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Unpopular Opinions


MYK-IV's #1 fan
Jan 23, 2020
My computer
Me too. I`m so used to playing PD with the humanoid models, that PM models just feel wrong. Some nendoroids can look cute, but the ones with vocaloids always looked off to me. (Mikudayo is cool tho).
I guess my issue with the PD models is that they look kinda lanky and emotionless, in contrast to the PM models. Then again I don't have PD so maybe i just haven't come across any that look emotional
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Sep 21, 2019
Unpopular for this thread I suppose- I love the cute Project Mirai models! They're so sweet and I love watching their facial expressions when I play reversi.
Same here!! I also loving giving them the roulette sushi and seeing their reactions when they pick the spicy one!!

I like the humanoid models, too. But I don't really like the ones they use in the arcade and PS4 Future Tone games; something about them looks off (especially in the face and with the way the mouth looks). I prefer the ones from F - X.
(The F series ones look stunning in Future Tone, though.)
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kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
As someone who's never played a single PD or PM game, I've always thought the PD models looked like barbie dolls. I'm not a big fan of the PM models either -- though I know they're based off the nendos (which I'm also not a super big fan of the style of, at least for the Cryptons). Maybe I'm just picky though orz
Sep 21, 2019
Oh yeah, another unpopular PD opinion. I don't really like "Future Style" Rin that much??? I feel like it really just doesn't look like Rin anymore?? I just don't really like Rin with the longer hair or shirt/skirt combo. The outfit looks too much like Miku's and kinda gets rid of the "cool" kinda look Rin's original has. :/

Also, unpopular software opinion: Len is easily one of the best Vocaloid and is probably CFM's best Vocaloid. (I'm not even a Len fangirl.) Don't @ me, lol.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
On the topic of PD models, I don't like how much "shinier" the models have become over the years. I prefer the textures on the old PSP games, which weren't in HD at all but ended up in hindsight with nicer (dare I say, a bit more "cartoony"?) textures. I dunno, something about the excessive shine under the right/wrong light conditions in the more modern games bothers me. I'm seeing the same problem with modern MMD models, but that's an issue with a computer program.

The PM models never bothered me, since they were clearly Nendoroids (and thus, were in a deliberately exaggerated and cartoony style) and they used the right textures for the art style, though I understand why some people don't like them.
Sep 21, 2019
I randomly remembered this, so here we go.

Nasally voices are good, especially naturally nasal ones. (The ones that sound nasally due to Vocaloid's engine, though, tend to be questionable and definitely require the right tuning to sound good; though, Mayu is relatively easy and her nasaliness doesn't take away from her voice, and I think it makes her voice very delightful!)


Jul 18, 2019
I really do hate vocaloids added nasal tone. They v4 native English females vocaloids are all guilty for it in some way. I really wish there was a easy way to fix it. Also Mayu voice provider isn't as nasally I do wish she was closer because she has a nice tone

Ps. Mayu should have a English voice bank. Mayumi's English is actually decent.


MYK-IV's #1 fan
Jan 23, 2020
My computer
-I really don’t get why SynthV has this big hype around it.
-Is it me or does nearly every female Vocaloid have a dress or skirt? I’d really like outfit variations once in a while.
-Can talkloids be a little less salty?
-Oliver isn’t...bad, I suppose. The only song and cover I’ve heard him in is 6 A.M by Creep-P and an Exile Vilify cover, which he sounded good in both. I wouldn’t fangirl over him like a lot of people do


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
-Is it me or does nearly every female Vocaloid have a dress or skirt? I’d really like outfit variations once in a while.
-Oliver isn’t...bad, I suppose. The only song and cover I’ve heard him in is 6 A.M by Creep-P and an Exile Vilify cover, which he sounded good in both. I wouldn’t fangirl over him like a lot of people do
I think it's because a lot of female loids attempted to go the "cute" route, and/or follow Miku's example in an attempt for fame. I agree with you that it should be more varied, but at least we do have some like Daina, Ruby, Sonika, and (V4) Flower ;; (EDIT: + Rin, Clara, CUL, nearly all fan designs for Cyva and Lola... so, more than I thought at first! That's good at least ;; )

As for Oliver, I think there's a lot of underwhelming covers on YT with little to no phoneme edits, PIT, or mixing, simply because it was new/young fans that were excited to get him, and so they simply didn't know about those things. I had a really bad image of Oliver after hearing a lot of his works on YouTube, and was ready to have to wrangle a shit-quality monster when I bought him, but he actually is pretty easy to work with and not badly-muffled at all! So that's the only reason I can think...
Anyway, agree that I don't stan but he's not bad at all!


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I'd like to add in Yan He and Merli as non dress designs
Shoot! Knew I was missing some. Don't ever try to tally up the Vocaloids right when you wake up, huh?
Some of Gumi's designs are also shorts.

