EDIT: ninja’d
Hopefully some answers for you:
The second point of the first image (goal 8) is about providing 100 Itako voice lines (like exVOICE, but no brand name)
The first point says 商標申請 which means “trademark application” for Zunko, Kiritan, Itako, and Zundamon.
I don’t really know how trademarking them benefits the users, but maybe I’m missing something.
The second image (goal 9) is about making Kiritan MMVC compatible, and I think another 100 Itako voice samples. MMVC means “many to many voice conversion”, so you talk into your mic and a different voice comes out. As far as I know MMVC is a general descriptor for this kind of technology and research, but there is an open-source client and trainer on GitHub that they would presumably be referencing. Nicodict entry:
MMVCとは (エムエムブイシーとは) [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科
One of the GitHub projects:
GitHub - isletennos/MMVC_Client: AIを使ったリアルタイムボイスチェンジャー(client)
Zundamon already has a lib for this, Kenzaki Mesuo and some other characters popular on Niconico are also on the docket.