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Medal (Sprite) Request Thread


Linguistics Enthusiast
Staff member
Mar 7, 2018
Like many forum sites, VocaVerse Network has a title ranking system that levels up when you increase your post count. Suggestions for how to implement sprites into the post count system were made, with the most repeated request being to let users choose their sprite set. However, the system itself was too limited to handle any of this. As well, users would have to choose between custom titles or sprites.

Well, we're excited to say that we have found a system that will let us add medals to user profiles, let users keep their custom titles, and you get to choose what sprites you get! Let me introduce the medal system.

Here is an example of what the medals look like. There is one in each of the current sprite artists' styles.
On desktop:
They appear below your avatar and above your username. The medals are aligned to the left on desktop. There is no known option to centre them. Fixed
All 4 medals examples.png
On mobile:
They appear above your username and extend to the right

As you can see, some are compressed more than others. We have not tested every medal individually and the quality of some images may be better than others after scaling. We will do our best to fix any really bad ones, but please do not expect any large changes anytime soon.

The display order is sortable in your profile:

Medals Sort.png

How it Works

The system is based on post count/messages count. The higher your post count, the more medals you can unlock.

Once you've figured out how many medals you can get, post your request in this current thread. Please list the exact name of the medal you would like (the character name as well as the artist name). You can request multiples of the same sprite if you so wish! Staff will then add them to your account when they get a chance.

You can find a full list of all available medals by clicking here! The list includes all available sprites/smilies by Chickadee, lIlI, Move->Forward, Rylitah, and Ibis.

Post Count Milestones
  • 50 posts: 1 medal
  • 100 posts: 2 medals
  • 250 posts: 3 medals
  • 450 posts: 4 medals
  • 700 posts: 5 medals
  • More to come!

In order for all of this to be fully customizable, everything in this system is done manually.
All other systems we have looked into have not allowed users to have this level of customization and/or required the replacement of another feature (such as custom titles).

Because of this, there are a few things we ask users to please keep in mind:
  1. You will not receive a notification when you reach a post milestone. Keep an eye out here to see what the milestones are! Ones that haven't been reached yet will not be posted, and we'll do our best to keep the first users to reach them informed.
  2. Please be patient with staff. Please do not contact them directly unless you have been waiting for over 3 days (72 hours).
P.S. Thanks to @Rayduxz for discovering the add-on that allows us to do this, thanks to @Bascetta for setting it up with me, and thanks to @Chickadee @lIlI @Move->Forward, @Rylitah and @Ibis for giving permission to use their sprites for this system. As well, thanks to all other staff for giving advice and looking things over.
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Thanks for this! One of my favourite XenForo features. My only suggestion for Desktop would be to centre the medals underneath people's profile pictures; it looks a little odd on the side. I'm gonna be waiting on Chickadee's sprites probably but for now, can I just get the IA Chickadee sprite?


Linguistics Enthusiast
Staff member
Mar 7, 2018
Thanks for this! One of my favourite XenForo features. My only suggestion for Desktop would be to centre the medals underneath people's profile pictures; it looks a little odd on the side. I'm gonna be waiting on Chickadee's sprites probably but for now, can I just get the IA Chickadee sprite?
Centering them isn't part of the default options, sadly (at least, we couldn't find it). We want to look into custom fixes in the future, but we can't promise anything for the current moment.

Edit: This has been fixed thanks to @Bascetta and @mobius017
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Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Awesome to have this available! I want to wait for more Chickadee sprites but for right now...could I have Avanna and Otomachi Una by lIlI?
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