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aru ii
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  • Today was the first day of high school for me. My first subject was pe, and I accidentally went to the girls gym bc I forgot that they have them split in high school. But the teacher didn't noticed it for the first 20 minutes bc of my fucking high pitched voice, and I didn't noticed that something is wrong before she sayed "ok ladies" hgfsdhgcxjvxcv
    Oh God, I know the feeling. For me, it's just that I'm spacey; one time we were visiting my brother when he was in college and I went into the men's restroom. Acknowledged the urinals, said hello to the bewildered-looking guy at the sink beside me while I washed my hands, and went a solid hour after that before it occurred to me I'd used the wrong bathroom. Thankfully people are usually graceful about those kinds of things! And happy high school!
    Good luck with high school! I just finished.
    aru ii
    aru ii
    Thank you
    Does anybody know why Nana’s & Petit’s artist changed when they got upgraded to V4? Also I have heard that the inside of their boxes has a small comic by their original artist, it kind of confuses me
    I think the V4 artist did the art for the other AHS V4s, so they changed the artist to be uniform (i think)
    How good is MAIKA at French?
    Thanks to her Catalan extras she does have more easiness (as in, less phonem editing and combination than Bruno and Clara who have regular Spanish) ; however I've strangely noticed her Us are so closed that no matter any combination, and parameters messing applied on her vocals... While Bruno and Clara pull iut off a bit better (based on when I used their trials)
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA So, I haven't checked XStudio for months, and over that time it got a ton of new vbs, and one even has a Russian name (It seems like it)
    They sound sooooooooooooo good (Also, they sound very androgynies, so idk what their gender is) Their name is
    Their name is pronounced as Yenya (Or Yeni according to the Chinese translation)
    I wonder, were there any commercial Vocal-Synths before Vocaloid and is it possible to get them now?
    LaLaVoice predated V1 (it was sort of commercial) and it can be found for free....somewhere?
    Cantor was sliiiightly after V1, but it is still available....for more than V5 lmao
    LaLaVoice was the only commercial synth I can find info on; it was originally released in 1998 I think, with an update in 2001. You can find the download pretty easily (but getting it up and running is the hard part. I had to do some DEEP digging). I’ll do some more research and see if there were other projects!
    aru ii
    aru ii
    Oh… Ihave heard of LaLaVoice, but I never knew it was older then Vocaloid. Thanks for telling ne
    Emm… can anyone please make scams for Kaito’s V1 box? I would also like to know his measurements. The scams dont’t have to be perfect because I will try recreating the box digitally. I really need to give him a home
    Man I wish I had a scanner available. I can ask another friend who I know has his box if she's able to!
    aru ii
    aru ii
    It’s ok, but can you tell me his measurements?
    Wait... Do LEON & LOLA have the same vp?
    No. Their vps are somewhat similar
    No not at all it is a bad rumor that was going around. It's been speculated that their voice providers are
    Lola - Juliet Roberts - Leon - Lance Ellington - Based on time and the names Lance and Juliet coming up in early vocaloid papers and that "LOLA's voicebank has a slight "Caribbean" accent" and Juliet has a slight caribbean accent and their voice providers are "known" similar to miriam.
    Happy birthday the holy pretzel Tianyi. I just can't express how sorry I am for not making anything for your birthday... But, since you have your 10th anniversary next year I would be able to make something for you
    • Wow
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    Wow, she sounds exactly how I imagined Luniang would
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    Is she still getting a vocal synth
    aru ii
    aru ii
    I don't think so. But, a lot of mascots in China have been getting vbs lately, so I have hope for Luniang and Lorra since their characters aren't dead (but it probably won't be vocaloid)
    Shit... its less then a week until Tianyi's birthday and I so far have done nothing for it
    I just noticed that Len & Luka English sound very similar
    Scarlet Illusion
    Scarlet Illusion
    Well, I know Yuu Asakawa (Luka's VP) had helped Fujita Saki (Miku's vp) with English when she had to record Miku's English--maybe it's the same case for the Kagamines? Also makes sense given Len and Luka are both "chest" voices! Of course, this is all just theoretical on my part.
    afaik bunch of samples from Luka got reused for Len?
    Scarlet Illusion
    Scarlet Illusion
    I've heard that as well, but I haven't really seen any solid evidence confirming it? If I had both Len and Luka English, I'd try to run some tests to see if that's the case, but afaik that whole thing was debunked a long time ago.:luka_move:
    I spend 2 days trying to make midi play sound in cake walk, only to found out that my audio is too loud and idk how to make it quieter :mikoto_lili:
    Turn the volume fader down by open the console view
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    aru ii
    aru ii
    After a long time, the ice cream man finally came "sorry for him being upsidedown"
    I just got home from school. Even tho this year was terrible, this day, in particular, was great! We did not have any lessons today, so all we did is played cards for candy "in the end I almost won all of them, but this girl's cards were a bit better than mine s I was only left with 3 candies TT^TT" I also exchanged numbers with someone, and this does not happen very often. Even tho I'm I a good mood, there is still a feeling that something can be wrong, idk
    It’s the last day of middle school today “8th grade”. Idk how I feel about it. I didn’t really liked this year, but I don’t want to go to 9th grade next year. And on top of that we only got a 2 month summer
    Ugh, same! Last day of 9th grade for me is coming up soon. I had such a terrible year ngl so I'm kinda glad its over.
    9th grade sucks for everyone, but 10th and onward are said to be pretty good.
    Here is my Vocaloid tier list. I am not really sure about everyone ion columns B through D, since they change a lot
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    yes! finally, a tier list where SONiKA ISN'T in a low tier! Thank you!
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