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CeVIO New CeVIO AI Song bank: Kanato Mell by Candy Cream Algorithm

aru ii

Your Neighborhood Tianyi Enthusiast!
Feb 12, 2021
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robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
"candy cream algorithm" is one of the coolest names for a circle I've ever heard. (If it's a circle? I can't really tell from the website what the situation for this company is.)

I've never heard of this singer before, but it looks like we're crossing over vtuber and vocaloid culture again here.

This voice and character design are not my aesthetic, but it's fun and exciting when new voices pop up out of nowhere.

aru ii

Your Neighborhood Tianyi Enthusiast!
Feb 12, 2021
Kanato Mell for CeVIO AI Song
View attachment 7368
She’s so cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

U can preorder her here. She’ll release on April 20th
CeVIO AI 奏兎める ソングボイス ダウンロード版 [candy cream algorithm] | DLsite
I looked through her chanell, and her cevio vb was shown first 5 months ago, and there are like 20 ongs/covers with her vb on the channel. How did people not notice her earlier? All the videos even had a CeVIO AI tag attached to them


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
On the surface, it looks like just one person is effectively working on this: Mell.P. Their twitter is just a normal person's twitter with these music projects featuring
Mell sprinkled in.

There are no posts that say "I'm releasing a CeVIO AI VB!" or "this is my current project!" It seems like they just started doing it.

They stealth launched the utattemita career of the Mell character. When met with confusion about what their announcement post about their activities meant (it was tagged with vocalo and vtuber), they said that they're a bunny between vocalo and vtuber,

And in other posts, it says that they were "born to sing".

I am assuming Mell.P is Mell and this is their personal project.

There are zero videos on niconico about Mell (which would be the first place I would go if I were trying to market a new synth vocal and go straight to the users quickly), nor any posts officially announcing a CeVIO AI bank.

This user pointed out that there's nothing on SPYNews about Mell, and yeah, I agree- it's kind of weird! It totally stealth launched.

None of the videos or posts have much interaction, so honestly, yeah, if I was just a passerby, I wouldn't think much of this, probably. If you're paying attention it's obvious that Mell's singing in the videos you linked is a synth, but if you're passing by, you'd probably assume that it's some processed vocals for a vtuber project and not necessarily a synth. Nobody knows who Mell is, so if the goal was to get a lot of people to buy Mell, the titles of the videos are probably a mistake.

I think this is an individual that happens to have the resources to do something like this taking the plunge without any knowledge of marketing.

It kind of makes me like the project more if this is just some person making something that they like.

(EDIT: of course, I'm assuming everything going on here is above-board. I'm not seeing any major alarm bells other than the silent nature of the project, and maybe the fact that techno-speech hasn't tweeted anything about it. But my gut is saying it's real, just not professionally handled.)
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Oh, I am in LOVE. At first blush she sounds pretty standard, but the more you listen, the more her unique tone comes out; she reminds me of a slightly less nasally Nemu. I do hope it’s all real!!


I am Thou and Thou aren't Shit...
Oct 19, 2018
The while marketing, or lack of any marketing is very unorthodox. The stealthy slow burn way, than the usually strategy of adding any adds and announcements even last year. They already released some songs in November. But adds and demo's can be expensive if you are getting a third party producer depending on the budget.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
She looks and sounds very cute (also too bad A la mode never ever got an anime, nor was a Berry song recorded on the Tokyo mewmew CD Drama because I'd totally make her cover one)


I am Thou and Thou aren't Shit...
Oct 19, 2018
Is the "Candy Cream Algorithm" another alternative for Vocaloid? Like "Musical Isotope" and "Original Singeroid". If so it's really is cute, creative and a new one. It actually fits her obvious Kawaii bubble gum theme has so it's on brand. Her genre on the DL site also labels her as an ASMR Girl, so this MAY be targeted to hobbyist.
So to get around the yamaha trademark, use a customized word topped with a futuristic techno-like babble, like "Bubblegum La Synthèse" for something.


I am Thou and Thou aren't Shit...
Oct 19, 2018
That's the first time I even heard of a company named "Candy Cream Algorithm". Sounds like a combination of a candy distributor and a software agency. Normally the Vtuber would be first before a Cevio would be released, but this one is releasing the Cevio bank AND the Vtuber (at least for me, like everyone else I didn't even know of Kanato Mell) was released within

Vtuber Kanato Mell already released some covers in youtube but she is already active in twitter as early as July 2022

Wait, the Cevio bank is already "used" that early. This one is dated on July 2022 and it have the Cevio AI tag. You can actually hear the iconic Cevio Noise in the background.

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I am Thou and Thou aren't Shit...
Oct 19, 2018
Maybe, it is still too early at that time for ANY demo. Unless they already did and it just went under our noses again.

That would mean they should have worked with Cevio even before the Vtuber debuted since they clearly planned for a Cevio AI to be released rather closely after the Vtuber, at least within a closer timeframe than the previous Vtubers-based Cevio Bank such as KAF/Kafu and Kizuna Ai/kzn.

Kanato Mell's (The Vtuber) first tweet was on April 16, 2022. She debut shortly after. Then her Cevio AI bank is scheduled to be released a year later on April 20, 2023. T. I also find it a bit confusing that Kanato Mell is the name of both the Vtuber and her Cevio counterpart.
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Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
Feeling in the CeVIO department that once I can finally put my hands on Tsuzumi and Takahashi, she's gonna be my possible next CeVIO vocal to jpoin the Colors' crew 👁
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I feel like this poor girl really got very little hype in the west. Not that I'm into the super cutesy type, personally, but still. I hope people who like this type of voice have fun with her! Has anyone here bought her to give a mini review? I'm just curious, as someone who pretty much doesn't use CeVIO.

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