speaking of project diva, I would like to expose one of my unpopular opinions about it:
- PDF2nd is sooooo overrated. Don't get me wrong the game is a solid addition to the PD franchise but people over exaggerate it's """importance""". Some fans can get so obnoxius when they hear someone comment something that they dislike about the game, they all go on mode "b-BuT FT iS sO mUCh WoRSe!!1!1 U DoN'T nOU wAt U TaLkINg BoUT!!!1!". Even when someone is making a comparison between the graphics evolution, which is something that is undeniable, they need to go "F2ND iS MoRE SaTUrAtEd!!!11 DaT MakES iT 100000% BeTTeR ThAN FT!!!11! MaRe KoLoURs!!!". Like, sometimes it feels that they value more the title of F2nd than the game for what it is y'know? It makes me wonder if nostalgia is a factor.
If you like F2nd more that's a-okay. If don't like FT for whatever reason that's fair. But constatly hating on the other games because they are different is something so unjust.
I won't deny that there must be obnoxius fans of any title of the PD franchise, but it seems that most of them are still stuck in PDF2nd and want nothing else but the game.
They shit on FT for the things it does different compared to F2nd but, in reality that's just how things are, I mean, even if the game is "less good" than F2nd, it brought new things to the table, it brought better graphics, it brought some kind of evolution, and I think that's the most important thing. All games on the franchise NEED to bring something new, it can be graphics, sound, story, gameplay, anything, because, even if they failed, they TRIED. If they aren't trying then what is the point of even buying? What even is the point of supporting it? At least that's how I see.
I don't know if anyone else feels the same way about these fans. Maybe I just ended up in a bad online circle, but i reaaally needed to get this of my chest.