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Other Maghni AI by VocaTone Studio and Misbah Studios


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
A quote from the Q & A
"Q: I mean long-time synth supporters like myself know betas sound... not the best, but to show there IS a product is also important. Like... I'm ready to drop 1k+ on this because I loved how Aurum sounded back in his beta on vocaloid, simply his vocal tone, so I'm just hoping for even just a very early beta. Of course, that's obviously up to yall! haha
god i spend too much on synths :lisa:
but its all i buy lmao
A: Oh Aurum sounds even better now
Their provider has greatly improved at singing"
So it looks like the voice provider is the same.


Jul 18, 2019
Oh no put I hope their improvement helps the final product. Also I hope this doesn't hurt the base perception for the end software
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Feb 27, 2019
At the moment I'm pretty interested in the project, and not just because I want to see a new synth from the western side of things. For a few years now, I've been thinking that there are a lot of things that could be done on the engine side of development to not only allow for a greater range of language output but also cut down on the number of samples needed to make a voicebank. There's a lot of documentation on how we manipulate our tongue/teeth/lips/etc to form every different phoneme across ALL languages, and there are already examples of audio software that mimics the effects that those movements have on a sound passing through our "instrument." If a developer can utilize that information for a Vocaloid style vocal synthesizer, that would allow for more sounds (aka an almost infinite amount of language outputs) with fewer samples. Since Vocatone has said they've been working with audio engineers and linguists on this project, I get the feeling that's the direction this new engine is taking. That would also explain why they're only starting to get programmers on board NOW if those three years of development have mostly been focused on researching the science of phonetics and redesigning the basic structure of your typical vocal synth to incorporate that research.



GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
I'm quite excited? For them the females design is amazing imo wish we got a voice sample for them both but I can wait for that I suppose! Design wise they are some of my favorite vocalsynth designs recently which is exciting!

Edit: omg she has sheep horns even cuter i thought they were cookies for some god unknown reason


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I know people have a right to opinions and the right to be skeptical and I encourage it to be shared, but can you please not harshly insult the voice actors or teams members? They are actively checking all feedback on VocaVerse, Twitter, and Discord and taking it very seriously. Even though I am simply a translator and not helping with the technical aspects (programming/audio/synthesis of Maghni AI), I have talked to the other team members and they are extremely kind people. Please try to word your insults less brutally because they are actively reading this and are actual people/vocal synth community members as well.
Forgive me if this sounds a bit, I dunno, blunt?, but I don’t think anything just needlessly harsh has been said. Complaints about a VB’s tone or the shady way that they’re proceeding with this are all valid, I feel, and they needn’t be sugar-coated. It would be one thing if these were Utaus in development, and if that were the case, I’d actively encourage kindness and gentleness. Development of commercial synths is a whole ‘nother bread basket. Concerns regarding the quality and transparency need to be said. If people can be similarly harsh toward, say, Crypton or AHS, it doesn’t seem fair to say similar complaints can’t be made against another company just because they’re smaller. I don’t doubt the people working on this are good people, but they can’t take criticisms personally if their aim is a commercial synth.

Ah, pardon my soapbox! I really do hope they succeed with this, but unless they really take people’s concerns into account all I can pledge to is just standing back and watching.


Oct 8, 2019
Forgive me if this sounds a bit, I dunno, blunt?, but I don’t think anything just needlessly harsh has been said. Complaints about a VB’s tone or the shady way that they’re proceeding with this are all valid, I feel, and they needn’t be sugar-coated. It would be one thing if these were Utaus in development, and if that were the case, I’d actively encourage kindness and gentleness. Development of commercial synths is a whole ‘nother bread basket. Concerns regarding the quality and transparency need to be said. If people can be similarly harsh toward, say, Crypton or AHS, it doesn’t seem fair to say similar complaints can’t be made against another company just because they’re smaller. I don’t doubt the people working on this are good people, but they can’t take criticisms personally if their aim is a commercial synth.

Ah, pardon my soapbox! I really do hope they succeed with this, but unless they really take people’s concerns into account all I can pledge to is just standing back and watching.
And to expand on what I said, I meant that the end result in vocaloid sounds awful but yes my comment also stemmed from my lack of faith in Aurum's voice provider's ability to sing, which in my defense also originates from Vocatone's comments and not the audio clip alone. But I do really hope they've improved like they've said.

And while it definitely isn't nice feeling to have your skills questioned, this product heavily depends on said skill and deserves to be critically examined and distaste in it should be voiced.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Hmm... I get that they need money to fund the engine, but to refuse ANY kind of sample until it’s completely funded? I wonder why they wouldn’t at least record the vocals for another engine, like Quadimension did with Haiyi and Cangqiong, or at least provide a quick sketch of what they anticipate the layout and features to entail... I can’t, in good faith, put money into something that I can’t even see. At this rate all we have are character designs, some recordings from 2016ish, and the word of a company that dropped off the face of the earth for years without warning, so I feel that, to say they can’t offer anything until they’re fully funded... it just seems so unrealistic.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I think the reason they're especially facing so much skepticism is because the western voice synth community has been burned my countless projects falling apart again and again and again before. Stella, Rose, lots of teases for Vocaloids getting ENG voicebanks that never happened, hell even Ausgris fell into this category for years. (And still might.)
It's so hard to ask a community for their support and *funding* when they've been burned by failed past projects before and there is no concrete evidence to give them. The fact we're not even getting a demo until they've already received money is so sketchy, I'm sorry.
And I know they put at the top of the Q&A that they "don't plan to go radio silent again" but...that's not very reassuring to hear lol. It's so hard to put money into a company you don't trust. If they did it once why should we be convinced they wouldn't do it again?


