also need approval from companies when it comes time to creating said merchandise, which may cause some plans to alter. My plans as well could change in the future or be limited by some options, which may cause this entire plan to fall.
Above all else, I am more interested in what everyone would like to see, and perhaps it could help some others in the process as well.

This thread is not just for merchandise potentially created by RazzyRu. It is open to all those interested in creating merchandise. Together, we have various skill sets, and we can use these different skills effectively together.
I have a handful of projects I am balancing as well, which may mean I may end up not successful. So, I hope to try to help other people create merchandise as well!
Perhaps an unrealistic dream, but I hope I can try my best for everyone!

Current Polls:
Currently none. :yukari_ani_lili:

* Please limit forms to one user, to narrow the results.
* You are free (and encouraged) to give your reasoning for your choice below in the thread.
* Due to expense, skill, etc., creating figures, expensive items, and other, large physical objects may not be an option.

Please select the type of Merchandise that you would like to see
Keychains: 12
Posters: 8
Stickers: 6
Buttons: 5
Other (such as plushes): 5
Clothing besides T-Shirts: 4
LINE Stickers: 3
T-Shirts: 3
Phone Case or Accessories: 1
View attachment 968

It was a challenge to think of how to phrase this question, but here is our result.
From a discussion with Move->Forward, it may be wise to ask for permission for a handful of designs at once besides one at a time. For example, in this case, I may make designs for Miku, Rin, Len, and Luka, then ask Crypton if these designs may be approved or if changes are necessary, etc., instead of emailing about a Miku design, then emailing again for a Rin design, and so on. That will save time and emails, and allow products to be added in multiple rather than one at a time.

So, here are the results of the poll.

1. Crypton Future Media - 4
2. YAMAHA - 3
3. AHS - 2
4. Zero-G, Gynoid, Other* - 1
(*In this poll, Other includes IA, Lumi, MAYU, Nana, Galaco, Rana)

The Crypton Vocaloids are a popular set, so it may be good to start with these characters, or at least work on these designs at the same time as another.
This question received 10 answers.

Hatsune Miku was mentioned 5 times in this question.:miku_chickadee:

Some characters were found 2 times:
Megurine Luka, Fukase, Avanna, Oliver, Tianyi

Many other characters were mentioned once, so I will state some companies that these Vocaloids originate from:
Zero-G, Crypton, Yamaha, AHS, Internet, and more

It's nice to see a language variety here, and it makes sense to have this kind of approach as well. It may be good to focus on a Japanese group such as the Crypton Vocaloids, then an English group such as Zero-G's Vocaloids, then a Chinese group such as V Singer.
View attachment 969

1 is the artist's own interpretation on a character's design, while 5 is staying true to the original artwork.
With this result, it is certain that there may not be a strong preference. It may be good to keep some details in mind with the design at least, but not strictly.
View attachment 971

1 is "More designs the better!" while 5 is "Stay true to the original!"
I was surprised to see the handful of responses for enjoying different designs. It's something I will have to keep in mind down the road.
It is fun to see what an artist decides for an "alternate costume" for a Vocaloid, such as "What would Miku wear for an everyday/casual outfit?" or "What would Dex wear if he was getting ready for snowy weather?"
Perhaps we will do a poll on what types of alternate designs buyers would like to see, if there is interest?
This question received 9 answers.:ring_lili::akikoloid_lili:

We had some mixed answers, but I noticed at least 5 were in favor or not opposed to the idea.

