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Miku Expo 2023 VR


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Now at 97%, so the initial goal will probably be reached this week.

Before the crowdfunding started people were quite sure that it won't reach 100% anywhere near as fast as the 2021 edition did (which was like 12 hours or something?, less than 24 hours anyway). I predicted back then that Expo 2023 would get funded in a week or so. It turns out it's now been 5 weeks to get to 97%.

I don't think the extend goals will be reached, BUT, I have a feeling CFM will end up doing the stretch goal stuff, or at least some of them anyway.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
It'd be generous if they did do some of the extension stuff (Likely the contest stuff first, but I'd love to see a setlist extension, too.). But fair is fair--I can see where they wouldn't do anything. It's just unfortunate that, without the extensions, folks will have more stuff to decry once the event is over--you know they'll come out with "It was so short!" etc. if the stretch goals aren't met. CFM's in sort of a difficult position either way; folks who want a successful concert are, too, if they choose to hope for such a gift.
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Apr 13, 2018
mm..I agree.. and I don't know if a kickstarter campaign can be extended by some extra weeks, but I can imagine that Crypton might contact some companies to sponsor the event and reach some extensions ^-^


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I wonder if the video in the video-type packs will be the 2D or 3D version? I guess it'd almost have to be both, since there's no telling if a given backer has VR equipment.
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Apr 13, 2018
good question! probably yes, they'll give 2 video types, one normal and one 360 degrees for VR devices. It is possible to put 2 video tracks on same file, for example MKV format, but probably the best solution is 2 different videos ^-^
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
hehe I think some sponsor company or Crypton itself helped a bit during the last days🎁🎉
I think so too. In fact I suspected this may happen at some point already back when they really seemed to struggle to reach even the initial goal. Not reaching even the first stretch goal would've been a huge disappointment for many, so I think that indeed CFM or some affiliated company provided the remaining money.

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