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Unpopular Opinions


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
On the topic of Project Mirai, I don't guess my opinions are too strong on it as I've never played any of the games, but I loved Meiko's PM dress in On the Rocks. I'm bummed they didn't transfer it over to Future Tone. It better fits the song's mature yet playful nature, I think. (Forgive the mediocre screencaps.)
I think On the Rocks (along with a few other Mirai songs) was added to FT before Mirai released, so that might explain why.
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Unpopular opinion: although I agree that V2 wasn't a sweetheart towards male vocals, I really genuinely think V1 was pretty generous to them?? All things considered, with a sample size of only 5, anyway. Meiko often sounded metallic and just. Not great. And was pretty well-known to be difficult to tune well. Lola is just a mess all around, as much as I adore her, between how genuinely difficult it is to bring out her softer consonants while taming the rest of her pronunciation, and how thin she sounds in upper registers. Miriam is really the only female V1 I'd say was GOOD good. But I feel like, as long as you didn't push them into higher octaves than they were meant for, both Leon and Kaito just generally sound pretty good. Kaito being the last V1, it makes sense that he had less muffle and a nicer default tone than the others, but it still baffles me how much more clear and more pleasant to listen to/easier to understand Leon is vs Lola, considering they released at the same time.


Oct 8, 2019
but it still baffles me how much more clear and more pleasant to listen to/easier to understand Leon is vs Lola, considering they released at the same time.
my guess is that Lola was the very first one theyve made, then Leon.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Unpopular opinion: although I agree that V2 wasn't a sweetheart towards male vocals, I really genuinely think V1 was pretty generous to them?? All things considered, with a sample size of only 5, anyway. Meiko often sounded metallic and just. Not great. And was pretty well-known to be difficult to tune well. Lola is just a mess all around, as much as I adore her, between how genuinely difficult it is to bring out her softer consonants while taming the rest of her pronunciation, and how thin she sounds in upper registers. Miriam is really the only female V1 I'd say was GOOD good. But I feel like, as long as you didn't push them into higher octaves than they were meant for, both Leon and Kaito just generally sound pretty good. Kaito being the last V1, it makes sense that he had less muffle and a nicer default tone than the others, but it still baffles me how much more clear and more pleasant to listen to/easier to understand Leon is vs Lola, considering they released at the same time.
Yeah I feel like you're probably in a minority in Leon's case.....he really isn't that good. I'd have to say he's the worst sounding native Engloid who isn't Sonika, sorry.
Lola at least can have a sound that isn't more engine noise than voice.

Meiko was and is definitely considered better than Kaito in general (albiet harder to tune).

EDIT: Obviously, if you find Leon easier to use, that's your opinion and entirely valid: this is the Unpopular Opinions thread after all!
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Add sunthing ー☆
Jan 22, 2020
speaking of project diva, I would like to expose one of my unpopular opinions about it:

- PDF2nd is sooooo overrated. Don't get me wrong the game is a solid addition to the PD franchise but people over exaggerate it's """importance""". Some fans can get so obnoxius when they hear someone comment something that they dislike about the game, they all go on mode "b-BuT FT iS sO mUCh WoRSe!!1!1 U DoN'T nOU wAt U TaLkINg BoUT!!!1!". Even when someone is making a comparison between the graphics evolution, which is something that is undeniable, they need to go "F2ND iS MoRE SaTUrAtEd!!!11 DaT MakES iT 100000% BeTTeR ThAN FT!!!11! MaRe KoLoURs!!!". Like, sometimes it feels that they value more the title of F2nd than the game for what it is y'know? It makes me wonder if nostalgia is a factor.

If you like F2nd more that's a-okay. If don't like FT for whatever reason that's fair. But constatly hating on the other games because they are different is something so unjust.

I won't deny that there must be obnoxius fans of any title of the PD franchise, but it seems that most of them are still stuck in PDF2nd and want nothing else but the game.

They shit on FT for the things it does different compared to F2nd but, in reality that's just how things are, I mean, even if the game is "less good" than F2nd, it brought new things to the table, it brought better graphics, it brought some kind of evolution, and I think that's the most important thing. All games on the franchise NEED to bring something new, it can be graphics, sound, story, gameplay, anything, because, even if they failed, they TRIED. If they aren't trying then what is the point of even buying? What even is the point of supporting it? At least that's how I see.

I don't know if anyone else feels the same way about these fans. Maybe I just ended up in a bad online circle, but i reaaally needed to get this of my chest. :miku3_move:


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Technically FT predates F 2nd but to be honest, I never really got what F 2nd added over F either. F had ALL new songs (granted, in the West we hadn't got anything in F 2nd before, but Japan had) and it's not like F 2nd had many graphical improvements over F.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
@DefiantKitsune lol no worries! We're allowed to disagree :P

EDIT: But Lola is definitely a bitch to use. So hard to get her pronunciation understandable and tame her so she doesn't sound strained constantly. Sigh. I adore her but she's so troublesome 🤣


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Honestly, I don't think Lola's that hard to use at all, especially for her age. She's nowhere near as hard to work with as say, Prima or CUL for me.


Apr 8, 2018
Yeah I feel like you're probably in a minority in Leon's case.....he really isn't that good. I'd have to say he's the worst sounding native Engloid who isn't Sonika, sorry.
Lola at least can have a sound that isn't more engine noise than voice.

Meiko was and is definitely considered better than Kaito in general (albeit harder to tune).
Last I checked V1 was actually fairly kind to male vocals, being the only engine that actually handles depth in any notable way. Kaito especially being one of the better (if not the best) V1s because of the extra dev time, and new engine version optimization compared to the others.

As for Leon being the worst native Engloid... (due to age, not other nonsense) I gotta say that one has to be Lola.

Lola can be a lot harsher in terms of timbre, such as her raspiness exacerbating the (already very apparent) engine, which also results in her voice being warped more than say... Leon. Both of them have the typical V1 issues with smoothness and editing, but due to how Leon is voice he handles it better.

But really all of the V1s can sound fantastic with the right care taken to them.

And now I guess unpopular opinion?

MEIKO is the worst quality V1, but people don't think this because she has a very notable power user who also happens to used her for her most famous song. Anyone who's first impression of a V1 being a shu-tP song, (or a yuukiss song) could easily think a vocaloid is better than it really is on average.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Yeah, alright I can kinda seem where you're going- Meiko has a higher quality peak than Kaito (imo), but Kaito has a higher quality average.

Leon just sounds like noise to me, sorry. He's literally the ONLY vocaloid I've never heard a use of I like, and i spent quite a while looking.

Edit: Formatting
Also Sonika is the worst native Engloid, there's really not much room to dispute there. After that, it gets a little more opinion-based.
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Apr 8, 2018
Sonika really deserved better...

Like it's one thing if it's sound quality (see: Dex and Daina), it's another when glitches and weird noises start appearing in the voicebank :c

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