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Other The VOCALOID Collection


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020

What is VocaColle? Hosted by DWANGO (parent company of niconico douga), it's the bi-yearly VOCALOID/voice synth community internet festival that invites everyone involved in the scene to both create and enjoy all works associated with VOCALOID and the characters associated with those works.

The most notable component of VocaColle is the rankings board that pulls videos from niconico, accounting exclusively for videos which are published during the specified "open period" for that VocaColle.

Why is VocaColle great? It's a regularly-scheduled, organized effort that encourages everyone to get involved, whether you create original or derivative works, or just like to enjoy what is made. Overall, it's just the best time to get excited about the creative spirit of our community and it is the corporate event/entity that is most in-tune and focused on what everyday creators are excited and passionate about. It also generates an incredible amount of attention for music published during the festival and has ways of pushing lesser-known producers forward.

What to look out for at VocaColle:
  • Rankings Boards
    • Top100 -- Top 100 songs released during the festival overall​
      • VocaSeka is a special contest that adds the top song from Top100 and Rookie to the game. The winners also get 50000yen on Amazon.​
    • Rookie -- Top 100 songs from vocaloid producers that have made their debut within the last two years​
    • "I tried to perform it" -- Top 30 performances of vocaloid songs. Usually they're band arrangements or instrument covers, but there are exceptions.
    • MMD&3DCG -- Top 30 3DCG videos.​
    • Open domain illustration initiative (Picture List)​
    • There are also separate "I tried to dance" and "I tried to sing" festivals with rankings for those communities that overlap with VocaColle.​
  • Stem Data
    • Every VocaColle comes with tons of stem data published for different famous songs from the producers. Learn their secrets! Sample them! But the downloads expire when that festival ends, so make sure you grab them when you want them!
  • Novel Contest
    • VocaColle always partners with a company to hold a novel contest that ends in a collaboration with a famous vocalo-p.
  • Billboard Rankings
    • Billboard JAPAN's Vocaloid rankings are the result of collaboration with VocaColle/Dwango/niconico.
    • The MTV Daisy Bell award is also derived.
  • VocaColle App
    • The NicoBox app was rebranded to VocaColle (the userbase was all vocaloid fans in the end) and can be used to stream music from Niconico rankings and VocaColle rankings.
  • Prizes
    • Every VocaColle has special prize awards that are selected by judges.
More always happens :D

Previous VocaColle archives:
I started this thread just because I love VocaColle and want to participate in the future once I'm less bogged down with school and wanted to provide a place for people to discuss the event and post updates. Will any of you participate in Spring 2023?
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Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
So you basically just post to Nico Nico Douga with a specific tag? Interesting. At the very least, I probably am going to want to download stems to play with, though whether I'd end up remixing something or entering something else i definitely to be decided. 🤔

How easy is NND to upload to in English? (+/- very minimal Japanese knowledge from Duolingo.)
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robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
How easy is NND to upload to in English? (+/- very minimal Japanese knowledge from Duolingo.)
I just swapped back to the english site and checked. It looks like everything important in the garage (uploading/video management features) is translated, which should make uploading videos at the very least really easy. However, it looks like some important features of the site still aren't translated, like notifications and some other components of douga. But uploading should be totally doable!

One thing I noticed though that should be watched out for is that video tags appear to be language-locked. Here's what I mean:

On the English version of the site:

My video has no tags.

On the Japanese version of the site:

My video has all of the tags I added plus all of the tags other people added.

So if you upload your video in English, you should switch back to the Japanese version of the site and add the appropriate tags just in case.

Around 2012-2013 ish, Dwango tried to push harder for English usage on niconico. I feel like I remember there being English niconico apps for 3DS and Vita (might be misremembering this). They might have tried to start a cross-language tagging system like what Pixiv has, but English stuff stalled and official support for English stopped in 2018. It is still supported on an unofficial basis Help Center (English) | ニコニコヘルプ but it isn't a development priority for them anymore.

As an extra note, comments are also language-locked, so if you want to see danmaku comments from JP users on videos, you'll have to swap to the JP version.

For basic browsing and uploading though, no Japanese knowledge is necessary.

I'm not sure how many people would benefit, but maybe I'll put together some kind of video/text guide for English speakers interested in using the Japanese version of the site at some point?

