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General Discussion Thread

Stardust Daydreamer

~ Magic, Mental Health, and Music ~
Apr 9, 2018
@ Anyone who writes vocal synth music or wants to write it: Does anyone else have a favorite Vocaloid/UTAU/other synth, but none of your song ideas fit with that synth?

I love Galaco, but I have trouble figuring out how I see her in terms of headcanons and coming up with song ideas for her. It’s not just because she’s a Japanese Vocaloid either; I seem to be able to come up with song ideas for Lily and Matcha fairly easily, and both are JP only. I really want to write some Galaco songs, so it’s frustrating....


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
@ Anyone who writes vocal synth music or wants to write it: Does anyone else have a favorite Vocaloid/UTAU/other synth, but none of your song ideas fit with that synth?

I love Galaco, but I have trouble figuring out how I see her in terms of headcanons and coming up with song ideas for her. It’s not just because she’s a Japanese Vocaloid either; I seem to be able to come up with song ideas for Lily and Matcha fairly easily, and both are JP only. I really want to write some Galaco songs, so it’s frustrating....
Oh yeah, definitely. I love Miku specifically, but I can't for the life of me write a song for her. I don't know why, but nothing I do fits for her and it ends up far better for another singer. I have the same trouble with Cyber Diva too, but to a much lesser extent.


Mar 25, 2018
This isn't quite what I do, but perhaps it will help you or at least give you a start.
You could try to figure out what genre works best for that voice synth (in this case, Galaco) and then after that, think about song ideas that fit that genre.
Maybe there's a certain genre that just works really well for her.
Or instead, figure out what genre you'd like to hear her with more (which could be the same as above).


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
On the Taiwanese designs, I actually like most of them for what they are, Tonio and Sonika's are the best? Al's looks a little silly and is too young for him, but it's still fun. Ann's is really pretty, just again a bit immature for her voice. But I actually genuinely despise Prima's. Like, it's so animu moe, and while all the others have a "regular" and a "chibi" design, she just has her chibi and then... another one that's pretty much chibi again. I have such a grudge against that design I swear...

But that Prima design from DA was so gorgeous omg

Anywho, I'm excited to see what new releases will start to pick up here soon. Checking the news forum every few days or so :)


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
I agree so much on Prima. I think it's a really cute design but it just like... it's not Prima lol. I refuse to see it as Prima, even if I HC'd it as like her magical girl form it still doesn't feel like Prima lol. That design could probably pass as a Tohoku sister tbh. Prima got the shaft when it came to designs I think

I agree about Sweet Ann! she has a wonderful design and I give it a pass, but I do also think it's very young looking for her


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
if I had to pick between her Taiwan design and her common yandere prima with the short hair and red dress design, then I'd pick her taiwan design-- bc even if it doesn't fit her at all for me, it at least looks cute. I hate the common fan design for prima more than her taiwan design tbh

in general I prefer the design where she has a long black ponytail and a pink and black outfit, that at least looks pretty close to how I imagine her


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
That's true, I do prefer Taiwan to the cutesy short haired yandere ^

I tend to just imagine her with a high, neat bun (since on her boxart it looks like her hair is pulled back entirely, can't see any bangs or anything) and put her in a sleek black dress. Nice, but nothing too fancy, and in a group people tend to get who she's meant to be, even if it isn't a popular fan design *shrug*
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crying over Rune Factory 6
Jul 5, 2018

This was released today and it's so bad. So so so bad.
I can't even deal with how bad that clip is. You can't use something that bad for promotion omg
I made a thread on twitter explaining why it's so bad. But man.. am I the only one?
Please don't tell me I'm the only one that noticed asdfkfdg
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
That's really interesting to see from your more informed perspective! I didn't quite like it because it felt "off" but to see the issues put in words is nice. Thanks for posting!

I do still like the song though, even if I usually can't really stand IA Eng's ahh, thin quality? Not sure, but this is one of the rare uses I like :)
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crying over Rune Factory 6
Jul 5, 2018
I like the song too! It's really good but to promote it with such a.. bad.. video is. Sad.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Yes! True... ^^;;

Also, here's something interesting. I think a lot of people know about Tonio's schwa glitch (tldr, using [@] on note D3 or above causes the editor to use up all available memory and asks you to shut the program down). This is posted on ZG's site and everything, and I've always found that as long as you check the note pitch, you can deal with it pretty well (and his schwa is pretty decent on notes below D3). But today I was messing with a VSQ and put [@] on a note on B2 and it did the same thing it would if I'd put it above D3. I was really confused, so I specified the exact note this happened on and sent the VSQ to a friend, and it happened to him too. Putting [@] on a different note on B2 played fine. I can't figure why this happened.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Ah sorry, it was V4. I had played through the VSQ a few times -- with Tonio I do a general playthrough to see if it'll crash (it didn't), and then again to hear pronunciation since that tends to be the first thing I mess with before doing more general tuning.

The notes before were all in a safe range, but the note immediately after does jump to E3. I wonder if that could have something to do with it?


Mar 25, 2018
The phonemes of the notes before it could have affected the note with the [@] in it. I.e. if the note before it was "cat", then that with the combination of the [@] note may have caused a t -> @ sound to be produced, or perhaps NOT produced if no sound file was found for it at that range.
...well, this is a hypothesis, at least. I don't actually know how VOCALOID works.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I think you're on the right track. Like I said, all the notes before hand were in the "safe range", so I can only think that maybe the note after it affected. It was one word split over the two "safe" and "unsafe" notes as well, if the editor cares about that. I don't really know enough to say :P

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