1 response said that it depends on the Vocaloid, which makes sense.
1 response expressed a need for a Ring Suzune plushie (which is also Vocaloid dependent).
1 response stated being fine with private Vocaloids receiving merch, but did not see a need for cancelled Vocaloids to receive merchandise.
1 response was not interested.
View attachment 972

11 Responses, hm? We see there's quite some interest in UTAU! Almost half of the results were in favor of UTAU.

1. UTAU - 5
2. Producer-related merchandise - 3
3. Character items - 2
4. Alter/Ego - 1

A nice variety. Perhaps it may be good to see what kinds of UTAU merch people would enjoy seeing in the future.
View attachment 1045

I asked this question to help get an idea of how often the store should be updated with merchandise. I will order the results below:

1. Monthly
2. Weekly, Bimonthly, Every 6 months, Rarely, Not consistent

Although monthly was the most popular choice, there were more choices selected that were more than a month.
Bimonthly, Every 6 months, Rarely, Not consistent makes up about 57% of the poll.
So it seems monthly-bimonthly may be good to keep in mind for updating.
It's possible updating could cause some interest, while other updates would not, such as with the "Not consistent" response. Updates may mostly depend on the consumer's interest in the product. :rune_lili:
View attachment 1046

To help get an idea of a good price range, I asked this question. Some prices will be more dependent on the product rather than one's willingness to buy. For example, keychains most likely will not be more than $20.

The most popular choice was $21 - 30. Although the other choices varied in range, $21 - 30 is the choice that fits right in the middle of these. (In between $0 - 10 and $41). This is a good price range, as it isn't too much and isn't too little. :kaito_move:
View attachment 1047

Full body definitely wins for this category.
Although some products may not always be able to get the full body treatment (due to the size such as pins and keychains), it is something that may be good to keep in mind when the product allows the option, such as for t-shirts. :mirai_lili:
View attachment 1048

A redo of the first poll done on this thread. Here are the results we have gathered from this poll:

1. Keychains (6)
2. Plushies (5)
3. T-shirts (4)
4. Stickers (3)
5. Buttons (2)
6. Other Apparel/Clothing items (1)
7. Posters (0)

Wow, I am a little surprised that posters did not get any votes haha! So it seems that the top three choices are Keychains, Plushies, and T-Shirts. It will be good to focus on these areas then.
If there grows an interest or concern for a need for another product, things like stickers and buttons may be good to keep in the back of the mind.
:rin_lili: "NO! No way, I don't want that! Eulgh!"

There were not many responses to this question, but I feel it may still be worth noting.
- Posters x2
- Keychains
- Figurines
- Plushies

One response stated their choice for the posters was because there was not much space left.
Considering posters did not get much interest in the types of merchandise question, it may be good to not worry about those then.
View attachment 1246

This question had many choices to pick from. I will list the results from most votes to least amount of votes.

1. Project Diva/Other Game modules (5)
2. Wedding Clothing / Formal wear & Era clothing (4)
3. National / Cultural Clothes & Metal/Punk & Youthful & Animal (3)
4. Color Palette swap & Cosplay as each other & Gothic / Lolita & Seasonal & Cyberpunk / Steampunk (2)
5. Holiday & Casual Wear & Pirate & Animal (1)
Our Project Diva modules are definitely the winner, being the only option to win with 5 votes. Project Diva modules will require special permission. If we do not get this permission, it may be good to note that wedding/formal wear and era clothing both have 4 votes.
View attachment 1247

Of course, permission from song creators will be required for this, which means it may not be likely in some cases. Still, I know song-related merchandise is created, it's worth learning about.

Yes: 76.9% (10 votes)
No: 23.1% (3 votes)
Not everyone is interested in song-related merchandise, however it does seem to be a popular option. Take into account the Project Diva modules. In a sense, some modules made into merchandise would also be merchandise for a song. Vocaloid is about creativity, especially the creativity of music. Why not create merchandise for the songs we've grown to know and love?
View attachment 1249

Yes: 91.5% (43 votes)
No: 8.5% (4 votes)

It's safe to say that merchandise of the V1 Vocaloids would be a good idea according to the community. Will the merchandise be as popular as other merchandise? Perhaps not, but it's still worth investing into, I believe.
View attachment 1250

Merch should be an artist's own interpretation: 34% (16 votes)
It depends on who the character/artist is: 31.9% (15 votes)
Merch should be close to the popular fan design: 17% (8 votes)
No opinion: 17% (8 votes)
To be honest, I'm glad the popular fan design choice did not win. I have nothing wrong with these designs, however these will require extra permission to use, and contacting to receive permission may be difficult. There are many ways to interpret these characters, which can make it a challenge. One's design for Leon may be disliked by another. What's the best way to design these characters? Maybe it's best we never know.
View attachment 1251

It's a sensitive question, but actually ended up receiving 46 responses to this. People can get hesitant at a character's depicted skin color in the community. Draw a character too light? The internet can go nuts over it.
Personally, I don't think skin color defines anyone, including avatarless Vocaloids. However, I know there are preferences with skin color, I felt it was worth asking.

