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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


Aspiring Fan
Jul 21, 2018
I've just tested and a few things are changed in v1.6.
It defaults to auto pitch tuning when you enter notes. If you don't want that (and I don't) then you have to remove the selection in 'auto process' -> 'enable instant mode' to get back to 'normal' behaviour.


Passionate Fan
Apr 11, 2018
I've just tested and a few things are changed in v1.6.
It defaults to auto pitch tuning when you enter notes. If you don't want that (and I don't) then you have to remove the selection in 'auto process' -> 'enable instant mode' to get back to 'normal' behaviour.
Little bit annoying to have to disable it everytime I open the software tho tbh, I don't really wanna use it either.


Aspiring Fan
Jul 21, 2018
I don't seem to have anything under 'vocal mode' which should be in the 1.6 update - I've tried several of my ai voicebanks in pro version. And restarted - but the presets seems to be empty.

OH SORRY - it's only active i stardust (which I don't have) yet, I didn't see that.


Miss Retrocore, at your service!
Synthesizer V version 1.6.1 is here, mostly bug fixes:


Miss Retrocore, at your service!
You might be able to get an example from the Utau version (either in the engine with the Utau noise, or the raw recordings here)


cherish chika
Mar 25, 2018
Aw man, I love participating in ciphers and little ARG-esque things for revealing things, they're always fun though a little brief haha. I didn't realise at first who she was, but the design on the Wiki definitely rings a bell so I may have seen her discussed in passing online before.

They seem pretty determined to get her onto a commercial engine, so I wish them luck (though I'm not sure if I'd consider getting her yet from UTAU samples alone, so I'll wait to see how her crowdfund goes and listen out for samples if it does well).
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Oooh, I'd heard of Xiayu Yao Xia Yuyao but hadn't actually listened to any of her samples. Just hearing a song from her UTAU, she has a fun tone. There's energy in it, if that's the right way to put it. After reading that her original plan was Vocaloid and then moved to UTAU, I wish her the very best of luck getting to SynthV! I could certainly be swayed to buy her. It's a little detail, but I hope the messy hair makes it to a theoretical SV design. Most vocalsynth characters are so pretty and put together, this could be a charming unique thing of hers to be a little more laidback and casual.

EDIT: I asked someone more familiar and he said that the creators might call her Yuyao or Yao, so it seems her name actually uses the typical Chinese naming scheme of a single syllable surname and two syllable given name. Xia Yuyao. This was what I would have assumed, but the "YAO" stuff in the marketing had made me second guess.
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Apr 8, 2018
So something curious has been happening in regards to the Anicute store, and upon seeing I'm not the only one with such an issue I've decided to bring it up here as both to bring attention to it, as well as potentially come towards Dreamtonics/Kanru regarding this.

The tweet in question:

When I saw this, I was IMMEDIATELY reminded of my own experiencing ordering from Anicute in early April where I was buying the Medium5 vocals, and my Shian gave me the message "This activation code is being used on another device."

The Shian I JUST bought, alongside Chiyu and Haiyi (as well as Cangqiong earlier in the month). I thought it was incredibly suspicious when it happened, but I was quickly responded to by customer service with a new code and I didn't think much of it.

Until today when I decided to test and see if my codes have three activations with the help of @Leon and every last one of them gave him the exact same message.

Until Volor'/Anicute issues a statement or this is given enough attention to Dreamtonics/Kanru I think it's best to avoid purchasing anything from Anicute from now on...


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Yup! We just tested it out. I didn't have any of these banks installed already, and all Axx's should've had at least one more code use before hitting 3. And all four (Cangqiong, Haiyi, Chiyu, and Shian) told me that the activation code was being used on another device when I tried to activate them. If this is done intentionally, it's horrible. And if it's unintentional, then it's a real shame on part of their management.

I planned to buy all 4 of the Medium5 vocals I don't have sooner than later, but I guess it's for the best I didn't shell out for them yet if people are getting other people's codes. What a mess. I hope they make some kind of statement on this and/or issue new codes, or something.

Is this affecting people who bought other vocals through Anicute? Or is it just the Medium5 girls? I want details now.


Aspiring Fan
Apr 19, 2019
I just went through all my Codes from Anicute and of all of them SynthV Pro, Eleanor AI, Saki Std, Aiko, Genbu, Renri, Chiyu, I was able to activate them all on three separate computers EXCEPT for Chiyu (Only able to activate on 2 PC's). I am almost 99.9% certain that I have NOT left Chiyu activated on any other PC, it would be strange if I deactivated all of them except Chiyu as I have been very careful with my codes...

