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  • I haven't been too active here lately, though I've checked daily to see if there's any interesting new topics here, but it seems Vocaverse forums have been relatively quiet for the past few weeks.
    First Sound Future
    First Sound Future
    Didn't Zero-g also say it will not be a new voicebank? So I don't think the next week will be that busy but who knows, it might be something big and exciting that's not a vb. Athough I'm not sure how much can it be that for Vocaloid fans if it's not a vb...
    First Sound Future
    First Sound Future
    I didn't catch the whole podcast either, I saw it mentioned in a tweet that seems to be deleted now. orz
    I kinda have a feeling that next week, Zero-g will have non-ZG Vocaloids on their website. I seem to remember them asking if the fans would for example like to be able to buy Miku on their website. I'm interested in what's going to happen next week, even if I'd prefer to see new Vocaloids from them. ^^;;
    Bye bye Japan, my flight home is leaving soon. Hope to come back for next year's Magical Mirai
    How did you leave Japan during a storm? Did you successfull?
    I flew out from Narita and the weather was very nice. Even the typhoon that hit Kansai area few days earlier didn't affect my flight in any way. Now I'm at home, it's nice to be back.
    The Magical Mirai live concert was great! So many good songs, I won't spoil the setlist here tho.
    Tomorrow I'll head to Tokyo, and next weekend it's Magical Mirai again :D
    When I was about to leave Magical Mirai today, I was interviewed for Deutsche Welle. It was a fairly short interview about my experience and relationship to Vocaloids. He said it'll broadcast on Deutsche Welle radio in about two weeks. I'm just so embarrassed about my bad English>_<
    With all these WonFes figure announcements in mind, I have to start saving some money and working extra hours so that I can afford the 5 or 6 Miku figures I simply need to have.
    I've been trying to draw Luka but it's not going well. I think I did her body pretty well, but for some reason her head causes difficulties. I stopped counting how many times I've redrawn her... sometimes I feel I'm not making any progress with my drawing practice.
    When you start to see things that you want to adjust or improve upon, that is part of improving!
    I know what you mean about her head. Just remember what I said in your threads about manga girl heads. Their foreheads are really big; including the top of her head, it's 3x the size of her eyes.

    BTW, you just reminded me of the drawing practice book I have. I should draw Luka too.
    I think I finally managed to draw her head okay. I think I'll let it sit for a couple of days and then see if it looks good or not. (I noticed that it's good to leave your drawing for a while, it's easier to spot mistakes when you have "a fresh look" on it later)
    I'm beat. 12-hour shift at work involving a decent amount of heavy lifting really wears you out. Thank goodness it's weekend.
    Yesterday I started my last internship before graduation. I've been so busy! As a truck driver I don't even drive long distances, but the workdays are long and I don't seem to have that much spare time. Oh well, this is the best way to learn my future job.
    About to reach a new level of otaku-ness; got my first Miku dakimakura cover this week (just for the record, it's family friendly). Now I just need the actual pillow...
    Two new (second hand) prize figures joined my Miku collection today. They came from Mandarake along with other stuff. Unfortunately 2012 Racing Miku has a nasty smell of tobacco smoke on her:(
    Aww that's annoying about the tobacco smoke.
    I heard you can get tobacco smell away using hairspray.
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    I think I got rid of the smell quite well with a gentle soap wash followed by wiping the figure with water-vinegar mix. But thanks for the tip!
    Thanks for all the positive comments on my previous status! Maybe I'll post my drawings here once finished for the sake of getting advice. I draw by hand, so the quality might not be much, but I think it's okay since I'm a beginner, plus I don't have any tools for digital drawing. I've inked my drawing for the most part, it's just that mistakes show up easier now and there's alot of correcting to do.
    It doesn't have to be digital to be good O: Most of my favourite artworks I've commissioned have been traditional drawing. They are just as beautiful, just a different :D
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    Like Bascetta said, digital/by hand are different media, but neither is intrinsically "better" than the other. Art done by hand has a proud heritage! Just depends on how you want to create going forward.

    If you really want digital tools, though, there are lots available for free. I was just reading elsewhere on the forums about Krita (https://vocaverse.network/threads/drawing-digitally-whats-wrong-with-my-layers.
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    Should I try drawing fanart? Today was a bit boring so I made some sketches for fun. Now I have motivation to try and make a finished drawing, I only lack skill >_<
    My art so far has been so bad that I've thrown most away, but this time I'm going to try hard.
    It's best to take advantage if you're motivation when you have it! As Move stated, you'll improve the more you do it :D and try not to be too critical of yourself, many artists struggle with this and once you get past that, you'll learn how to improve off of your previous works. Good luck!
    Just do it! And if you share it, people can help you improve.
    Go for it! Even if your first artworks won't be satisfying - whatever. The worst you can get is a wasted hour. It's nothing compared to the great stuff that you can get when your art becomes better and better. And Miku-sama LOVES artists. ;)
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