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  • One day I’ll sit down and use any of the VSynths I own and learn the basics of song covers. One day for sure. That day is not today I’m afraid 😩
    I am actually so goddamned excited that The Sims finally has a noteworthy competitor. Life By You looks insaneeee
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    Ohh my! Looks pretty good! I just hope they stylize their art because the semi realistic thing can't simply beat the whole art visual The Sims has in my opinion.
    Yeah that’s one thing I really hope they improve along with the UI! They’ve mentioned they intend to improve the visuals already at least, I hope that extends to the characters as well
    Paradox is a cool developer, so I hope this is good. I guess after Cities Skylines, it only made sense to take on The Sims next!

    It kinda surprised me how... normal? the trailer looked? The Sims and SimCity have been demolished by EA over the years. Even though the latest entries can be fun, they really do lack the personality of earlier games, in my opinion. Everything feels so... overpolished? If that makes sense?

    I'm more into SimCity than The Sims, and it did kind of feel that Cities Skylines went after the super professional/functional look, albeit with much better execution than EA. Even though everything in the game worked, it ended up not feeling like that much fun because there was very little personality to speak of. I think most SimCity players looked for that balance between real city planning and fictional gamification.

    And yeah, I guess for that reason the stylized realistic graphics put me off. Even though the Sims games had graphics that looked like people, the technical limitations created a barrier of separation that made it feel like we were anthropomorphizing the Sims, where the Sims were their own 'species' almost with their own universe, instead of the Sims literally being real-life human beings. So it was funny when they got struck by lightning or wandered into the woods, not offputting. I hope that doesn't hold them back. It looks like this will be even more of a sandbox game than the Sims with less focus on a gameplay loop. I think some people will adore that, though.

    TL;DR, I hope it's a game with lots of personality and just a bit of structure to get things rolling.
    Recent galaco stuff makes me wish she got an AI upgrade so bad, I think it’d favour her so much although odds are pretty slim 😩 Kou shibasaki’s voice is so beautiful
    Reading abt the Kagepro copyright situation & wishing even more that IA/ONE weren’t handled by 1st Place 😶
    It's real shame, I am fond of IA and ONE as products, especially became fond of IA's Cevio vbs, but all that's been going on with 1st PLACE recently makes me just feel so yucky, I do share the sentiment with blackout that I wish they'd be in someone else's hands.
    Pico has said the biggest part of it but also their general handling of the series has been pretty awful especially after Jin left the company circa 2018-ish, the general silence on any previously announced projects like the new LN or Mekakucity Reload anime while constantly milking the series with merch and weird investments like an overprice Kagepro smartphone (?), with all that culminating in the NFT announcement fiasco during the latest Kagepro anniversary 😶 most recently it was found out that apparently the Kagepro IP has been sold to some incredibly random company that sponsors some football club and does golf lessons???? The Jin staff account recently tweeted that they don’t even know what’s up with the IP ownership anymore and it’s still all under investigation.

    It’s… very messy and it’s pretty clear at this point that Jin & 1st Place had a pretty bad falling out, but I think this most recent discovery rly pushed it into completely ridiculous with this apparent discard of the series & their disrespect of Jin in general like he wasn’t the backbone of most of their success during the past decade or so

    And while this is not even close to as serious as the Kagepro situation I also got my bone to pick with their handling of IA & ONE’s characters as well & how trying to push them as these virtual idol types feels a bit too detached from their original Vocaloid scene roots so my view of 1st Place has gotten pretty poor as time passed (and I used to think pretty highly of them in this regard!!!! The IA compilation albums they used to release rly were some of the best) but I rly enjoy their Cevio banks as well though despite all their fuckery.. IA AI might be my favourite version of her BUT on that same note of how they handle them they really kind of fumbled her initial showing with demo choices & etc..

    it just feels like they lost vision of why ppl liked IA and it’s upsetting seeing the wasted potential of who once was my #1 Vocaloid fjfkslflh
    Admittedly, I feel like it's also worth noting Jin has had bad fallouts with both Crypton and other producers in the past, so this situation might not be ENTIRELY on 1st place....
    Eye twitching at random ppl hating on V6 and claiming Gumi AI is just her V4 trained with well tuned VSQs… lord spare my brain
    My guess is that Chinese support IS finished, or at least nearing completion, but with the vast majority of their market speaking Japanese or English they went ahead and launched with those two languages. Either way, Chinese support in the near future is guaranteed! (Though I certainly wouldn’t have complained at the thought of using Gumi for Chinese right out of the box…)
    I know I'm coming back to a buried status but I've now seen people just straight up claim V6 AI...isn't....AI...based on the sound and it reminded me of this rtyui
    “This AI has its own distinct sound and isn’t just a mimic of SynthV and Ace? FAKERS, OBVIOUSLY GLORIFIED STANDARDS” GOD people are stupid.
    Still find it odd how like, not advertised the Dynamics feature on Cevio seems to be. Idk about CCS but it makes such a big difference on AI cuz it actually makes the song bank more powerful/softer & it even adapts the auto tuning when you do it. Maybe it’s just the general lack of eng resources that makes it seem this way but it took me a while to even find out about it and it was a game changer when I did!! I’ve definitely seen others who didn’t know about it either & I’m pretty sure it’s been there since release. It’s pretty effective with every bank but it gagged me the most with IA AI cuz at her most powerful she rly brings out those Lia pipes outta her lol
    Cerāgi <º•
    Cerāgi <º•
    Is there a Dynamics feature? 👀
    aru ii
    aru ii
    I feel like most banks don't react to dynamics that much. Although the banks from the isotope series are very reactive to dynamics
    Just found out about the dynamics tab on cevio AI and damn why was it hidden by default?? It works pretty nicely to make vocals sound powerful or softer which is all I wanted 😭
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