There's a lot of things I would like to talk about from that Q&A but I'll keep short to the main thing that irked me while reading it. VocaTone claims that they have learnt from when they were developing Oliver but to be very honest, I don't see that at all. I've been in the fandom for some years, most might remember the whole Planty incident and every dumpster fire since and you would think a company that has successfully worked on Vocaloids before, fans of the community, would have a better handle on things when they know how things go the way it is going right now.
For starters, they said they've been working on this idea for the past 3 years, but even though they've done all this work, there isn't any running code for the synth they want us to financially back? We cannot see a mockup of the GUI. There's no test renders of the vocals with a free program such as UTAU. Hell, we even have to pay just to hear what the VPs sound like. I don't know if it's just me, but this whole endeavour feels so poorly executed that I just want to cry.
Anyone would know that anyone who is trying to raise money, either as an individual or a company, would bring a proof of concept of what they intend to do. Alright, there's no functioning code of the GUI nor its engine. I could work with that. You got no tests, whether synthesised or samples from the VPs themselves, though they managed to create dictionaries and have support for multiple languages (?) despite the entire thing still being in psuedocode. Hmm, strange but I'll allow that as well. But then they manage to trip over their feet every day since the announcement.
You gave us a 53 second announcement video that honestly does nothing but generate hype. Great! Hype is always a nice way to get your name out there, but then you released a FB post, and then an impromptu Q&A, a follow up to that Q&A, and then the Q&A yesterday and from then till now the amount of information that has changed, the number of contradictions, the general vibe of the whole thing is completely unprofessional and really isn't something I expect from people who've been in this business (though inactive) for a while now.
We've seen teams do announcements for Vocaloids with actual test samples and the like but they failed because of poor management and proper planning, but you guys want to make a synth from the ground up, with extensive language support and neural network features and somehow give off a far more disorganised demeanour. You speak of trying to get grants, partnering with schools to use as a learning tool, and a lot of other things that really shouldn't be the main focus at this point in time. VocaTone is trying to make a synth, alright! Make the GUI, record the voicebanks, code the engine and build from there. Everything, and I mean everything outside of that is a stretch goal at the moment because planning all of that makes no sense if you cannot get off the ground.
Last but not least, the concern about funding. I touched on the proof of concept earlier but I need to emphasise that again. The community has been through enough as it is with lofty projects and goals that flopped because of proper planning and management. The fact that we have to pay money just to hear what the VPs sound like with the excuse of "well, we can't do anything if we have no money (smiley face)" doesn't sit well with me at all. Ameya made UTAU, and many developers have contributed code to it in the form of plugins and resamplers for free. Kanru Hua made Moresampler, a resampler for UTAU, before moving on to create Synthesizer V and we can all see just how successful that was considering there is still a free option already. So if those individuals could have done that without money, at the very least you guys should have a proper document outline all of your plans and how you intend to get them done with proper marketing materials to get the support of others instead of this poorly executed return from the dead.
I wish VocaTone all the best, I really do but after everything I've seen in this community, and the new low that this project has brought in regards to fundraising, I would not be supporting this financially. I do hope you guys are more organised than what is being shown to the public but I guess only time will tell.