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Magical Mirai 2018


New Fan
Apr 15, 2018
Ok so Tokyo evening accommodation plans are all gone. I wish i knew the FF trick a bit earlier heh.. since its time for lottery stress again. Osaka has accommodation plans remaining though.


New Fan
Apr 15, 2018
Applied for 8 concerts, wish me luck.
May i ask the veterans, what's the best way to travel from Osaka to Tokyo ?
Shinkansen takes less than 3 hours from Tokyo but is 10k yen++. If you're not in a hurry then take the night bus (7 hours+). I personally cant sleep on the bus and the next day will be pretty much ruined. Absolutely dont take the bus if the concert is the next day and you value sleep. Bus could be low as 2000(?) yen but usually between 2000 - 5000 yen depending on the bus. Willer Express for example has some good deals.


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
Applied for 8 concerts, wish me luck.
May i ask the veterans, what's the best way to travel from Osaka to Tokyo ?
Just book a flight with ANA. They usually have very cheap fares that are only available for foreigners!
Might even take longer than Shinkansen taking into account getting to the airport and from it and everything, but it's DEFINTIELT cheaper.


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Well, the accommodation plan application was a mess to say the least. In total I hung around the site for 4 hours without getting anywhere. The site crashed all the time. Finally after hours I managed to make the reservation. But my problem is this:
I applied for Plan C (Tokyo) but the site gave Saturday daytime concert ticket as an only option, so I chose it. But aren't those tickets for plan A only? I did make a new reservation for plan A later. Should I email them and ask them to cancel my first reservation? I just don't wanna pay for plan C if I don't get the ticket.

EDIT: Forget it. I double checked my reservation and apparently they had a typo which confused me. For the ticket it said Saturday Sep. 2nd, but Sep. 2nd is Sunday, and that's correct for plan C. So no problems there, I just accidentally ended up with two bookings for consecurive day concerts.
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Multimedia Creative
Apr 14, 2018
Overnight Buses are considered the most economical because you're essentially saving on one night accommodation and getting from one point to the other.

ANA and JAL have the so-called JAPAN Fare/ Explorer Pass where they have special rated for domestic travel to foreigners who have international inbound and outbound tickets. For our interests, one-way flights to and from Osaka and Tokyo are 7,560 Yen, not including baggage fees above the 20kg free allocation.

But you might consider if booking a multi-city itinerary or opened-jaw would be cheaper.
For example let's get ANA and in my case: Having an open-jaw itinerary (Home > Osaka via connecting flight from Tokyo, then Tokyo > Home) for 400 USD
However, I can get a multi-city itinerary ( Home > Osaka via connecting flight from Tokyo; then a domestic flight from Osaka to Tokyo, then finish off with a Tokyo > Home) booking for 420 USD. That's only a 20 dollar difference. Your mileage may vary, so to speak.

One way Tokyo <> Osaka Shinkansen tickets cost 13,500 Yen.
IF riding the bullet train is on your bucket list, go ahead.
IF you're doing a round-trip and/or have some sightseeing checklist in the other prefectures (pay respects in Hiroshima or make a pilgrimage to Sapporo) you might consider a 7-Day JR Pass, which costs 29,110 Yen. It pays off with just a Osaka<>Tokyo round trip but the more you use the JR lines the better.


New Fan
Apr 23, 2018
I won the lottery for osaka! Japanese-only lottery here, SS seat for sunday night. Last year I had to pay very high for scalper ticket so I'm so glad that I only need to pay 9K+tax! ????

I'm so excited and can't wait!

Anyway, I've paid for the ticket in a seven eleven here near my apartment. What do I need to do next? Will they deliver the ticket to my apartment or do I need to do something else?

I had my friend apply for me and he doesn't really read everything there so he's not sure yet, and I also can't really read Japanese yet apart from hiragana, katakana, and some common kanji so I'm confused about what do next.

Edit: nevermind! My friend just checked the website and I can get the ticket in seven eleven starting 28th of July! See you on Osaka! ~
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
The winners of the Magical Mirai song contest have been revealed! The grand prize winner is METEOR by Divela!
Hatsune Miku: Magical Mirai 2018 Song Contest Winners Announced
Furthermore, apparently Magical Mirai 2018 has two theme songs, besides the earlier-announced Greenlights Serenade by Omoi, now a Kagamine Rin/Len 10th anniversary theme song has also been teased. The song is by Giga-P and called Inferiority Superiority (劣等上等 ).
Second Magical Mirai 2018 Theme Song "Inferiority Superiority" By GigaP Teased For Rin & Len 10th Anniversary
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
^ I was a bit surprised to see Viva Happy on the tracklist. But I won't complain, it'll be fun to see it live! (along with On the Rocks and No Logic, both classics).
The tracklist as a whole doesn't disappoint me one bit.
EDIT: Hints of tracklist hidden in spoiler.
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No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
Ohhh this info!
So 3 theme songs are nice, especially great that even the Kagamines will have their own cebration song!
Viva Happy... yes! This will be amazing live!!
No Logic... a great Luka song and I know somebody who will be really happy about that... I hope somehow that person can make it to the concert...
On the rocks... great Meiko and Kaito song I really got into lately, will be great!
Dreamless dreams? Pretty recent song. This year's new "relaxing" song of the show it seems. Not bad, will be neat live I am sure.
Attakaito! Just checked it out, anniversary song for Kaito from a bit back, is quite nice!
Reverse Universe... a great song by the producer of Alien Alien! The one form the anniversary album. Nice!

Great so far, as always there will probably also be complete surprises live but what we have is really exciting! No Rin or Len on here except for the theme song so I hope there will be surprised live.
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Apr 13, 2018
it's that time of the year again when the official album tracklist is announced, and as always i'm avoiding it, so i'm sorry if I won't check a lot this topic :P


Multimedia Creative
Apr 14, 2018
Oh Lord, hearing
Viva Happy
live would be great but
Reverse Universe
is epic. I've had its
Miku Symphony 2018
arrangement on repeat at work everyday!


New Fan
Jun 2, 2018
The announcement will be today, right? will we still get notification even though we dont get the ticket? so nervous now. it's my first time applying.


New Fan
Apr 15, 2018
The announcement will be today, right? will we still get notification even though we dont get the ticket? so nervous now. it's my first time applying.
Yes it will be in roughly 1h15min. Many already calculated what they have or haven't won by checking their credit card authorization holds. Also many have been charged double this year so that's another mess again. Still its only an authorization hold but it might have overdrafted peoples accounts.
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
OH YEAH! I applied for for shows, one in Osaka and three in Tokyo. And I got SS tickets for all four! I'm so happy right now^^
But since I already secured tickets for two shows in Tokyo through accommodation plan, it means I have a spare SS ticket for Tokyo's Saturday daytime concert... Might be S, not sure yet.
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