EDIT: I will try to ask about the tagging thing tonight
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Hm, so if I'm understanding/extrapolating correctly from what's written here/on the VocaColle site:
  • You participate in most of the various contests by reading the submission criteria and uploading to NND with your video tagged with a specific tag.
    • Where do you find what the tag is?
  • Other contests, like the artwork/novel contest, I assume work with Twitter tags or something else.
  • Contests are judged partly according to NND's ranking algorithms and partly by other criteria. Judges also make evaluations for some contests/for surprise awards.
  • Winners of the contests find out that they won by checking the VocaColle site during the event period. I assume they might get contacted via their contact info on NND/through their NND account, too, or it might get announced during the livestream.
    • Really, I think I should correct myself here. "Ranking" is probably a better description than "contest" for all but the items where there are tangible/defined prizes or recognition (the 50000 yen Amazon cards, and possibly the special awards given by the judges). The other benefits are more in terms of fun, exposure, and the chance to work with a famous producer on a novel.) So it's less of a competition and more a celebration of the community's creative output.
  • The stem data is only accessible during the event period. I'd guess it might also require an NND account.
  • Other items (viewing the videos/artwork, the VocaColle app, and livestream) are basically accessible to anyone, the stream only during the specified stream time.
Does that sound like a correct understanding of how participation works?

(Sorry, it's been a full day, and I feel like I'm probably being slow to understand things that are clear to most people.)

Sounds like a cool event. I'd like to participate someday!
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robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
No problem! I'll tackle these one at a time, all good questions:
Where do you find what the tag is?
On this page, under つくる 参加できる企画, you can click into the specifications for each ranking.

For example, for the TOP100 ranking, this is what you need to do to have your video ranked:
Set the Genre (category) to Music/Sound (音楽・サウンド )
Tag the video with ボカコレ2023春TOP100ランキング参加曲

For Rookie, it's:
Genre: Music/Sound (音楽・サウンド )
Tag: ボカコレ2023春ルーキー参加曲

Genre: Music/Sound (音楽・サウンド )
Tag: ボカコレ2023春REMIX参加曲

So yes, all you need to do to participate is publish your video in the correct genre with the tag during the open period (3/18 to 3/21 for Spring 2023)

Other contests, like the artwork/novel contest, I assume work with Twitter tags or something else.
For the novel contest, they are submitted straight into the novel website. The artworks weren't ranked at all, just compiled into a gallery, and didn't have a contest component, but it may have been twitter tag based. I'm not sure if that one is coming back for this VocaColle or not-- some things are yet to be announced

Contests are judged partly according to NND's ranking algorithms and partly by other criteria. Judges also make evaluations for some contests/for surprise awards.
Think of the VocaColle rankings like a temporary, timed extension of the nicodou rankings. Only songs published within the operating period are included on these lists, so they are all 100% new works. There aren't judges involved in the VocaColle rankings and the prizes strictly involved with the rankings from sponsors. VocaColle rankings are 100% engagement based.

For the "Extra Prizes" (not announced yet for Spring 2023 I think), those are based on judge evaluations on the entire pool of songs that ended up on any of the rankings.

So it's less of a competition and more a celebration of the community's creative output.
Yes, the intent 100% is to stimulate the creative output of the community and bring attention to it, the prizes are more of a bonus and the rankings are what allow you to see what got really popular during the event.

The stem data is only accessible during the event period. I'd guess it might also require an NND account.
You can start downloading stems now, and no niconico account is necessary. They link to Google Drive. But the downloads disappear once the event is over.

Other items (viewing the videos/artwork, the VocaColle app, and livestream) are basically accessible to anyone
Yup, everything else exists in perpetuity. (I think VODs do exist for streams? but the only streams I usually catch are the cho kaigi dj sets) The app in particular has been around for years now and is useful outside of VocaColle's operation just for regular niconico music consumption.
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Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
Tag: ボカコレ2023春ルーキー参加曲
I can read the parts that aren't in kanji, at least, lol. "Bokakore (VocaColle) 2023 something Ru-Ki- (rookie) something." 😃

So if someone were to do a remix, what are the terms for using the stems? Is it okay to cross post to YouTube or is it contingent on only uploading to NND?


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
Terms for stem usage: Stemデータ規約
You can post on any web platform provided you follow the rules of the platform.
You can publish your remixes at any time, but you can't redistribute the stems on other platforms.
Don't sell or profit off of the remixes, or use them commercial events.
Remixes that are submitted to the project could be used to promote niconico and vocacolle. They'll be attributed to you but you won't be paid.


Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
@pico Awesome, thanks, that's exactly what I hoped to hear.

Strongly considering perusing the stems and trying to throw together a remix in the time between the Miku Expo deadline and the start of VocaColle. I had fun with the Highlight remix.


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
I love Vocacolle! I don't participate, but as a stem resource it's genuinely one of the best out there, genuinely great learning resource from a music production perspective; and that's not even getting to all the new songs it inspires.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
Just a quick update on the tag situation. I asked a while back on Twitter via the relevant channels, but nobody really knew. I got some help with finding the right official support form for the inquiry, and they weren’t sure either! But the question is being passed up the chain so we should know the answer soon. I’ll let you all know as soon as I hear back again.
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robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
Not vocacolle related, but I wanted to share this in case anyone is interested in exploring niconico more.

If you are under the age of 25, you are currently eligible for a free year of niconico premium.

If you purchase a year this month, it will be refunded.