Unpopular opinion to keep this relevant: It's okay to think/say that some Vocaloids sound alike. I know some stans will go after you for it, and that it can get annoying to hear it over and over again, but sometimes it's just true and/or an innocent observation. Much as I love Kiyoteru, yeah he does somewhat remind one of Kaito. And frankly in a Vocaloid playlist, if there's a Kaori song where she starts in low octaves, I'll assume it's Len singing until she gets higher up there. Chika @ Gumi at times, as well. It's not necessarily an insult, and it's also not necessarily a bad thing, either.

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MYK-IV's #1 fan
Jan 23, 2020
My computer
I think it's because a lot of female loids attempted to go the "cute" route, and/or follow Miku's example in an attempt for fame. I agree with you that it should be more varied, but at least we do have some like Daina, Ruby, Sonika, and (V4) Flower ;; (EDIT: + Rin, Clara, CUL, nearly all fan designs for Cyva and Lola... so, more than I thought at first! That's good at least ;; )
Oh, well, I didn’t realize there were a lot!
It's okay to think/say that some Vocaloids sound alike.
Yeah there are def some that sound similar. To me, Kaito and Len sound similar sometimes.
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Oct 8, 2019
-I really don’t get why SynthV has this big hype around it.
I really got into voice synths around the time it was released, the main hype was around Eleanor cuz it's extremely easy to get great results with her compared to other engloids who need much much much more fiddling. Also...the tension parameter. That's where it all started, now people are holding on to it bc it's the only synth releasing any vbs haha ( excluding utau and deepvocal but u get me )

First Sound Future

Passionate Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I so agree with the opinion that Vocaloids can sound similar... Even in real life, people sound similar to each other. I guess the one advantage Vocaloid would have is that it can have certain voicebank quirks that could make it sound more unique, but honestly, the voice still even then won't be 100% unique and the more Synths we get the harder it will be to distinguish them.

tbh I think I actually don't even mind if two Synths sound similar? If they end up sounding almost the same it feels like people are more curious to put them together, giving both of the voices views/attention at the same time


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
-I really don’t get why SynthV has this big hype around it.
Kanru Hua, the lead dev, developed some standard(ish) tools for UTAU that were considered to improve the software wildly, so everyone was excited for SynthV. Quadimension is also popular.

Eleanor is good but she really isn't that great tbh, she's unfinished and monopitch. I think most of her use is simply because she's free.


Vocaloid 3rd party dev is slow right now, but I don't think that's necessarily because of Vocaloid but more a wider symptom of a transition period in voice synths. 3rd Party commercial dev is slow for EVERY commercial song synth right now: CeVio has only had ONE new bank in the past 3 years, SynthV hasn't had anyone but Quadimension pick up, and so on.

What I think is happening falls into two parts:

First, newer voice synths.....aren't doing well, especially in Japan. The V3 wave was a lot of hoping to cash in on part of Miku's success, but companies are losing interest because they aren't getting that success. Literally, only TWO Japanese song synths have gotten even close to "Big 10" success since IA's release in 2012. Out of, like, 30+? Some like ONE and Akari did respectably, but not anywhere near the most successful vocaloids. Quadimension is the only recent company to try new synths, and they've clearly been testing the waters for success (and raising funds to make their voicebanks, since they're one of the smaller companies).

Second, CeVIO, SynthV, Vocaloid, and AITalk are all working on deep learning updates. This is clearly the direction everything is moving right now; odds are, companies are waiting to see how this pans out rather than release right at the end of an era (voicebanks released super late generally....struggle).

Also, vocaloids can sound the same, but that doesn't make them bad; some people always act like it does. (No two voices sound identical anyway; someone will probably like a trait one bank has that a similar one doesn't).


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
I think the main time similarity is an important criticism, is when customers don't have a lot of variety. For example, if another Korean Vocaloid was released that sounded just like either SeeU or Uni, that would be disappointing for fans.

This means I'm more concerned by the much milder similarities between female Engloids, than I am with the stronger similarities between Japanese Vocaloids - because Engloids have bigger gaps left waiting.


Oct 8, 2019
Uni's voice is so bland to me and that makes me sad because she has a precious design :uni_lili:
I totally agree, I find her very underwhelming but also it's not like I'd ever buy a korean loid so my opinion doesn't really matter, people who use krnloids seem to like her so I'm happy for them, there are very little krnloids after all.
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Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Yeah, I don't hold it against Uni because she is only one of 2 korean vocaloids and she sounds different from SeeU, but like I was so hyped for her and then I heard her voice and I was like Oh. It's just Ok.
I still love her though. Any loid with pink hair is an automatic fav of mine.
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