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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


Passionate Fan
Apr 9, 2018
Palembang, Indonesia
Sounds like folks need to be more specific
I guess that's depends from the testers' backgrounds. Vocaloid folks found that SynthV is hella easy to use and less intimidating than Vocaloid, while Utau folks are still stuck in on-note-pitchbending-styled tuning and found SynthV is as intimidating as Vocaloid and hated it.

Yeah, this statement might be wrong, so feel free to correct.
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Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
It looks really good but I am personally not a fan of the overly big eyes. I know that's the modelers style and I am not complaining I am just saying I personally wouldn't want to use it (if I could that is)


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I guess that's depends from the testers' backgrounds. Vocaloid folks found that SynthV is hella easy to use and less intimidating than Vocaloid, while Utau folks are still stuck in on-note-pitchbending-styled tuning and found SynthV is as intimidating as Vocaloid and hated it.

Yeah, this statement might be wrong, so feel free to correct.
I agree with this theory. Ease of use for anything depends on background. People that have never touched a synth at all probably don’t find it as easy as someone who’s used many synths.
Though it also might be a bit impossible to make it “easy to use” for someone who’s never used a synth, given it’ll be intimidating regardless.

That’s my thoughts. Can’t go really in depth in what I think though, given I’ve yet to use SynthV (because I’m not a big fan of Eleanor)


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I don't know, I've only used Vocaloid and I think SynthV is a pain.
I agree with this theory. Ease of use for anything depends on background. People that have never touched a synth at all probably don’t find it as easy as someone who’s used many synths.
Though it also might be a bit impossible to make it “easy to use” for someone who’s never used a synth, given it’ll be intimidating regardless.

That’s my thoughts. Can’t go really in depth in what I think though, given I’ve yet to use SynthV (because I’m not a big fan of Eleanor)
Meant to quote a different message, oops


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I don't know, I've only used Vocaloid and I think SynthV is a pain.

Meant to quote a different message, oops
Hm...well I guess really it depends on experience and how that synth compares? Like, UTAU is very difficult (especially for English) so SynthV is easy, but Vocaloid can be either easy or hard for English so it just depends. That’s a better way to see it, I think.


Dareka tasukete!
Apr 8, 2018
I mainly use Utau, but I’ve also used Vocaloid, and I’ve found SynthV to be very confusing and not as flexible or forgiving as Utau or Vocaloid. (Not to mention the issues I’ve found with Elanor’s accent) I mean, it probably all boils down to personal preference, just like many other issues in the synth community.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I use Utau and Vocaloid and I find synth V very annoying too. not the voice itself, but general workflow things, like having only one track and not being able to drag notes from both sides. I do like how they went with arpasing, but Eleanor's accent is very off and some things I still haven't been able to get her to say right. The engine noise also reminds me of moresampler/Cevio which I'm not too keen on. It also seems like getting notes on time takes a lot more fine tuning and effort than it should(that might just be a me thing though)
Though I'm always excited to see what Kanru Hua is doing in this field, and if this is just the tech release then I'm interested in what inprovements will come.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I find the whole interface so overly streamlined simple tasks require lots of menu clicking. Eleanor's pronunciation isn't consistent (vocaloid doesn't have anywhere near as much inconsistency). Having parameters always on the bottom leads to lots of undoing.

It is just a tech demo though, so we'll see.
Eleanor and accent? Wow, first time I hear that. To me she actually sounds like what Engloids can barely try. Honestly, her pronunciation sounds cleaner than a native English speaker's to me. If I wasn't a mikutard, than Eleanor would easily be my favorite English voice bank now.
This controversy reminds me of the reactions that my Miku V4E cover of "ECHO" by Crusher-P has gotten earlier this year. People from one region said it was clear, people from other regions didn't understand anything. People are used to different English speakers, I guess. That's an issue I didn't notice among speakers of the other languages I know - and I surely had to deal with German dialects a lot.

To me, Eleanor Forte is just the perfect English voice bank. A nice, clean, young female voice with a cute character design (twintails FTW!). The only thing she doesn't have, in my opinion, is this kind of "synthetic cutesy effect" - but that's what I have Hatsune Miku for. I'm looking forward to make these two sing a duet, once I overcome the trouble of timing two different voice synths in one song.

The engine itself is... Really, just a technical preview. Although it is a pain to edit parameters, it's actually easy to use if you have experience with Vocaloid. The interface is blanc - but that's expected for a free tech preview. I never expected them to give me a voice synth with Vocaloid quality for free, it's just a trial version.

I'm looking forward for the full release. Eleanor is worth getting. Finally there is a non-Vocaloid voice bank that I really like! I'm not interested in getting the other SynthV banks, since I don't speak the languages or I already have a better voice bank that fits my music. Unless they make the Japanese bank a baritone adult badass in dark manly clothes.^^ I will give the others a listen though.
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Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
tbh the V4 female engloids were nasal, but Eleanor makes them sound positively smooth and clean

It also seems like she switches between American and British pronunciation at random, which bugs the heck out of me.

(I'm not trying to tear her down per se, just trying to explain what I don't like about her, and see if others agree).
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New Fan
Apr 9, 2018
I don't necessarily have any problems with Eleanor's accent as far as dialect/region goes, but she has the same problem that most English UTAU and VOCALOIDs do, which is that she sounds like autotuned speaking. Her pronunciation and accent are that of someone speaking and not of a singer, which makes her sound thin and over-pronounced.


01010011 00110101 00110000
Apr 9, 2018
I don't necessarily have any problems with Eleanor's accent as far as dialect/region goes, but she has the same problem that most English UTAU and VOCALOIDs do, which is that she sounds like autotuned speaking. Her pronunciation and accent are that of someone speaking and not of a singer, which makes her sound thin and over-pronounced.
I would actually prefer emphatically pronounced phonemes sometimes, because it's easier to take away sound that doesnt need to be there. Singing is musical acting anyways, gonna be so many different ways to "act out" a particular word or phrase.
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New Fan
Sep 26, 2018
So far I'm enjoying my experience with SynthV. At the start I was struggling with understanding the Arpasing and how things works in the synthesizer, but now I got used to it.
But there are some problems like some pronunciations that isn't so clear, the end breaths that are sometimes annoying and unnecessary and that we don't have a phoneme visualization to see when they start or end for tuning purposes.
We are talking about a new technology there isn't complete yet, so what we need to do is wait for the final product.

And about the multitrack, I think I saw Kanru posting a video on Twitter with SynthV using multitracks, so I think he's implementing yet.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
That sounded pretty good. Though most beneficial to me is now knowing exactly what I didn’t like about SynthV was the engine noise. I couldn’t ever pinpoint it with Eleanor.

Nonetheless, cool to her Renri in a different engine.


Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
I don't listen to many UTAU anymore but wow maybe I should. I really liked her voice

I’m kind of surprised they managed to import an UTAU bank at all, I'd assumed it was impossible


Aspiring Fan
Apr 8, 2018

Now I just need to figure out how they imported her.

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