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Miku Expo 2024 Europe


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Dates are quite what I expected.
I'm disappointed for personal reasons, because the chance of getting time off work are slim at best around that time (basically the busiest time of the year for my company). At best I could make a swift touch-and-go in either London or Berlin since they're both on a Saturday. Not sure yet if I'll do it at all. A month later would've been fine, and from then until April would've been great. Oh well, I have Magical Mirai at least to go to.

As for locations, pretty much as expected too, though two locations in Germany and no Spain this time around is perhaps a small surprise. (Though Germany getting two separate shows is understandable).
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Passionate Fan
Apr 13, 2018
Count me in for London!!! Wasn’t 100% following the NA dates but I was convinced that Europe would only be 2025 at this point but I’m glad they’re even sooner! Already booked off the Friday prior and I’m very ready for the ticket sale day 😭

This will also be my very first Miku concert experience if all goes well and I’m so excited already!
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crying over Rune Factory 6
Jul 5, 2018
I can actually go to Düsseldorf! Hope I can slighty change my time off, since that would begin the very next week so I can go and have fun ahhh 😭❤


*Luna fan number one
Jul 30, 2022
So happy they are finally coming to Europe again! I'll attend the one in Düsseldorf
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No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
Was nice that they sold them via eventim in Germany. Honestly a decent ticket website.
Unlike the magical mirai disaster with accomodation plan every year, it just... worked. Expensive, but sure whatever.
Got 3 VIP tickets. When I checked after they were sold out already, so they were gone in under 10 minutes.

Hope the rest of the NA tour will have a REAL projection (first concert was very controversial because it was just a screen I heard...) as well as the Europe one! Going to Düsseldorf. Will be quite a contrast after Magical Mirai in Tokyo but well, wanna support Miku coming to Germany too still even if it isn't quite as good as in Japan naturally! :-)


Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
Hope the rest of the NA tour will have a REAL projection (first concert was very controversial because it was just a screen I heard...) as well as the Europe one! Going to Düsseldorf. Will be quite a contrast after Magical Mirai in Tokyo but well, wanna support Miku coming to Germany too still even if it isn't quite as good as in Japan naturally! :-)
I certainly hope they address that. I want to believe Vancouver was some sort of technical problem and they just made do with the best alternative. I've been to fan-made events that did pretty well with office projectors and plastic wrap, so using a big TV really seems janky and not what was advertised for an event that costs a significant amount of money per ticket.


Apr 13, 2018
i didn't ask for details, but there might have been some logistics issues, and after seeing these videos, I know the screen was actually very good in terms of quality (I think is a microLED display) and it helped to have good viewing angles and to avoid reflections of the lights stage, especially because that concert was going to be filmed officially:
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Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
I think what's affecting this set up is how easy it is to see the borders of the screen, which kills the illusion they're trying to create. Compared to other shows that use LED screens, this stage feels a lot more amateur. For example:

Compared to:

By hiding the borders and having a 3D model of the stage on the screen that matches the perspective of the venue, it creates a very convincing illusion.

I think if they couldn't affording the stage dressing to pull off a LED screen, sticking to the glass screen would have been the better choice - especially if they want to use lighting behind it.
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Dareka tasukete!
Apr 8, 2018
???, New York
The issue I'm seeing is that people are paying 300 to 600 USD for tickets, expecting the projection experience, and then having an LED screen instead. It's not what those people payed for. From what I understand, the social media accounts haven't said anything about it yet.
Edit: fixed pricing. Also, according to facebook, tonight's venue only had 90 light sticks for sale.
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I feel like I don't really know enough to say anything. I don't know if the choice of the TV vs. the glass is just for one show, or if it's the design of the tour in general. I also don't know the reason for the decision to use the TV.

Having said that, I can easily understand why people would be upset to get into the show and find a large TV on the stage. It's just my opinion, and one I'm not sure how many people share, but I think it gets back to the reason vocal synth concerts exist at all. Concerts exist to break the barrier between things that exist only as imagination and things that exist in reality. When people see characters they love, who've carried them positivity during difficult times, who connect them to others who feel similarly and do similar things as they all (real and imaginary) work together toward whatever better future they hope for, come to life on stage, it's a powerful experience. By bringing these characters into our world, turning one of the expectations of reality on its head, it converts what is hopelessly impossible into something hopeful.

The issue isn't really with the lack of the glass--it's the fact that people have seen TVs every day. They are a known thing that brings imagined things into one's home, but only within the confines of its frame. That's an understanding of TVs that, I'd imagine, every modern TV viewer accepts. So, rather than breaking the imaginary/real barrier, seeing a TV on stage reinforces it.

(I guess, as an aside, that's something I'd like to say to any vocal synth fan who is reading and is willing to accept the conceit of my sharing the opinion: when you go to a concert, don't forget why you came. It would be easy to get wrapped up in trivial things, getting distracted by...whatever. But if what I said before resonates with you...don't forget what's important.)

Having said all of that, I could readily understand why they might have chosen to use a TV, given the set design. With all the lights (which I imagine, given the superhero theme, might be drawing out a couple of buildings' worth of lines), it might've been seen as the best way to avoid having glare wash out the singers rather badly. It sure looks like there's a lot of light up there.

Also, according to facebook, tonight's venue only had 90 light sticks for sale.
The buying for purpose of reselling we saw a month or so ago might have contributed to that.
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Dareka tasukete!
Apr 8, 2018
???, New York
The buying for purpose of reselling we saw a month or so ago might have contributed to that.
Yeah I forgot about that. They really should've had enough reserved for the concert sales though.

I'm seeing some images that the Portland show is an LED screen too.

edit: Wait, this is the Expo Europe thread not the US thread. Oops, sorry about posting in the wrong thread.
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Official Piko Husband
Apr 17, 2018
I can't believe that no one from MikuExpo has given any statement about the screen yet.
It's not a minor thing not to be announced in advance either.

Years of concerts with a type of display (I think the only exception was Mikupa 2011, and it was a huge controversy at the time), practically tied to Hatsune Miku's image.
If it's not false advertising, then it's at least disingenuous.


crying over Rune Factory 6
Jul 5, 2018
The TV screen in itself isn't bad but the set dressing makes it look awful. Would I prefer the transparent screen for Europe? Hell yeah, it was amazing in 2018. But if they go with the LED please please please let them invest in better lighting and set dressing so it doesn't look... like it does now in the US Tour... it's sad.

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