The skin color does not matter to me, I always like LOLA's look: 52.2% (24 votes)
I prefer her design a certain way, but I'm just happy to see something with LOLA: 37% (17 votes)
LOLA's skin color can ONLY be one way, I do not like it otherwise: 10.9% (5 votes)
Although a little more than half say they like LOLA's skin color no matter what, it may be worth investing into what color the skin should be made, what the main preference is.
View attachment 1252

Stars and Ponytail: 34% (16 votes)
Taiwanese: 34% (16 votes)
No preference: 27.7% (13 votes)
Short Hair and Playful: 4.3% (2 votes)

Wow, short hair came up on the bottom! It's true though stars do seem iconic to Sonika, plus that ponytail is pretty rad. Both Stars and Ponytail and Taiwanese tied for most votes. It may be worth looking into which direction to go in, but it is worth noting the Taiwanese is going to require additional permission.
View attachment 1253

Designs based on the box art: 34% (16 votes)
No preference: 27.7% (13 votes)
Taiwanese design: 21.3% (10 votes)
One's own interpretation: 17% (8 votes)

It's definitely worth noting that designs on the box art is the way to go, the other options fall below "no preference". Arguably "one's own interpretation" could be "based on the box art", there is only so much detail for the box art.
View attachment 1254

Although the question does not necessarily just apply to Zero-G Vocaloids, I felt it was worth asking about here.

Yes: 72.3% (34 votes)
Difficult to say: 23.4% (11 votes)
No: 4.3% (2 votes)
Matching merchandise might be a fun thing to create. I want to try to create merchandise that could be shared among friends. Maybe one friend wears a Daina shirt and you a Dex shirt?
Regarding the "Difficult to say" option, I wanted to put it in as sometimes people want to look at the designs or can only spend so much at a time. There are a handful of factors, but it seems almost 70% of voters are interested in the idea of matching merchandise featuring Zero-G Vocaloids.
Chibi: 35.7%
Side View: 28.6%
Simple: 21.4%
Dark: 7.1%
Front View: 3.6%
Full Body: 3.6%
I can't decide / No preference: N/A

I'm honestly a bit surprised to see Chibi at the top. But, this is good to keep in mind!
I suppose chibi would be a quick way to match, and show a fair amount of details of the complete character.
Small Text: 57.1%
No Text / Plain: 14.3%
I can't decide / No preference: 14.3%
Big Text: 3.6%
Side Text: 10.7%

The wording on this question was odd. It's more for if the person voting would want to have text on the design or not, how big it should be, things like that.
Small text will work well, as it helps give the name of the character without being too distracting. Interesting to think of where to place the name in a Chibi design.
Stylized: 35.7%
Regular / Color: 32.1%
I can't decide / No preference: 32.1%

This one is pretty close together! Almost 33% all across.
I think for sake of matching shirts, maybe it's best the artwork is not stylized/filtered. But, I may still try it out. I think for shirts that aren't matching, perhaps it could work better.
I'm not sure. Any thoughts on this?
Yes, I would be interested in that as well as the matching shirts: 75%
I can't decide / No preference: 10.7%
Yes, I would prefer that over matching shirts: 14.3%
No: N/A

It seems there IS interest in not just matching shirts, so that's really good to know!
I have some ideas for this, which is good!
I will keep these private, but it seems people are interested in a variety of Zero-G characters that could receive merchandise if approval goes through.
I hope all works out!

Thank you for taking your time to vote! Let's create together! :rinlen_move:
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
^ There's two versions of the V4X hoodie, black and full graphic (though it's base colour is black too). I have the full graphic one.

