I was in a small tour group in the CFM office. A young guy, one of the employees there, was giving us tuning tips.
He was talking about one thing, and then he said that in order to get a more fluid pronunciation, they remove a phoneme from the end of all the words. (Sounded like [sil], but that wouldn't be there by default, obviously.) It looked like he was working with Miku on a next-gen synth software, because we could see the line of lyrics, and then he made all the phonemes he meant to remove disappear from the ends of the words at once.
The desk next to him had a touchscreen TV laying on top of it, and he was using it to flip through examples of different Miku projects/songs using cover art thumbnails.
As he was going along, he was going to give another example, saying something like, "It's like we did in...." And then he stopped and said, "I'm not supposed to talk about that. But...." And then he moved on to an alternative, simple trick.
Then the dream shifted into one of me and my extended family going out for breakfast. We were walking down the street, and we had to stop in at other establishments twice along the way. One of my cousins was getting annoyed, and I told him it was because Grandma is old and can't walk very far without resting.
When we got there, it was a nice place with wood paneling and pretty lighting. The foyer looked a little like some of the temples I've seen on webcam. Judging by the menu, they had a slim selection, but you could order pancakes and specialty coffee. My dad was trying to clue me into a coffee drink with a kind of beer he thought I'd like--probably ale--a drink called "the American." Grandma was being disapproving.
With my drink of whatever kind, I sat down across from some other customers. The table was a bed, in which everyone ate, so it was hard to stand your drink up and not move so as to avoid upsetting other people's stuff.
When I woke up, I had Madonna's song, "Into the Groove" playing in my head at a slow tempo. It sounded sad.