But it's also strange that if Anicute is reusing codes they only did so only to a Quadimension voice, when I would assume some of their other products to be more popular.
If they were recycling codes, I would think that my other codes that I got (SynthV Pro, Genbu, Saki) by 2 months earlier than Chiyu would have been affected first.

I'm not sure what to make of all this.


Dareka tasukete!
Apr 8, 2018
I purchased the Saki/Genbu/Aiko/Editor bundle back in July 2020 and I don’t think I’ve experienced these problems. I ran through 2 of my activations directly because of computer issues, and the other one was because the codes didn’t deactivate properly.(I’m pretty sure this was the reason, but I could be wrong) I got my codes reset back in January this year, so I’m not sure if testing them out for activations would do much good. I do have enough devices to try it out when the internet is back up though.

Takoyaki Donuts

Totally not Cyber Diva but a Dog
Jan 26, 2021
I don't know what exactly is going on over at Animen but I want to assume there's some sort of mess going on right now. I doubt they mean to send out incorrect codes or recycle them but this is everything I know about what's happening with Animen as I've mostly kept up with news on them since September 2020 (which is where my off-putting track record begins sadly).

First off, for those who don't know, Animen is the name of the company which operates the ANiCUTE store and owns the Volor brand of Characters, so I'll be referring to them as Animen for ease.

Starting off back in September of 2020, I had reached out to Animen asking about Muxin and Minus coming to ANiCUTE. They responded to me stating Muxin would be available later that month while Minus still needed confirmation but of course, it's almost been 2 years and they're not on the store.
Link to the email for reference
According to a trusted friend of mine, there were supposedly issues on Quadimension's end. Though with the rest of my observations on the issue, I do have some doubts about that.

Following Eleanor's AI bank announcement Renri's R2 bank was announced to finally be making its way over as well as their new website and "Volor Gold". Volor Gold is essentially the successor to the "VIP" type deal they had when SynthV Studio had launched. The website was supposed to launch back in the summer of last year. Renri was also supposed to be distributed exclusively through Volor Gold membership. Of course, this never happened and we have no idea about the website's current status as well as Volor Gold.
Website information
Volor Gold information
Renri was also supposed to be released prior to September 28th, 2021, but when September 28th came, they had mentioned that she still needed about a week more of work the google form for her had been posted instead leaving those looking forward to Volor Gold wondering what had happened to the new site. Of course, the new date for Renri's release would be October 15th but users had started receiving their downloads and serials early on October 13th. Animen stated users could continue using the form to receive Renri.
Renri original release date
Release delay and google form
As of the last few months, users in my Discord Server, Banana Miku Gang (formerly VocaDeals Market), had been telling me that they had filled out the form but never recieved copies of Renri. I'm not sure when it started but it seems to be an ongoing issue.

I do not know the agreements made with VirVox, but based on the past incident with the GENBU AI crowdfund, it seems there was a miscommunication on what rights VirVox had, though we do not know enough to really say if the miscommunication is the fault of VirVox or Animen.

This one is probably not related, but ANRI seems to have stopped being sold on ANiCUTE as well. I do not know when she sold out on ANiCUTE nor if this was on purpose by Animen or Audiologie or if Animen just hasn't restocked serial codes but she's been taken off the site as a whole.

Now THE BIG ONE, Eleanor's Box. I think we all know that no one has received their box. This situation has become frustrating and many have started asking for refunds. Animen has handled this situation VERY unprofessionally. We know that they did ship out copies of ANRI's box based on the last email update buyers were given on February 22, 2022. Animen disclosed that due to COVID outbreak restrictions and issues with the postage they hadn't been able to ship anything out and would give us an update on their shipping plans in March or April of 2022. At my time of writing this, it is 1:50am on May 31, 2022, and no further updates have been given to those of us who had purchased Eleanor's box. This has become inexcusable.

While I can't say for sure what is going on with Animen, especially with the issues with receiving purchases something is horribly amiss with Animen. I hope things begin to look up soon, but from an outside perspective, Animen has been struggling with deadlines, failing to communicate with customers, and exhibiting a lot of unprofessionalism. We love the products they offer, we love Eleanor, Renri, AiKO, and GENBU, and we want to see more from them, but it feels like there's a huge amount of disorganization occurring.

It's frustrating now and we all need answers.

EDIT: Quickly tacking on, they're definitely not scammers of any sort. It is just how they are handling things over these last few years that is concerning. They're not ill-intended actions I assure you, though like I said, there seems to be an extreme amount of disorganization and unprofessionalism. This is just my open criticism and observations at the end of the day. I have personally never experienced an issue with purchasing from ANiCUTE aside from the difficulty I and many others are having with their Eleanor Box.
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