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Other Maghni AI by VocaTone Studio and Misbah Studios


Oct 8, 2019
(There's not much point in Maghni supporting lots of languages for example, if nobody has the incentive to develop VBs for them, because the synth doesn't have the market share necessary for a VB to succeed).
Since they appear to want to make developing for their voice synth easy they could theoretically find some really passionate, say utau voicer and producer in said country but I can easily imagine that voicebank being commercial flop when there's no market in said countries. Even existing supported languages, like spanish and korean, are barely hanging on.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Since they appear to want to make developing for their voice synth easy they could theoretically find some really passionate, say utau voicer and producer in said country but I can easily imagine that voicebank being commercial flop when there's no market in said countries. Even existing supported languages, like spanish and korean, are barely hanging on.
I've noticed that even in the Spanish vocal synth fandom, they don't really use Bruno, Clara and Maika (I've heard some Latin Americans don't like the European accents the Voctroloids have?) and they tend to stick to Spanish UTAUs. We also all know what happened to SeeU for the Korean fandom (Uni has been trying to turn it around, but I think the overall response seems to be "Meh" from the fandom?) Even if a vocal synth fandom (as in, stuff like fanart and fanfics being created) exists in other non-English speaking countries, it doesn't necessarily mean that the people living there will buy a synth and VB, because of stuff like costs and currency issues (synths can accidentally become more expensive depending on your currency, and it's worse for people living in third world countries), age (the vocal synth fandom still trends young), etc.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I've noticed that even in the Spanish vocal synth fandom, they don't really use Bruno, Clara and Maika (I've heard some Latin Americans don't like the European accents the Voctroloids have?)
It's probably off-topic, but I might be able to clarify this a little. I only learned Spanish in school, so I'm not native, and I don't have much contact with the Spanish side of the fandom. However, I do have Maika, and I've noticed the lisp that is apparently characteristic of Spanish spoken by someone who comes from Spain. I actually thought it was pretty cool that they were able to make her do that (I assume it helps that Voctro is HQed in Barcelona.), but I could understand why someone who comes from outside Spain might not want to be forced to use a voice that includes that nuance by default. Whether or not there are other Spain-specific aspects of her accent, I couldn't tell you, though.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Returning from the dead to say, this all sounds really cool but I'm afraid they may be No Man's Sky-ing it here... I don't want them to shoot themselves in the foot promising all this stuff (which sounds lovely, it really does) and then start actually making it and realizing it's gonna be a lot harder to deliver all that than previously expected. But! I wish them the best. We'll see how the Kickstarter goes :)


Feb 27, 2019
Let's be real, the main reason the Spanish vocal-synth fandom doesn't care about Spanish vocal-synths is the same reason the English speaking vocal-synth fandom doesn't care about English vocal-synths; we all got introduced to the concept by Japanese Vocaloids because we're weebs. So obviously, most of us, regardless of where we live on the planet, are only interested in vocal-synths that appeal to what we enjoyed about the Japanese Vocaloids we initially learned about. Not ALL of us are like this obviously, but MOST vocal-synth fans are.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Let's be real, the main reason the Spanish vocal-synth fandom doesn't care about Spanish vocal-synths is the same reason the English speaking vocal-synth fandom doesn't care about English vocal-synths; we all got introduced to the concept by Japanese Vocaloids because we're weebs. So obviously, most of us, regardless of where we live on the planet, are only interested in vocal-synths that appeal to what we enjoyed about the Japanese Vocaloids we initially learned about. Not ALL of us are like this obviously, but MOST vocal-synth fans are.
Honestly? I don't think that's correct at all. Many Spanish users were interested in Bruno and Clara and Maika to the point that they were heavily pirated, and thanks to that Voctro Labs didn't make enough back from them to justify more. The accent thing is another complaint I've heard both from the Spanish-speaking and English-speaking fandoms. On the English end of things, people tend to be squeamish if a VB doesn't have a very specific accent (either Perfect American, Perfect British, or Lightly Accented But Still Damn-Near Passable as Native). It's less a matter of vocalsynth users being weeaboos and more that we, as a collective whole, are picky as all hell.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Let's be real, the main reason the Spanish vocal-synth fandom doesn't care about Spanish vocal-synths is the same reason the English speaking vocal-synth fandom doesn't care about English vocal-synths; we all got introduced to the concept by Japanese Vocaloids because we're weebs. So obviously, most of us, regardless of where we live on the planet, are only interested in vocal-synths that appeal to what we enjoyed about the Japanese Vocaloids we initially learned about. Not ALL of us are like this obviously, but MOST vocal-synth fans are.
I would actually respectfully disagree with this, for the english speaking side of the fandom at least. I'd say this was true maybe in the early 2010s but nowadays I think a lot of the english voice synth fandom cares a lot about english voice synths actually. I think weeb culture has morphed a lot in the last few years and most people i see nowadays are just "fans of japanese stuff" rather than "zomg japan is awesome and flawless america sucksss! xD owo" and as such i feel like ive seen an increase in fans of engloids and other languages.
In the fandom 10 years ago it was really common for weeb fans to have no idea who any of the engloids were let alone know vocaloids were capable of english, but its really not like that anymore. Theres so so many people i see in the community now that care a lot more about releases relating to their native language or country of origin rather than what's going on in Japan. Obviously not everyone, but a lot more than it seems like you realize.
I think the people only interested in Japanese releases arent so much in the voice synth community but rather more passing fans mostly interested in just Miku.
This is getting a little off topic but I wanted to throw my two cents in here. I've been in this community for a long time, even through my terrible really bad weeaboo phase in middle school, and I've seen this dramatic shift over the years of people actually becoming more interested in the western side of the community.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
On the English side, the default dictionary also just sucks. Nobody sings exactly how the word is written (unless they're, like, extremely British??) so the Engloids end up sounding unnatural and hard to understand unless the user puts in a lot of phoneme editing. I've noticed SV is a lot better with that, re: Eleanor's default pronunciation, so I hope that Maghni AI also has a better default pronunciation base to work from.

