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What's That Song?


Noffy T. Coffee
Apr 8, 2018
I got asked about this, didn't know the answer, now I'm seeking for help

a song which is definitely sung by miku has been appearing in this commercial, but nobody so far knows what it is, or if it's even a song of its own (rather than being composed for the commercial)

send help


Apr 9, 2018
I tried to look up the lyrics people posted + 歌詞 (lyrics), tried looking up the body wash + 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku) and stuff like that, but couldn't find anything. I even tried to Shazam it. OTL

I found that someone tried to recreate the song with Miku Sweet, though.


New Fan
May 27, 2019
I don't have a lot of information, but hopefully this will be enough. I haven't been able to find this and it's been killing me for a few years.

It was an angsty sounding song that had two singers. One was Hatsune Miku, the other was a human male. The male, from what I remember, sang parts with screaming in them. Miku sang the rest of it.

I wish I had more information to give you, but sadly I don't think I do. It's very difficult for me to recall much else. I could say that the time that I found this song was somewhere close to 2012-2013.


Luka enthusiast
Jul 18, 2018
I don't have a lot of information, but hopefully this will be enough. I haven't been able to find this and it's been killing me for a few years.

It was an angsty sounding song that had two singers. One was Hatsune Miku, the other was a human male. The male, from what I remember, sang parts with screaming in them. Miku sang the rest of it.

I wish I had more information to give you, but sadly I don't think I do. It's very difficult for me to recall much else. I could say that the time that I found this song was somewhere close to 2012-2013.
Maybe this song by OkameP?

Hatsune Miku Append - Our Fortia


New Fan
Sep 2, 2019
Hi. Does anybody know a Miku song which PV is in black and white (like clean sketches) and appear red balloons? I remember the song was creepy and they repeated a word many times.

I'm sorry I can't provide more information. If you could help me it would be very helpful.


May 13, 2018
Hi. Does anybody know a Miku song which PV is in black and white (like clean sketches) and appear red balloons? I remember the song was creepy and they repeated a word many times.

I'm sorry I can't provide more information. If you could help me it would be very helpful.
Hachi's 'In a rainy town balloons dance with devils'?
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Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
whats that one song i think is by miku where shes famous and shes writing love letters to someone but theyre not responding because theyre dead but she lost her memory so she doesnt know that but then at the end she remembers
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Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Ok...I don't have much here (everyone, remember this thread? lol)

It's a Miku Append, probably Dark but possibly either Soft or Sweet. It sounds very nekobolo-esque although I don't think it's actually by him.
The melody is kinda....atonal-ish? Like a weird jumpy progression
And it has a really downbeat "beeping" instrumental that uses almost this melody



Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Ok...I don't have much here (everyone, remember this thread? lol)

It's a Miku Append, probably Dark but possibly either Soft or Sweet. It sounds very nekobolo-esque although I don't think it's actually by him.
The melody is kinda....atonal-ish? Like a weird jumpy progression
And it has a really downbeat "beeping" instrumental that uses almost this melody

so in case anyone in the future reads this i figured out, it's "God's Words" by Yuyoyuppe.

which i own on CD. 10/10 me.


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
May be a longshot, but I mentioned this producer on the VVN server and now I'm trying to actually find them and can't. I've only heard two of their songs (one was a preview on twitter, the other was on Nico) and they were really similar, so I think it's safe to say that their style is just like this. I'm gonna talk about just the Nico song, though the twitter preview was a screen recording of their DAW, I believe.

I can't remember the song's genre; if I had to guess, it'd be rock? I don't remember the video either, I think it was plain white with black text -- don't remember the illustration, if there even was one.

Here's the part that may actually narrow them down: Miku sang super high. Like, really, really high -- way higher than most high Miku usages, wouldn't be surprised if she hit the top of the editor. I can't remember if she was low gen or not but it didn't matter; the chorus was... certainly something, but all the Nico comments were nothing but praise. I don't think they're a super popular producer, but they may have moderate popularity? The song when I heard it was brand new, so I don't know how many views it would have by now.

The year is either 2018 or 2019 -- maybe 2017 at the absolute earliest, but I think it's probably 2018. Somewhere in that range orz. I don't remember anything about the title but I think it was a long one? But take that with a grain of salt

Oh, I think Hazuki no Yume may have translated this song at one point too, but I'm not 100% sure. I don't remember anything about the lyrics, though.

If anyone at all knows who I may be talking about. please tell me this producer's name or link any of their songs I want to experience it again
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Aspiring Fan
Jun 16, 2018
I will go out on a limb and says Tsumiki's Recollection Endroll who's famous for his/her Solo (to the point it's called Super Tsumiki Time or STT) despite it has illustration :/
Miku song with white background and black text screams Kanzaki Iori's previous work but I don't think Miku is singing -that- high in his work. It would be nice if you can guess if the song you remember is higher/lower than Tsumiki's song below



kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Thank you for the response! That's not the song, in the song I'm thinking of, Miku was singing much higher than that in the chorus. I think the song was a little calmer than the one you linked as well.

(Though I do really like the song you linked, so thank you!)

edit: If it helps, I think there may be an illustration in the song I'm thinking of's video after all, but I can't remember what it could be. The video was definitely predominantly white though, and if there was any color at all, it would've been very subtle.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
The only one I can think of with Miku singing ridiculously high in a predominately white video was Azami, but it’s also a duet with Gumi, and it’s from 2013. I’m sorry!!


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
It's an ilem song- i believe a Tianyi solo- with a VERY YELLOW background, and it opens with what looks like an old VCR Anti-piracy warning.

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