"You might be thinking, "niconico, are you going to be okay doing this?" but it's an investment in the future!"

Happy March!

TLDR; free niconico premium, U25's win!


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
I got overexcited about the discount, but there is some proper vocacolle news.

Nicobox (now vocacolle) is getting a proper refresh.
Looks like most of the interface will remain the same, but features will be re-tailored to the vocaloid focus.

There's also a really great little "concept movie" (advert, essentially, but fun to watch regardless) that documents a musician, illustrator, and filmmaker/motion designer's vocaloid project together!

It's a bit like that old Chrome advert, right? I don't know how you couldn't smile a little bit watching this, haha. I like the song chosen too.

There's been a variety of stuff announced recently, from a Cho Kaigi 2023 theme song contest, a playlist project, to a collaboration project for vocacolle, utacolle and odocolle, prize specifics, and new playlists from vocalo-p's and even KAF this time.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
I finally have information about the tagging problem mentioned previously! Usually customer support requests like this aren't followed up on at all, in my experience. But this has been the opposite :) the follow-up email between my initial inquiry and the answer was very nice.

Approximately what I asked:
Dear Niconico,

Pleased to meet you. I'm an overseas user of niconico douga.

Recently, I've been talking to my friends about VocaColle, and they want to use the English version of niconico douga.

However, there might be a problem with tags.

Please refer to the attached file.

Are tags the same on the English and Japanese versions of niconico?

For example, if I upload a video on the English version of niconico and tag it with VOCALOID, will it be represented on the VOCALOID rankings?

I'm sorry if this is hard to understand!

I always enjoy niconico douga. Thank you very much.
Approximately what was answered:
This is niconico support.

Thank you for using niconico. I'm in charge of customer support. My name is Usui(?). (Sorry if I spelled their name wrong :( )

I apologize for taking so long to reply.

Regarding your inquiry, in the case you are using the English version of niconico douga, you can set the required tags specified for participation in VocaColle by switching to Japanese from the 言語切替 (language switch) option at the bottom of the page.

Additionally, if the tags are specified at the time the video is published, the tags will be registered in both English and Japanese.

I apologize for the trouble, but just in case, please make sure you have registered the specified tags and published the video. Then, switch the language to Japanese and verify that the tags have registered.

Thank you very much.

To summarize:
  • If you tag your videos prior to publishing them, the tags will appear in English and Japanese simultaneously.
  • If you are using the English version of nicodou, you can switch to the Japanese version of the page to perform the operation (safe option).
  • Just in case, after publishing a video with tags in English, switch to the Japanese version of the site to verify that they are present.
Basically, you can add the appropriate tags on the English version of the website, and you will appear in the associated ranking and tag categorization in search. But to be certain, you can use this process:
  • Tag and publish your video in English (the tags themselves, naturally, must be Japanese and must be identical to the tags required by VocaColle.)
  • Click the tag on your published video to open the tag category.
  • If the other videos in the category are present, you're all good.
  • You can also check the "highest rank" tab on English niconico:
    If your video is tied to the popular tag and category correctly, you are similarly all good.
It's confusing that the tags are "hidden" on the other languages depending on what version of the site you add them on, but they are there.


Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
I did have some issues with the tagging, uploading it through the English version. There was a field for tag, and I put "ボカコレ2023春REMIX参加曲" as per the instructions. After the video was uploaded, there were no tags visible (though the Sound/Music category was correct). So I added the tag manually, and repeated that step on the Japanese version (they did not appear to sync). It's probably good now.

Though I'm not sure what the translated text "Please lock the tag" means on the VocaColle site.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
There’s a way you can “lock” a tag on a video so it can’t be deleted/overwritten. If you add a tag from the video upload page (pre-publishing) it will automatically be locked. You can lock and unlock newly added tags from the “edit tags” button on the video page.

Just to make sure I’m understanding right. I wanna figure this out. You added the tag on the English version of the uploader and it didn’t visually appear on the video page *or* the Japanese version? Did you check if it appeared in search results for the tag?
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Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
I didn't think to search the tag before trying to re-add it, unfortunately. But yes, the line of tags under the title/uploader area was empty in both languages after the upload.

Edit: I went back and locked the tag, which also had to be done on both languages.
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robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
No worries about the search thing. Thanks for letting me know! That's a shame. I'm gonna follow through on that Japanese language version uploading guide.

Having to lock the tag on both languages is expected behavior when added through the tag interface on the video viewer.

I think if you add a tag and it saves on either version of the site, the video is sorted properly even though the other language version of the site can't "see" it. But it is strange that the behavior is separated this way.

I enjoyed your remix!
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robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
Woo-goo, cool statistics. The only surprises here for me are Chis-A being so high and Rikka seeing more use than RIME! I gotta dig deeper!

Zundamon just missed the top 20 cutoff. I think the meme is dying a bit.

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