Anyways, I agree that there should be more other clothing besides T-shirts available. Simple baseball caps, hoodies etc. Maybe shoulder bags/messenger bags?
I'm a bit of a car guy, so I've sometimes thought about this: it'd be nice to have vinyl stickers and window stickers that you can put on your car. I mean stickers that are weatherproof. Goodsmile Racing has made some (and I've bought some), but I think they haven't made them for some years now. I don't know, just random thoughts.


Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
I voted for keychains because that's the second most merchandise I am buying (1st one being CDs)


Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
Hm, Multiple choice would make sense to do.
I wanted to see what the most wanted merchandise was, but sometimes it can be hard to decide on just one. I'll make the poll multiple choice now, but limit it to 3 options for right now!

Thanks everyone, I'll be sure to keep this information in mind!:akari_lili:
I will make note of the current "other" choices (choices not specified on the poll) below:
*Plushies (x3)
*Clothing (besides T-Shirts [ex. Hoodies]) (x2)
*Vinyl Stickers

Feel free to revote and vote up to 3 times~
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👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
Hmm, I personally think it would be more realistic for you to start small. Contacting companies is hard, designing stuff is also hard, but getting the stuff actually made into a real product is even harder.

For example, you could find out how to make stickers first and what it all entales: Would you print them yourself (what are the size dimensions, what it costs to buy a sticker maker and materials, labor/cost of shipping them out) vs. the cost of getting a graphic house to print them for you and then you send them out vs. using some site like Redbubble to print them to save effort of shipping but only get a teeny tiny sliver of profit.

So, maybe pick one of the many options and then research how you wanna get it done and where you would sell it.

I don't personally buy merch (too frugal) so I can't say what I'd like to see made, but my sister and I are interested in selling designed T-shirts eventually, so that's why my answer is not normal.


Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
Yea, but at the same time, the same kinds of merch that everybody does is a little bit too mundane...

Seriously, I'd rather see something that hasn't been done before merch-wise.

Also, I know a thing or two about guitar manufacturers. I do believe there are some factories in Indonesia that can craft guitars for you at more reasonable prices. I do believe Solar Guitars is one of those brands that order guitars to an Indonesian factory by batches and then people pre-order from the batches before they vanish. They go pretty fast. I never got a chance to buy one.

Hrmm... I can't help but wonder... Hatsune Miku mini-flags anyone?


(P.S. I have no clue why one would call the second post a "double post" especially when the second post was made an entire day later.)
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Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
Yo Razzberries,

Thank you all for the input. :sonika_lili:
I grow curious precisely what everyone is looking forward to in terms of merchandise, so such a poll and replies are helpful.
It seems to be quite a variety at the moment, but I will share the results tomorrow.

Today is the last day to vote on the poll.

After some review, I will consider the next poll. We may have one about characters.
I may restrict it to not be multiple choice, as to see what is the most wanted choice.
You have time to consider what kind of character you would like to see receive more merchandise and purchase.

I am currently considering splitting the options on the future poll by company. Now, this is tricky, but I think it will work better than having over 70 options to choose from.
If you feel another method works better, please share before around June 2.

Thank you everyone for your time and thoughts! I know this is an out-stretched goal, and perhaps something that will never see the light of day, but I think this feedback is helping me get an idea of where to start if I want to step foot into the realm of trying to create merchandise.
Above all, I want this to be encouraging to those who are considering creating merchandise themselves, in case these artists or designers do not know where to start as well, etc.

Again, thank you, let's keep designing~


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I mostly buy keychains, though I'd definitely be interested in plushies if you decide to take that on!


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
I've been thinking about those Christmas pullovers that some people find ugly. I would like to wear some with VOCALOID designs. :ryuuto_lili:
When it's Christmas time at my work (grocery store) we can wear ugly Christmas sweaters. My boss always wears a Deadpool one. I wonder what a Vocaloid one would look like, but I have no clue how you even create something like that (seems harder than getting a T-shirt printed).