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
I hope they release a sample of Aurum and Audine's voice providers publicly, I think that would be great marketing. 'Imagine if this awesome voice was synthesised' is basically the hook for every kickstarter like this.

My simplified summary of the infomation they've released is:
1. They have a plan
2. They need money to pay a programmer to make it


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
well when i read that casual Q&A yesterday it looks to me like some of those answers changed...greatly and even some of the answers now being almost complete opposites to what was said before? it was incredibly misleading imo.

like this original question/answer
versus these??
1609028965508.png note "conceptual"

along with what screenshots patuk captured... yeah. i get the "casual" one didnt get the same long explanations as this new one but they really shouldnt have done that at all when it leaves me even more unsure about what theyre trying to do. Even just a sample of the voice providers will do, but it seriously sounds like they have nothing to show for the kickstarter other than a concept and the hope itll all get made.

theres no way in hell id ever wanna throw money at a company that doesnt even give me a grain of sand of what their end product may look like other than the words that it'll be something good. we dont know what these voices will sound like, we dont know what the VPs sound like, we know now that they dont have any actual engine made or even in progress, just conceptualized. and we're supposed to hand them all the funding to get it started? when we dont know if itll work or how it will turn out? i dont care if the program changes in development or if the voices sound different eventually, its just not a good look to sit around and expect a successful, trusting campaign to carry through when there is nothing to show beforehand. you're asking people to hand you funds and to just blindly trust, giving them hope that theyll get to see its progress after they paid.... so yeah. i dont think its wrong to be a little skeptical with a company ive never seen before doing all this. i hope they maybe get on consider their lack of evidence to a project with some demos or whatever because i really dont think people should blindly back something like this when its coming up how it is.

edit: i do want to add its not bad that they only have a concept, but its not great that they expect to only show things once they have funding to get programmers to make it. there is an extent to where it shouldve been done, even to a small percent, by them- so they can present an actual engine concept to people to judge. there is nothing to "judge" here other than the concept of what it may be like. and thats just not something backers should solely trust.
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Not An Actual Phoenix
Apr 8, 2018
Honestly, the changed answers are very concerning to me. I was suspicious from the beginning that they didn't have an actual engine to present, but the first answers had reassured me. And now I'm right back to being suspicious because it's confirmed that they don't actually have an engine yet.

This really isn't encouraging me to open my wallet...

Spitballing here, but in my opinion, optimistically, assuming this doesn't fizzle out, this product probably won't be coming out until like 2023 and it will probably be on-par with Piapro NT in its current state.


カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
It is good and understanding to know that everyone is cautious with this due to last surprise projects, and always getting hurt and disappointed when some turn out fake or turned to dust. It also nice to see it done on Kickstarter from Vocatone so they won't try to scam people in the end like other type of people.
For myself, I feel no excitement since perhaps since I have no money and my laptop isn't the best so I'm trying to be content with what I have (trying :clara_ani_lili: ) and I guess I am happy with all the vocals I have (even if I want more Vocaloids, ha), but I do want to somewhat keep an eye on this since I have a slight interest in the guy. Hearing his past demo voice for the Vocaloid Editor, his voice somewhat reminded me of like a softer/lighter voice type of Dex. And since I owned Dex, Kaito, and Len I probably would have wanted him if he had been released in the Vocaloid Editor. :midorizakikasumi_lili:
But alas, since they won't be released in the Vocaloid Editor I am somewhat interest of what type of Editor they will create. Something simple like Piapro Studio or Complex like UTAU. Or would they have it like...that program Bones and Mary Ork is from inside a DAW (sorry, I can't remember the name).
I really like Piapro Studio and V5, and not too much a big fan of SynthV, so... 👁 👁
Also I feel like they should do a livestream when they get the editor and voices done.
Or have they got their editor done but keeping that a surprise?
Or later release a demo video. Like how Crypton, AHs, and SynthV has done.

Well I tried my best writing down my thoughts but since I'm typing this on mobile and I hate typing on mobile, I'll finish my messy thoughts there.
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Jul 18, 2019
I really would like to hear the voice providers and prototype of something like the ui and their goals because we could easily be getting an piapro nt where we were hoping for something more realistic like synth v ai. Is the intent to make realistic vocals or stylized robotic ones


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
This is all very scrambled, and I don’t like it. I was trying to stay hopeful, but everything is so confusing and conflicting right now. I definitely won’t be supporting the Kickstarter, seeing as I don’t want to throw my money at just a concept, but I’ll still watch and hope for the best.

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