Edit: For posterity, the British thing is a joke poking fun at how Engloids say all their T's really obviously when no one tends to say those so clearly while singing (no, not even British singers--) 😔


Oct 8, 2019
Honestly? I don't think that's correct at all. Many Spanish users were interested in Bruno and Clara and Maika to the point that they were heavily pirated, and thanks to that Voctro Labs didn't make enough back from them to justify more. The accent thing is another complaint I've heard both from the Spanish-speaking and English-speaking fandoms. On the English end of things, people tend to be squeamish if a VB doesn't have a very specific accent (either Perfect American, Perfect British, or Lightly Accented But Still Damn-Near Passable as Native). It's less a matter of vocalsynth users being weeaboos and more that we, as a collective whole, are picky as all hell.
I would actually respectfully disagree with this, for the english speaking side of the fandom at least. I'd say this was true maybe in the early 2010s but nowadays I think a lot of the english voice synth fandom cares a lot about english voice synths actually. I think weeb culture has morphed a lot in the last few years and most people i see nowadays are just "fans of japanese stuff" rather than "zomg japan is awesome and flawless america sucksss! xD owo" and as such i feel like ive seen an increase in fans of engloids and other languages.
In the fandom 10 years ago it was really common for weeb fans to have no idea who any of the engloids were let alone know vocaloids were capable of english, but its really not like that anymore. Theres so so many people i see in the community now that care a lot more about releases relating to their native language or country of origin rather than what's going on in Japan. Obviously not everyone, but a lot more than it seems like you realize.
I think the people only interested in Japanese releases arent so much in the voice synth community but rather more passing fans mostly interested in just Miku.
This is getting a little off topic but I wanted to throw my two cents in here. I've been in this community for a long time, even through my terrible really bad weeaboo phase in middle school, and I've seen this dramatic shift over the years of people actually becoming more interested in the western side of the community.
Also I feel like people who genuinely get interested voice synths as a whole, not just Miku, usually end up gravitating towards wanting their native lanaguage to be synthetized or if it is already supported language, taking interest in such synths.

edit: besides if spanish fans didn't care about spanish loids I dont think Lucía and Luan would have created such a strong reaction.
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
I thought the main gripe with the Spanish loids is that they all spoke European Spanish such as Castilian. When some Spanish speakers wanted more than just European Spanish loids from what I’ve seen as complaints in ESP fandom.

Worded it wrong but you get what I mean by spoke, of course the loids themselves can speak anything you make them but the accent was European.
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Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
While I know they and some of their fans were really eager and maybe a little saddened by the delay, I believe it's only for the best. A) this move shows that they're really listening to and considering feedback, which is really great considering that some people were doubting how trustworthy they were as a company and B) now people that didn't want to fund the project without hearing demos (me) may actually end up funding the project after all, depending on how the demos go.
Very strong move on their part. It makes me super happy to see them taking feedback seriously. I wish them the best of luck over the next 6 months.


Feb 27, 2019
I've never been the type of person to be bothered by delays, so if this manages to helps swing more people toward supporting the project, I'm glad they made the decision.

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