The Q&A is complete! We hope to have an audio recording published on VocaTone's channel, all tech willing.
I have typed up notes while listening, please bear in mind that I was also moderating the chat at the time, so don't take my wording as gospel, nor is this a complete summary of everything that was said. This is all paraphrasing and there is a chance I misheard. Cluemily has also provided
her own transcription, feel free to cross-check between us!
Disclaimer over, let's go!
Things VocaTone has completed
The software flowchart
GUI design
Phonetic dictionaries and recording lists for all languages listed in OP
Their goal is $35,000 for programming, promo, and merchandise. They have been approached with grants as alternative methods of funding.
VocaTone and Misbah Studios are two arms of one entity, one aimed at the community and one aimed at professionals outside the fandom. Misbah previously produced libraries based on rare instruments and worked with bands.
Planned features
AI to give automatic suggestions for every parameter
Physical version likely to be a USB drive rather than a CD due to the obsolescence of CD drives
At least four to five pitches
Ability to switch between XSAMPA, Arphabet, and more
Public demos when the software is ready
More centralised method of purchasing voicebanks so all are easy to buy
Develop for educational and cultural preservation purposes
Max donation tier is $5,000
Colour themes for characters, as well as light mode and dark mode
Edits made by drawing waveforms, inspired by V1's palettes
Pitch editing is similar to DeepVocal
All aspects of the phoneme can be edited
Support for Windows and Mac
Not open source
You can choose which languages you buy for a character, bundles will be discounted
Multithreaded program
Things they intend to try or are open to considering
AI suggestions for genre and emotion
Tutorials on using the software and music composition
They have contacted a vocalist with the deepest style of singing voice, and two multilingual jazz singers from Brazil and Algeria, and more
They are not looking for third party applications until the software is complete, but they are interested in working with independent groups to expand into new markets - would not need to be a company. SDK price will be public once ready.
Job plugins for microtones
Accessibility features, such as for the dyslexic and hard of hearing
Linux support
Working with other companies for collaboration or support
Voices of deceased signers based on impersonators or with permission from their estate
Different styles, like opera, idol, death metal, and country
Expand the Asian market beyond Japan and China, to places such as India
They cannot confirm
Updates for previous Vocaloids
~Fun facts~
Aurum is based on a 1930s radio producer, inspired by the famous broadcast adaptation of
War of the Worlds, and gold.
Audine is based on silver, and the novel
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
When we first heard about Ausgris, they were actually working on five voicebanks for VOCALOID. Three of their names were Era, Nyx, and Weston. It was not mentioned whether they'll be resurrected on Maghni AI.