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General Discussion Thread


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
So I was listening to a Vocaloid EDM mix on Youtube and this song was included. The mix just credited the author and Miku, but I'm like 90% sure I hear Yuki too, especially on the drawn out notes (classic breathy Yuki). I tried to Google briefly and didn't come with any concrete results, but what do you guys think?

Definitely sweet little Yuki there. I actually hear her more than I hear Miku. Her tone is very easily recognizable imo
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Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Haven't seen this brought up yet

The CEO of AVA seems to be leaving. Don't know how this will effect AVA or LUMi and kinda curios if this is caused from LUMi not selling very well...I got a machine translation but it's probably better to have someone actually translate this
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but does anyone know what Sweet Ann and ZOLA are like to use?
Sweet Ann is fun. I use her in V4, for reference. She *was* originally made for V1 and ported to V2 at the last second, so there are some obvious quality blips here and there, but they're not too common. If you're okay with spending some time giving her phonemes some TLC, she can sound really understandable. As with most any Engloid, her hard consonant transitions need the most attention, I will say that.

Something I like to do is try to emulate a glottal stop at the ends of words like "heart" where we don't really say the t, but there's an obvious end to the word -- by putting something softer like a d and then cutting DYN to 0 right at the start of that sound, and Ann gives the best results with that sort of thing, of the 'loids I've tested with it. Someone like Ruby, made for American accented singing, might be a little better to be fair, but yeah. Ann's fun. Get her if you can :)


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Would anyone watch a YouTube show where western producers are interviewed and explain elements of one of their songs like the lyrics, music theory etc?
I would definitely be interested in something like that. I love watcbing those kinds of videos from musicians/producers, but seeing it with Vocaloid producers would be teally cool too.


Watakushi, Aero de gozaimasu!
Apr 8, 2018
Montréal, Canada
How popular is Xin Hua? What do people even think of her? Girl's got two updates but she's completely out of my radar. All I know is that she has pretty much the same colours as Rion v3 but some people somewhere liked her anyways. She even has the same official age as Rion. That's all I know.
Ok so I can't say a lot of things about her chinese as I don't like chinese vocaloid, but her japanese voice is very nice. She got some usage, I know kinoshita and Nulut did songs with her so... And I really like her design, I can't even see the ressemblance between Rion and her, never even thought about it (even though I like her design too)
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New Fan
Jul 20, 2018
Where do you think a Vocaloid thread full of "great songs" would go? Not a recommendation one, just a thread of good songs of any genre. I'll listen to basically anything and any 'Loid so doing this individually seems... counterproductive. I'm not sure if it would go in General? Or "music releases"???


Mar 25, 2018
Where do you think a Vocaloid thread full of "great songs" would go? Not a recommendation one, just a thread of good songs of any genre. I'll listen to basically anything and any 'Loid so doing this individually seems... counterproductive. I'm not sure if it would go in General? Or "music releases"???
I think the general Fandom area would be the best place for that.
Here's a recommendation I have for you if you want to check it out! Shiny Days by UNITED CATS ft. Megurine Luka.

Questions like these may go in the Feedback & Suggestions section.

Edit: Could you put in your thread a reminder about having just three embedded videos per post? We have had some issues with lagging from too many embedded videos. Wouldn't want that to happen to your thread! Direct links are just fine!
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feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
I love how Sweet Ann got a really elegant design for her Taiwanese release, and Prima got a really cute one.

But the guys... Big Al looks like an anime self insert OC, and Tonio is just WHAT
imo I like Tonio's Taiwanese design the most of the taiwan group (which is probably an unpopular opinion tbh lol) I loved Sweet Ann's and Sonika's designs, and while I like Prima's I think it really doesn't fit her at all tbh? it's such a cute design you expect almost like a moe voice but instead it's Miss Opera Prima and it really doesn't match at all. I love Prima to bits tho so I'm really picky about her designs bc most of the designs ppl use don't really fit her anyway imo. Big Al's design I think is kinda stupid I agree. he kinda looks like a Kingdom Hearts reject design and I don't really like that tbh lol. The Taiwan designs are very hit or miss for me

I feel like Tonio's design, while out there, actually fits him bc of it's odd choices. Like it's very large and magical and telling of some story, just like an opera. It's weird and quirky and I think weird and quirky fits an opera Vocaloid just as much as a simple guy in a suit. Frankly I wish more ppl used more magical or gorgeous designs for both Prima and Tonio. This is actually my favorite Prima fan design, and I wish it got more traction bc it's so damn gorgeous and I think actually fits her


Aspiring Fan
Apr 8, 2018
^What you said about Taiwan Prima is pretty much how I feel about all of the Taiwan designs: they would all be fine if they actually bothered to make them have the right age/body type for the voice they're supposedly attached too. For that reason, Tonio and Sonika are the only Taiwan designs I like (Sweet Ann's is still a bit too young looking for my taste, but if she were aged up by even a few years she would be OK)

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