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CeVIO New CeVIO AI Song bank: Kanato Mell by Candy Cream Algorithm

Cerāgi <º•

Passionate Fan
Dec 5, 2019
I'm using her rn and she's super good: high quality and very smooth, she also has a very good auto-pitch tuning that, unlike most other Cevio AI banks, doesn't randomly go off pitch or make transitions weird and choppy. I really hope people won't sleep on her because she's a pleasure to use and really deserves the best :kokone_lili:


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I'm using her rn and she's super good: high quality and very smooth, she also has a very good auto-pitch tuning that, unlike most other Cevio AI banks, doesn't randomly go off pitch or make transitions weird and choppy. I really hope people won't sleep on her because she's a pleasure to use and really deserves the best :kokone_lili:
My thoughts exactly! She’s absolutely WONDERFUL. One thing I noticed though: she doesn’t seem to have falsetto? Or at least falsetto doesn’t work on her. You can pretty easily get her to mimic it through other means so I don’t consider it a huge drawback, but still interesting. Given she seems to have been made on a shoestring budget by an amateur team, she holds up to the likes of Sasara and Rose, and that’s just impressive.


Aspiring Fan
Dec 25, 2022
Very little hype everywhere. All of the Japanese language news aggregator and big personality accounts have mostly completely missed her.

The person that created her did not market her traditionally
I mean for the western fanbase, the "hyper-cute" anime girl archetype is just not that popular so it's not too surprising. Like, the "moe" aesthetic in general is somewhat disliked by western anime fans, and that kinda bleeds into western vocalsynth fandom too (though not as much).

As for the JP side I don't know actually, but If I had to guess it's probably an oversaturation issue. Vsynths heavily favor cute feminine voices, and that's especially true for Cevio, like the only deeper feminine voice I can think of is Rose and like... maybe ONE? (I will admit this is mostly based on usages I heard by producers/cover artists so take this with a grain of salt). Anyway the point is there is quite a few Cevio AI banks of this type already and she does not seem to bring something else missing in Cevio singers.

And just to make it worse for the poor girl, her release is extremely close to the releases of Jun and Teto SynthV, a highly anticipated by western fans english male vocal and a new voicebank for a very popular character with an established fanbase respectively. She really does not have the odds in her favor I'm affraid. That's said, she might carve a small but loyal fanbase so who knows?

Cerāgi <º•

Passionate Fan
Dec 5, 2019
My thoughts exactly! She’s absolutely WONDERFUL. One thing I noticed though: she doesn’t seem to have falsetto? Or at least falsetto doesn’t work on her. You can pretty easily get her to mimic it through other means so I don’t consider it a huge drawback, but still interesting. Given she seems to have been made on a shoestring budget by an amateur team, she holds up to the likes of Sasara and Rose, and that’s just impressive.
Yeah, her falsetto is veery subtle unfortunately, I just find it to strenghten her high notes a bit, but it is really hard to hear a difference at all. However, as you said it's pretty easy to work it around, so it's fine I guess. Overall, she's a true queen! I'm so happy you're liking her too


Aspiring Fan
Aug 23, 2021
I mean for the western fanbase, the "hyper-cute" anime girl archetype is just not that popular so it's not too surprising. Like, the "moe" aesthetic in general is somewhat disliked by western anime fans, and that kinda bleeds into western vocalsynth fandom too (though not as much).
I don't know, as a Certified Moe Hater myself, I actually find her pretty cute and charming. I think she's mostly just a victim of unfortunate timing, lackluster marketing, and- as you said- oversaturation in the market of cutesy female Japanese voices/characters. Charming as she is, at the end of the day she's yet another cute girl in a market absolutely flooded with cute girls with nothing to really set her apart. Just lots of pink.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
I don't know if it's because her design reminds me heavily of her (because you know, plaitnum blonde bunny girl in white/cream/very pale pink colours) but I feel if one day I acquire her, I may finally end up creating a fanmade song for Mew Berry (since she never had any CD drama unlike the other Mew, even Mew ringo)


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
A new post on note from inuinu, a creator known for creating helpful CeVIO content:
CeVIO AIソングボイス 奏兎める 速報レビュー|いぬいぬ|note

Takeaways from the article:
  • The voice is extremely stable and straightforward. It sings on-beat and does not break apart when pushed to either extent with dynamics.
  • Her voice type is a "downer" cute, not a youthful/energetic cute, and by default sounds like the "p" or "mp" of other voices.
    • "Surprisingly similar" to RIM, but without the feeling of listlessness.
  • Default behavior is good for beginners and CeVIO newcomers, but it is hard to make the voice sound individualistic or unique and as soon as you try to differentiate the sound, the voicebank becomes harder to use.
  • No emotion parameter.
  • Responds well to alpha/gender manipulation.
  • Timing does not appear to drift with key changes, but it's still important to set the key properly so the voice generates properly, as with all CeVIO.
  • She doesn't really generate vibrato at all in situations where other voices do, so it needs to be added manually if you want it. Apparently ci flower is even weaker than Mell in this regard.
  • Dynamics don't really effect her voice.
    • Inuinu's impression of this is that it is reminiscent of CeVIO CS where giving the voice personality was hard.
  • No special symbols for voice characteristics described officially. @ seems to do... something. inuinu describes it as "I wonder if @ is "flip up"? but not sure what is meant by that from the pictures. The other generally "default" parameters seem to do nothing
  • There are a few bug-like behaviors.
  • Works well with NodoAme.


Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
Aw, it's only for people residing in Japan. (Not that I was thinking of applying, I mainly only took a look on the very off chance they were giving out a trial to use for it :teto_lili:) Still, the theme sounds interesting, so I might keep an eye on it anyway

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