When I was looking up about getting a clothing line started, two guys worked with a company they found on a Chinese Ebay-esque site (it wasn't Alibaba, I just can't remember the name) and they had to pool together their money to preorder like a thousand shirts for it to be cost effective. They sold every one of those shirts and gradually created new designs.

I feel like Vocaloid merch, ugly sweaters no less, would be extremely niche. When you have a clothing line, it is supposed to be niche (ex: Not just T-shirts with designs/slogans aimed at people who like to exercise. More specific, like moms who like to exercise. That kind of thing.), but I worry that would be TOO niche considering the sheer amount you would have to pay to get the stock of merch at a cost reasonable to you. After all, RazzyRu is just one person, not a company. Those guys in my example became an LLC (which, big surprise, costs more money!). That's why weird stuff like water bottles seems SO unrealistic at this point. Yeah, it's cool, but you have to get a company who makes water bottles for private companies to create the labels for you. How does one even go about doing that?

I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade here. I have just put some time into researching LLC stuff and dipped my toe in research for a clothing line. There is SO MUCH research on who to buy supplies through and how to sell them and how to protect yourself legally. Every type of merch is different, too (shirts vs stationary, etc), and so are the customers who buy them. Stop suggesting ridiculous stuff and maybe give some advice on how to achieve said goal. S:

Edit: Like, if you wanna sell prints: How many are you gonna print? 15 for a convention? Do you have funds to rent a table? Are you gonna set up an Etsy store or make your own website? How much will the shipping method cost for you? What dimensions will the prints be? Are you gonna buy your own printer (how much is the paper, how much is the ink)? Or get it done professionally? Will you instead use a site like DeviantART's prints that only get physically made when someone orders one? Will you draw the art or will you commission someone? It's a lot to think about and dedicate time/research/labor. Even if someone says "Oh, I love key chains!" Do YOU wanna spend hours designing them and making them happen?
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Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
There are many factors, which makes this a challenge indeed. Such as, I do not think I would be able to ship out these products, not by myself at least. Such a thing can be costly, especially if I am not careful.

So, I will be needing research to see the best places to print and still profit well, things such as that. Where I would go to set up shop, or use a service such as Etsy.

Things such as design and art should not be an issue this time at least (hopefully), that does save a step.

So indeed, there are good points made. Printing, how much will such a thing cost? As there are many ways to go about it. One could go to a print shop or print from home, for example.
Things such as that can be difficult on one's own.

So, as uncreepy said, I am only one being. I can do the best I can on my own, but there are certainly things I need to learn and save for still, especially if I need to work with a company for some merchandise. I know keychains I will most likely need to find a way to order some, or find a service that prints and ships to the customer without a need to order a large quantity and ship them myself. I will certainly need to research such a thing.

That being said, it is likely I will need to start small, and in my skill level as well. Such as with a plushie, it would be really cool, but I have never made one before. I would need to find someone who could sew something I designed, for example. I think it's fair to say it requires lots of payment to this person or company. People who can sew like that certainly have an amazing talent.

Going forward, I think we can open this discussion up a bit more. It would not be right for me to portray myself as the only one interested in creating merchandise myself, such a thing is not true. It may help artists or designers find others who are also interested in creating merchandise as well, which can cause for grand collaboration.

That may mean I will create a poll again in the future regarding merchandise products again, one where the focus is more open besides to what I can do.
For now, June 2 I will create a poll for characters. Let's not worry about the artist/designer behind the merchandise at the moment. I know at times these can effect decisions, so we can get into this further another time in the future.

Continuing, I will adjust the OP to be more open and focused more on variety of merchandise creators/designers/artists.
It is possible all could fall through as I am busy with other projects as well (I hate to sound disappointing to say such a thing, but I can foresee such an outcome). I don't think it would be right for me to push others away and not give them a chance. Though, certainly a thread would not be the only way to get ideas haha, if it is helpful somehow I will want it open.

Perhaps an unrealistic dream, but I hope I can try my best for everyone!

Final reminder: The poll closes tonight. We are at 16 votes. This poll allows for up to 3 multiple choice votes.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to vote and participate m(_ _)m
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